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Break hymen pain Videos

Myth 1 - Why Didn't I Bleed When I Lost My Virginity? - Kannada

No, not always. When a woman has penetrative sex for the first time, she may bleed and feel some pain because of her hymen breaking. The hymen is a very ...

Does your first time hurt for a women?

Dr. Brian Parker, sex expert for www.foreverpleasure.com explains the reasons why a girl or woman's first time sexual intercourse might be painful. For similar ...

User Comments

The first time you use a tampon it will hurt a little but it will be more uncomfortable then hurting but it's different for everyone it you vigina is tight then it will be hard to do it for a little but after the 3rd time you will get used to it or so. :)
.. No wonder you name is "Barbie", Dumb ass it's called a 'cherry' it's pretty much this little bubble and it 'pops' when the guys penis goes in... Which makes you bleed a little like you are on your period (But light)
I'm 13 .. I know people MY AGE that are pregnant , lost the v card , or have boyfriends .. I think we're too young ! I pledged and promised myself to stay clean until marriage or after (:
listen i lost my vcard at 21 and it hurt sooooooo much like idk what to compare it to? like a cut....^_^ am so glad that only happens once in your life...
I know this girl that does horseback riding for years so i guess her hymen is gone, does that also mean that she wont be feeling pain the first time?
How the fuck would you know if it tears!!!!! How do u no if it bleads!!!!!!! URGH!!!!!! Go fuck yourself!!!!
It hurt like hell for me!!!! My husband just shoved it inside me. I started cryin like a little girl!!!!!!
... Then how do guy's stick there penis in the vigina if the tampon is in the way. Dumb ass -_-
@XTREMEPOWERRUSH Does the first time affect arousal in terms of pain and the breaking of hymen?
It expands when im aroused? That explains why the gynecologist exam was so damn painful. 
i never used a tampon would it hurt even more? & what about the 2nd time
@BambySM... Sorry, it is normal volume on my computer.

5 Reasons Sex Hurts (Penis Edition)

What happens when penises go "pop" and other reasons to go see your urologist. Share this on Facebook: //on.fb.me/1AQ6JNO Share this on Twitter: ...

User Comments

Priaprism is also a sign of a spinal injury. We as paramedics are actually trained to look for a priapism when doing a trauma assessment
priApim is a painful and long boner, right
because most people in america are circumcised the dry and rough penis head with abscence of foreskin doesn't provide for natural intercourse stimulation as the way nature intended.
Whelp, I guess i got more things go worry about during sex. I also cringed when she said pop. 
I think sex doesen't Hurt but i dont know i just haved sex on minecraft(minecraft=very cool game)
I think you're too young, considering you're using minecraft as a source when minecraft is a virtual game.
You're the best for saying "people with penises" and "people with vaginas" instead of men and women. Helping people understand there are men with vaginas and women with penises. You're the best!! :-)
if you have a dick when you were born you're a man and if you had a puss when you were born you're a woman end of story
uh nope it's just pretenders just trying to join groups they don't belong in.
+EgOBOi1 i feel like a dog, so now i am a dog! people need to understand that there are dogs who have human bodies!!!
You forgot about complications due to circumcision. When an infant is circumcised the penis is immature so they may end up removing too much skin causing elections to be painful. It can also be responsible for the scar tissue you mentioned that causes the curvature of the penis. Circumcision on non consenting minors is immoral is can lead to problems later on in life. 
Circumcision is non-consensual and you can sue your parents for circumcising you
Exactly! Scar tissue can cause painful curvature, but don't mention where that scar tissue most likely came from. And the very next item, is "Oh and your foreskin could be causing pain too."Bonus points for mentioning the non-consensual optional surgery performed on newborns.
Omg!!! Ouch
i know is out of nowhere but u play Destiny
That's the same thing I thought LOL times forever!
lol an Issue like that went to court once.. never thought about that angle.In America the case of Doe v. Moe, 63 Mass. App. Ct. 516, 827 N.E.2d 240 (2005), tested liability for a penile fracture injury caused during sexual intercourse. The court declined to find duty as between two consensual adults. The plaintiff in this case, a man who suffered a fractured penis, complained that the defendant, his ex-girlfriend, had caused his injury while she was on top of him during sexual intercourse. The court ruled in her favor, determining that her conduct was neither legally wanton nor reckless.
+sunstripe85 Yea it's frightening lolI googled the pain and everywhere says there is immediate pain.. one article says:"The first thing you will hear is a snap. Then you will feel pain that you have never before felt. You may even experience blood. Although the penis is broken, it will not break off, according to Dr. Levine. Of all the cases of a broken penis, there is no single incidence of a penis breaking off." Also broken penises are often bent to one side sometimes like a right angle..The last scenareo with the male or female on top of the penis is the most cringing for me because it's actually plausible for just about everyone and not that hard to do.. I've had it slip out like that a number of times, the most terrifying thing ever. I think people should be made aware of this so they are more careful lol.
+Gilbert Flowerface oh my god, I winced through most of your comment just because the idea of fracturing your penis just from those scenarios sounds SO PAINFUL. She didn't mention pain when she described it so I don't know if it actually would be painful but it definitely sounds like it would be.
The tighness of pants shouldn't matter.. because you just won't get a full erection if you have a clothing barrier to prevent it.. it will just stop growing at a certain point when it meets that resistance.. it won't just keep growing in size and stiffness. So what must of happeneddd.. is he crammed his already erect penis into tight pants and bend it down too far.. since penises bend up, not down (despite some of the retarded sex positions one may have seen), orrr the more likely explanation.. he got an erection while sitting down with his pants on (which there is room for when sitting), but when he stood up (most likely forced to or something) then his penis would have broke.. too lazy to find the article but they are the most plausable explanations. Also the tightness doesn't matter because even loose pants will do the same thing when you stand up. Just not enough room either way.I think the most common way is most likely when the female is on top and then it slips out, and then she comes back down on it again.. so.. be careful lol (that's why I don't like my partner to go too high.. keep it safe) lol.

Ted Mosby | Shattered

A little video on Ted:3 Josh is a really good actor and I thought I'd put this together as a tribute:) Thank you again for loads of views and please subscribe Love + ...

User Comments

Robin should have been the mother all along they were meant for each other
Robin and Barney are meant for each otherTracy is perfect for Ted
I relate to Ted mosby
Me too man
+Jack Solo me too thats y he is great, we all wanted to be barney but we all knw we are ted mosby shattered just a wanted nice girl to settled with
i actually feel like him, try try try try and it doesnt work....and that....sucks....
You know man, there was this girl who i chased for 2 years, gave it my all, but it never worked out between us, eventually she fell in love with another dude and it was if what i had done didnt even matter...i guess shit happens.
+Felipe Noisnafita It's only a matter of time dude. Just be patient and accept the ups and downs in life. I can totally relate to you. But we will be successful eventually. Keep going!
+FUKyo opinions We all do...we all do..
+FUKyo opinions same here, so frustrating actually
im glad im not alone at all
Bro, trust me your not the only one and I feel exactly like Ted as well.. You just stop believing you know. You give them 100% and they don't... It sucks that it happens but I guess that's how it works
+respect opinions Oh buddy... I feel the same way

Heal My Pain 2 - 2014 Nigeria Nollywood Movie

Heal My Pain is sequel to Crippled Soul; The evil in this movie gets even more devious as the sorrows of Olivia (Ini Edo) and her brother are turned into ...

User Comments

+Tea Lloyd Keep watching dear
How can someone be such as evil as Oluchi!!! Honestly it's so an amazing movie you just forget they are acting!!! Great actors!
+Dynamic Ladies of Greater Manchester Dynamic for regular updates on our channel click here //www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=Nollywoodpicturestv
What is the name of that song when ini edo was with that man on part 1. Also they play it again when the man and woman was in the pool together. I must have that song?
+Nollywoodpicturestv im from South Africa,but i love the song in 40:27 ,where can i get it? and i need help in its translation.
Also what is the name of the song in movie The Ladies playing at 20:27?
This song is so heartfelt & beautiful! Must have
14:28 that song please?
+Evelyn Simon Please dear can you send the minutes the song was played in the movie,so that it would be easy for us to get the info you want,
I have read the comments about this movie and I was very unhappy with a comment someone made. But I notice that this person name their self 1hundredpercentblack. Really! After reading their comments I feel that they need to change their name to 1hundredpercent IGNORANCE! IF YOU DON'T LIKE THE WAY THEIR MOVIES IS THEN STOP WATCHING THEM AND GO MAKE YOUR OWN! I AM A TRUE DEVOTED FAN OF ALL AFRICA MOVIES....
So true
+Evelyn Simon Don't let her upset you. I too am proud to support African movies. You can't try to understand such an angry critical mind.
What and amazing movie! I love to see Ini edo act in movies. She is another favorite actor like Van Vicker...
What is the name of the song at 20:27
God bless the writer and producer of this wonderful movie especially the actors and actress, this is more than a story. I m short of words to recommend this movie .?
+makina ebsy Its a nice movie,sure your friends will enjoy it too,keep watching.
What a touching movie!!, this obviously qualify to be one of the best African movies so far. May our good lord continue to bless all the producers and actors of this movie. May anyone kindly assist with the name of the artist who was playing in the background towards the end of the movie when Fransis was rescuing Olivia (Ini Edo) from hanging herself as well as the name of the song. That's indeed a very good song. 
+edmore tafirenyika Send the minutes the song was played on the movie,Thanks for choosing NWPTV,Remain blessed.

Shadows Of Pain 2- Brand New 2014 Nigerian Nollywood Movie

A gripping emotional family drama that tells the story of a family's tragic life caused by a wicked woman's vain desire to live and maintain her expensive lifestyle.

User Comments

am a fun of bob Manuel queen nwokoye brown wow nice movie
Keep on adding
+Lucy Sammy Nice one, thanks.
you shouldn't be wicked to people
+Amoakowaa Mercy True talk thanks for watching.
Wonderful movie it touch my heart
+Maria Ali Good to know, keep watching NOLTV and please subscribe too cheers.
The wicked shall never go unpunished ,this is the time to come closer to God.thank u NollywoodTv 
+jessica williams Well said Jessica, keep watching NOLTV, we love you.
Nice one!
+ogevson yusuf Thanks dear, please subscribe to our channel, share and like the movie, one love.
Very touching movie 
+Blessing Ugbo Thanks for watching.
this movie really touch my heart i really pity my beautiful girl QUEEN NWOKOYE in this movie my prayer is for GOD to change the wicked heart on this earth thank you my favourite NOLLYWOOD for this nice movie
+Jesus Baby You are welcome dear, kindly share and like the movie, enjoy your weekend.
chika ike is heartless nd wicked
+Eigbokhan Faith She was only interpreting a character, thanks for watching, kindly share and like the movie, happy weekend.
nice movie
+Eigbokhan Faith Thanks dear, kindly share and like the movie, enjoy your weekend.
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