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Breast milk storage device Videos

How to Pump (breastmilk) & Drive

How I pump and drive... handsfree (=

User Comments

I am a mum of a 10month old boy. I must say that your vids are very helpful for breastfeeding mums. Unfortunately my milk was starving my son so I put him to soy formula at 3 weeks. Wont look back he is already almost 12kgs. I did watch your earlier vids on your other channel when you had Deacon and really tried to feed Riley but my milk was no good. I am very proud and happy for you that you are continuing to breastfeed. If that is what u want then u deserve all the support. Congrats honey
@rmmartin92405 lol.. yes! I should have specified. I have mastered a way to change in the car without flashing anyone... I aslo have a cami on underneath so I take my top shirt off then my bra (and the cami is still on covering everything) then I put the slitted tank on and as I pull it down the new one covers. If I'm somewhere where people can see me (I usually go to open areas) then I put my shiel on right away or fold up the bottom of the slitted tank. Plus my windows are super dark. (-:
Thanks for this! I am pregnant now and wondering how pumping is going to work when I go back to work full time. Pumping every 2-3 hours is just not feasible at my job, so if I can pump on the way to work in the morning that would be 1 less break to take! As for the idiot commenters- How pathetic is your life? These are moms trying to feed children which is more difficult to do than you know. Go whack off somewhere else! Picture your own mom breast feeding. How's that image for your boner?
@sellis31 lol.. yes! I should have specified. I have mastered a way to change in the car without flashing anyone... I aslo have a cami on underneath so I take my top shirt off then my bra (and the cami is still on covering everything) then I put the slitted tank on and as I pull it down the new one covers. If I'm somewhere where people can see me (I usually go to open areas) then I put my shiel on right away or fold up the bottom of the slitted tank. Plus my windows are super dark. (-:
I got the shelf bra tank top idea from you! It was great. But I got sick of changing my tops in the car or where ever i was. So I cut holes in a sports bra :D I use nursing pads (Johnson rock!) to cover the holes. The only downside of doing that is if you wear a tight top you can notice where the holes are so I just layer & wear a light sweater. It's really simple & all I have to do is lift my top & cover up with a nursing cover.
Great idea! My only concern would be your seatbelt. Are you able to wear your seatbelt properly while pumping and driving? I ALWAYS wear my belt when the car is moving- I was in a wreck once that I walked away from that if I hadn't been wearing my seatbelt I would've been seriously hurt or worse, so that's pretty important for me lol. We are TTC now and I am really wanting to breastfeed when the time comes :)
Hey thanks for answering my previous question on pumping. I have been doing tons of research on breastfeeding and working. For my state, I am not protected but there is the new federal law that allows a working mom to pump at work...etc. I am curious as to how you went about this with your employer and what steps you had to take to get where you are now and how did your work handle this.
@TaylorSwiftfan1iever I know it's sort of loud when you pump, but chance are they can't hear it. Drive-thru is a busy place. Between all the beeping and the other employees, not to mention the headsets that most of them wear, drive-thru attendants don't usually have time to be worried about what people are doing in their cars unless they can see what's happening.
Omg I love the nursing cover idea!! I would ALWAYS pump in the car in the passenger seat and I always had a hard time being discrete about it. I always tried to use a baby blanket or something. I have gotten a few odd stares when I haven't been covered well enough LOL. I will definitely put ur tips to practice whenever we decide to have baby number 2 : )
Just wanted to ask you how you secure your pump. The tubes are but only so long and not all cars have a flat smooth surface between the seats to place the pump. How do you keep it from flying to the floor if and/or when a quick stop is necessary? I don't know how many times my purse has gone flying to the floor from the passenger seat....
You come across very well on camera,and I really enjoyed your video.But when I tried this I could'nt get any breast milk at all, although the sensation was very nice.Maybe it was the stress of the rush hour or the strange looks from the passengers on my bus.Anyway,will give it one more go Tuesday. Thanks for sharing Steve
If you swerve into the path of a tractor trailer becouse your pumping instead of consintraiting on driving don't blame the truckdriver becouse your thinking of yourself instead of other peoples lives on the road I hope you don't drive where I drive one more unsafe driver that encouraging more to be unsafe.

Breast pump Meaning

Video shows what breast pump means. A device used by a lactating woman to extract milk from her breasts (typically for short-term storage).. Breast pump ... //larevue.top/reviews/484-munkimix-alliage-genuine-leather-vritable-bracelet.html

How Often Should I Pump Breast Milk For A Newborn

How to increase breast milk supply production visit //breastmilktips.com/

User Comments

Oatmeal is the whole-grain food you often hear about when it comes to supply-boosters, but brown rice is another whole grain that is notable when it comes to lactation. Brown rice is unprocessed rice with just the outer-most hull removed. It’s a complex carbohydrate, which provides mom with energy needed for breastfeeding, but it also helps with milk production in another way. Researchers have discovered that eating brown rice may cause an increase in serotonin levels in the brain. Serotonin is a neurotransmitter that helps regulate your moods, appetite, and sleep, but it also stimulates prolactin secretion. Prolactin, as mentioned earlier, is a key hormone involved in lactation.
Supplementing. Nursing is a supply & demand process. Milk is produced as your baby nurses, and the amount that she nurses lets your body know how much milk is required. Every bottle (of formula, juice or water) that your baby gets means that your body gets the signal to produce that much less milk.
We're here to help. From how to position your little one at the breast to the best time for introducing a bottle, we'll tell you what you need to know to get off to the right start and avoid pitfalls during those pivotal early days
Take a nursing vacation. Take baby to bed with you for 2-3 days, and do nothing but nurse (frequently!) and rest (well, you can eat too!).
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