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VUE Tutorial: Importing and Exporting Objects and Materials

This is a basic tutorial on how to import and export objects from other 3D programs, as well as import other materials to use inside of Vue.

User Comments

I am curious, what iss the difference between the AVX and NO AVX version of Vue?All I have gathered is, older CPUs do not support AVX.
+mrroozbehm1985 I know the feeling! Good luck, and if you have any other questions, feel free to ask.
+PWN Design Studio Thanks, I guess it is time to upgrade my fossil, the keyboards have claw marks when dinosaurs were using it lol.
+mrroozbehm1985 AVX stands for Advanced Vector Extension. New processors by intel and AMD support this extension and corresponding instructions for their micro processors.Eon apparently has a Non AVX version of Vue, however, I'm not sure what the differences are between the AVX version and the Non AVX version.I will assume that some of the newer features in Vue 2015 will not be compatible with older CPU's or may not operate at peak performance. But takethat with a grain of salt. It could very well not make a difference at all, but again, I'm not too sure.Here is a wiki article I found on AVX. It may be useful to you.https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Advanced_Vector_Extensions
I have a zbrush sculpt of a knight and horse. Is it possible to import the model into vue with the textures and materials intact?
yes, it is. it's the same for any other program. make sure you export your textures and assign their material id's properly, and Vue should be able to import them appropriately.
Hi, iam building rocks in vue PLE and trying to export out as .obj but when i click export object, there is a message say that i cannot export because the object is locked. how can i unlock this rock object and export? surprisingly it works alright for the other objects except for rocks. thanks :)
That preset may be locked from Export in the PLE, Same goes for the Tree's if you try to export those as well. But I can test that out for sure when I get home. I have a full version and a PLE version.It's probably best to make your own rocks as well, anyways. The preset rocks are very limiting, in that they are high poly and vert, making them to use in other programs hard, unless you take their poly count down, then you have a blob that doesn't look like a rock anymore. XD
it's actually the preset inside rock tab. I just grab it from the preset. I can change the texture in Vue but when it comes to export, it said the object is locked.
This a rock that you modeled yourself, right? Sorry for the late reply.
hi.. here is the screenshot link:https://www.dropbox.com/s/va43784eomac0f3/error.JPG?dl=0Thanks :)
I'm not sure what that error is. Can you provide a screen shot for me? Error number perhaps? A screen shot of the issue would be best.
Vue infinite 2014 PLE
What version of Vue are you using?

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