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Izotope sale Videos

iZotope|ALLOY2 レビュー ~開封編~

3日でギターを弾ける講座 → //school.sweetest.co.jp/3day-guitar-lesson/ 『知也塾』LINEアカウント → https://line.me/ti/p/%40rjl7589l 倉川知也公式 → //tomoy.

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いつもリフの解説動画楽しんで見させてもらっています。 リクエストなのですが、千本桜のギターソロ部分を解説してくれませんか

iZotope IRIS 2 - Exclusive First Look

Prior to the official release, we got to talk to iZotope product manager Brad Swanson about the new IRIS 2 - the sample based synthesizer with deep spectral ...

User Comments

Izotope has always been a CPU hog.
+Wakariah Zaxman Ozone is good but some software companies create great stuff which has been programmed to be cpu friendly. Other's don't seem to give cpu much regard. Even the Maschine software sends CPU's into overdrive as does most NI's stuff. 
The only thing i've had any CPU trouble with has been Ozone 6 tbh.
I don't own iris. My point is this..when I load up a vst ( a good one, well programmed) it won't take up much more than a few % cpu. With izotope....you load up a few vsts and you're maxed out. Synths like hybrid, zeta 2 take up no cpu at all and even better if you're using a daw such as reaper, it uses no cpu either. Some people are obsessed with this heavy hog programmes and I'll be honest, they aren't worth the space
+T4C  By what standard? Whadaya think it should be? What are you getting when you run Iris? I'm running up to 10% with nothing open but this YT window and background stuff going on. I don't get hangs, stuttering, pops nor anything else when using Iris in standalone or in a DAW ... and CPU usage is always in the 25% range ... so I don't see any problems ... and I'm running a 6 year old E8400 with 4Mb ram on Vista32. Now Serum ... that's different ... with my old system ... with the demo CPU use is off the map even for something simple.
24% for running one standalone synth aren't good
+T4C  I'm running V1 with a patch that loads into all 4 bays in the stand alone right now and CPU is clocking in between 18% and 24%. Seems fine to me.
+Kmuggle Find that hard to believe muggle 
Iris hasn't been a problem for me at all ... and I'm using Vista32.
looks pretty incredible, it's really a shame though that you can't modulate the selection or move it around - it would be nice if they had like touch support or an iPad app that let you just do that aspect, so you could move the selection around or even get selection points just from the touch points of your fingers, perhaps with sortof controllable properties to the generated selection, like the size, maybe inertial distortions of it (like pulling a drop of water), fadeouts over time of the old selection or something - also it would be nice to be able to at least map the selection, per sample, to an X/Y pad like the Korg nanopad or taktile, so you could move it around, and record that automation, perhaps have it be replayable per-note so you could kindof have this changing evolving element to the sound of each sample, but even without those things this looks pretty incredible, i hope more features will be added in the future, I definitely would like to have this
You can always do it by hand and bounce the result. Then loop that result. At least that's what I plan on doing. :)
WHAT A RIPOFF izotope are! for existing iris1 customers 99 bucks for a crap upgrade with only modulations, new sounds and new interface? what the? then 149 bucks? this should be iris 1.5 or something + FALS ADVERTISING! i got reports that those IRIS1 Patches are not 100% or not Compatible at all with IRis2 !!!!! true rip off and false advertising! this is already spread among the boards!
iZotope have always been like this. I like their products a lot, but their upgrades are always extremely weak. Their initial concept is phenomenal, and version 10 would be just slightly better than version 1. What can you do? No use in getting mad at them, that's just how they roll.
Very disappointing upgrade. I have owned Iris from when it first came out. I like it but I always hated the fact thta you cannot affect the time at which the sample plays or sync the samples in any way to the tempo of your DAW. I also find the drawing tools a quite limited. Given that Iris's selling point is the drawing tools and manipulation of samples I really thought that that would be where they would expand the instrument. But still the samples play at the same speed they were sampled and the drawing tools are just as limited as before. They have offered almost no free upgradees since the instrument came out and now you are expected to fork out more cash for a very weak upgrade. I find it hard to believe that its more modulation is what fans were looking for as he suggests in the video.
+Ronnie Perez  Well ... ya can certainly make complex geometric figures ,,, but if ya want smooth edges and transitions ... that's a challenge to do with a mouse!
+Kmuggle I guess it just sort of seems like they expected everyone to make a smiley-face or a random ink-blot. I want to make complex geometric figures. Like a precise crescent moon shape, and sweep it over a sine waveform render or something.
+Ronnie Perez I see your point here but IMO the drawing tools can do a pretty good job if you first zoom in on the area ya wanna mark up.
You're absolutely right. There's no reason they couldn't just make the drawing area have precise, linear tools, to be able to form very precise geometry... and there's no reason why the audio can't sync to your DAW the way other plugs do. But the idea is there, and it's solid. Maybe someone will beat them to it.

Overview of iZotope Trash 2 | Distort. Mangle. Transform.

Distort. Mangle. Transform. Introducing Trash 2... It's been nearly a decade since Trash first arrived as the ultimate distortion toolbox. Over the years, it's ...

User Comments

Sounds really nice but its so expensive ! 
+Mart In https://www.facebook.com/groups/1439940652974460/
Now THIS is something I could get into. But I'm not paying $250 for it unless iZotope can justify that absurd price. Did they have a huge team of engineers working on this that they need to recoup the development costs or something? When iZotope lowers the price to something that is remotely reasonable, we'll talk. If any of you OWN this already, maybe you can explain, if possible, why this is a $250 plugin. Maybe the overviews and literature on it simply don't do it justice??? This is an extremely cool function to have at your disposal, but you'll use it EXTREMELY sparingly. If it was a channel strip, I'd pay it in a heartbeat, but for something that will be used maybe a few times every few songs on select instruments/voices, it makes absolutely no fiscal sense to buy this.
+Eric Pederson https://www.facebook.com/groups/1439940652974460/
+Teh SparX Awesome, dude.  I never even knew about this site.  That's pretty sweet.
+Eric Pederson​ audiodeluxe . com until the 16th june i think
+Teh SparX Where did you see it's on sale?  I just went to the iZotope website and it's $249.
+Eric Pederson It's currently on sale for $99. Go get!

NAMM 2014: iZotope Break Tweaker Demo

NAMM 2014: iZotope Break Tweaker Demo Some interesting features for the beat freak.

Izotope Ozone 6 - ¿Qué hay de nuevo? Review | Análisis

Sígueme en las redes sociales! :) ♤Visita mi página web: //erickauffmann.com/ ♢Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/officialerickauffmann?ref=hl ♪Sound ...

User Comments

No suelo comentar vídeos pero vi que tienes el YAC. YAC es un virus que hace que tu computadora deje de funcionar.
YAC no es un virus jajaja
Tengo entendido que YAC es un limpiador para PC, me ha limpiado muchísima basura de mi PC además de remover adware entre otras cosas :)
y el download link??? donde esta el download link Eric??
oye pero es archivo PROXY ...tengo que descargarlo con TORRENTy el KEYGEN no sirve me sale que tengo que poner REGISTRATION CODE aparte ese archivo esta con VIRUS y ya lo termine de descargar y me sale ERROR 404

Metal vocals techniques and recording tips

NECTAR: https://www.izotope.com/en/products/mixing-mastering/nectar/ EZ MIX 2: //www.toontrack.com/ezmix-line/ Leo´s covers are available for sale here: ...

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(Default YouTube response)
I disagree
Can you post Any mixing Tutorials?
+Giorgi Tartarashvili Feel like I have done some videos on this, but will definitely do more!
great tips! thanks! whats the song at the beginning anyway`? =)
+Frog Leap Studios Thank you very much! (just saw your cover from Fatty Boom Boom and i LOVE it! in generell i really like your stuff. listen to your songs all day long, really make my all day life better :) much respect and thanks from germany
+TheZack204 Thanks, its former band. Search: zerozonic enter night and day on the tube and you will find it:)
Hi Leo I was wondering what shure microphone do you use for your vocals???
Thnx Leo xD I might come over to Norway from England for some help
+Paul Hyde I mainly use the sm7b
Whats the name of the short intro song ? It sound pretty heavy \\m//
The song is called Enter night and day. Its on youtube:)
My former band Zerozonic. They have a new vocalist now, check em out, pretty cool!
Hey FrogLeap! :) Nice little instruction video.. I just wondered, what do you think about the growling and melodic singing of Mikael Åkerfeldt from Opeth? I'm curious about your opinion whether it be positive or negative. Obviously, he's my favourite singer, especially his so called "screams" as he calls it. Keep on truckin'! 
Thanks man, will check it out:)
Hehe cool.You ought to at least listen to "Eternal rains will come" from their latest LP "Pale Communion" :)Keep up the good work with your great vids man! I look forward to your metal version of Avicii - The days. Great pop track imo :)
Hey, yeah I like his vocals. He has this really raw death metal scream thats cool. Havent listened too much to their latest records though.
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