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Sale medical centre Videos

Buy a Medical Practice for Sale - New York

//transitionconsultants.com Medical Practice for Sale - Primary Care - Long Island New York. For details contact Medical Practice Sales Consultant at ...

Sale Medical Centre - Southern GP Training

Clocktower Medical Centre Sale - Southern GP Training

1 Bedroom Flat For Sale in Saint Georges Medical Centre, 40 Park Drive, Port Elizabeth 6001, Sout...

This modern two bedroom apartment is situated in the secure block named Hallack du Parc located in the central area of St Georges Park. It is placed near ...

5cent plot and land for sale in Chakkaraparambu near Medical Centre, Ernakulam District.

watch this property video on www.positivereal.com customer id : 25101201 5cent plot for sale in Chakkaraparambu near Medical Centre, Ernakulam District.

Bill O'Reilly Interviews David Daleiden on Planned Parenthood's Sale of Baby Parts

July 15, 2015 - David Daleiden appeared on the Bill O'Reilly show to discuss the findings of the first video in the “Human Capital” series, a project of The Center ...

User Comments

Praise God!! This is very awesome news! The house defund Planned Parenthood for at least a year!! That means about 325,000 kids will be saved from death!!! //thehill.com/policy/healthcare/254181-house-votes-to-freeze-funding-for-planned-parenthood 
If that is true then how would a "fetus" cost the state anything? When it becomes a baby you clam it will cost the state so lets stay on topic please. I am waiting for your proof that it will cost the state to let the baby live. Show me your proof. If you have non you are here for what? +Alexia Richardson 
+Home Farm Ideas a fetus is not a child..... it is a fetus
Please, educate me with your definitive proof. Otherwise be quiet...
Blah blah blah. You don't kill children or people for profit. That is such a weak position and I can't believe that you actually think it is a strong position in a good reason to kill children.
+Home Farm Ideas the fact you cant see how it will cost the state more then what PP gets shows you have not researched this
By the way, since you made the accusation where is your proof that it's going to cost us more? How do you know the parents will not rise to the occasion and take care of the responsibility? Such a lack of confidence in your fellow man and a lack of appreciation for basic human life.
+Alexia Richardson
I couldn't afford kids before I had them, then I had them and I could afford it;) It's better to save their lives then to kill them for financial reasons. By the way, thank you for your vote of confidence.
+Home Farm Ideas And will cost the state millions to raise them so YAY more in debt because your to stupid to realize it
David Daleiden=fucking liar at 2:45. It is against the law to receive valuable consideration for providing fetal tissue. A discussion of what "valuable consideration" means can be found in the 9th Circuit case Flynn v Holder (2011). So Bill O'Reilly, why the fuck didn't you challenge this shithead with that fact? Hell, I found this shit in 5 minutes on the internet, so I know your producers could have provided you with the info to ask that question.
+Kal Kriese Sock puppet account. Look at when this account was created.
Save us Jebus!,
+Steve True Fuck you, thats why.
+Steve True Why?
its yahweh now

3 Bedroom Flat For Sale in Saint Georges Medical Centre, 40 Park Drive, Port Elizabeth 6001, Sout...

Property Adjacent Cherokee County Baptist Medical Center Hospital FOR SALE

Here we have a Doctors Office for sale right next door to Cherokee Medical Center in Centre, Alabama.

Mosaic Houston Condos for Sale and lease in Texas Medical Center, Houston, TX

Mosaic Condos (mosiac.houstonluxuryhighrises.com) on Hermann Park, your home of towering high style in Houston's heartbeat. This is a location to live for.

User Comments

i wanted to live here until i seen the fucking price
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