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Italian flag state approval Videos

Italy steps up pressure on Brazil over fugitive

SHOTLIST 1. Wide exterior of Brazilian embassy in Rome 2. Mid of Brazilian flag 3. Mid of protesters with flags chanting amid yellow coloured smoke from smoke ...

Italy Pledges To Assist Nigeria In Terror Fight 10/04/15

Italy has sent a letter of congratulations and good wishes to Nigeria's President-elect, General Muhammadu Buhari. For more information log on to ...

KOSOVO. The political standing of Italy in 1934

A HISTORICAL INTRODUCTION:. The Vilayet of Kosovo was one of four vilayet inhabited by Albanians, and which formed the League of Prizren. (1878).

User Comments

@0502ez OMG, ancora con questa baggianata dell'Albania Caucasica??? Ma qualcuno ci crede ancora? Hanno idea di quante terre venivano chiamate con il prefisso di origine sanscrito alb o alp? Albione, Albania, Albalonga, Alpi...Lo ripeto ancora una volta per altri che leggeranno in futuro: il popolo attuale che discende dall' antico popolo di quella terra si chiamano Udi o Udini e non hanno nulla da spartire con gli Shqipetari. Fate sto piccolo sforzo e lasciate perdere la propaganda!
@Obasiliasfilosofos Yes, under Ottoman Empire the borders were not much clear, but no one can denied that those lands were inhabitated by an overwhelming Albanian majority. And you're right about the clans' differences that put division inside that people, but was not the faith to be an unifying force but national consciousness which was already alive and awoken at the fundation of the League of Prizren (1878 ), well before the Balkans wars and the birth of Albania as a state.
2 - There wasn't any situation conducive to the interests of Albanians, whose territory was dismembered and the people separated and subjected to other states, or even massacred as in Kosovo or deported as the Albanian Chams. At the London Conference, no one advocated the interests of the Albanian nation, and had it not been for the firmness of Italy and Austria-Hungary all Albanians lands would be divided between Serbia and Greece, which were aimed at this.
@Cutriso64 Certo che sono diversi, perchè c'erano da prima! Ti entra questo nella tua testa bacata? O pensi di saperne più tu di tutti gli storici e gli studiosi europei ed americani che si sono occupati della questione da un almeno un paio di secoli a questa parte? Solo degli idioti ed ignoranti col cervello lavato dalla propaganda possono credere che gli slavi siano autoctoni dei Balcani: i serbi poi sono gli ultimi arrivati, lo capite o no? E' Storia!!!
@BjornFSN The Ottoman empire was the reason "national borders" were not firmly established resulting in everything being up for grabs by the 19th & early 20th century, Albanians did not have one predominate faith to serve as a unifying force like in Serbia,Bulgaria,& greece and so the sectarian & tribal differences created distrust between albanians,and the pan-Albanian national awakening did not gain traction until after the formation of the albanian state.
@LittleSerbianFriend 1- You can tell to yourself "Grow up", little boy. 2- Did you understand the contents of this vid? Where is "the lack of reason and rationality"? Or do you presume to know now more than a man, a writer, that lived in that age and wrote his book only about 20 years after the end of Balkans war? 3- Of what "conspiracy" are you talking about? Those are all FACTS, not that some kind of fake propaganda you know and spread all around. .
@0502ez Purtroppo l'Albania e gli albanesi sono un argomento di cui la maggior parte delle persone conosce poco o nulla e però si diletta di sparlarne e a sproposito, tanto per sentito dire, sentito dire che proviene dalla propaganda serba che ne approffitta, consapevole dell'ignoranza che c'è sull'argomento, facendosi sempre passare per le povere vittime dei soprusi altrui. Il solito gioco del carnefice che interpreta il ruolo della vittima.
@Obasiliasfilosofos 1 - The Serbs are the last to arrive in Europe and have always tried to expand and reach an outlet to the sea. They also caused a world war for this, in addition to the Balkan wars. Bulgaria has fought for Macedonia, whose population was mainly Bulgarian because ethnic Macedonians do not exist, and for Constantinople, and it has sustained the brunt of the war effort against the most numerous contingent of Turkish troops...
You argue that Kosovo was 'historically' inhabited by Albanians using a map of the region from 1878. While it is true that Albanians lived in the area during that time, it is known for a fact that Serbs have been living there since the 6th century! Also the map is very misleading, it is titled 'Albanian Vilayets'. They were Vilayets of the ottoman empire you have just titled them 'Albanian' to falsely support your arguement.
@BjornFSN The Serbian monarchy had ambitions of becoming a great power and recreating the medieval Stephen Uroš IV empire originally even putting designs on both Albania & Greece, due to Bulgaria's unwillingness to compromise over the division of Macedonia it dragged Greece into the 2nd Balkan war, Otherwise Serbia would have had to face Bulgaria alone and thus created a situation more favorable to Albanian interests.
@0502ez Certo che ti bloccano, non hanno cosa dire! Tutta la loro propaganda è basata sulla distorsione dei fatti e conta sul fatto che pochissimi fuori dai Balcani si sono mai prese la briga di conoscere un pò la storia di quella regione.Le loro pretese di egemonia nei balcani sono basate sul nulla, sono fandonie facilmente smontabili, soprattutto dagli stessi Albanesi, che conoscono benissimo la propria storia!
OMG... you can use a much older map and you'll see Illyrians instead of Albanians, ok? About the fact that "Serbs have been living there since the 6th century"...no! You have arrived here in 6th century, it is a different concept, lol! Vilayet is the ottoman word for "district"... These 4 vilayets was inhabitated by Albanians, without territorial interruptions... so, in fact, they were albanians vilayets. Period.
@mistertamarro Quelli che tu giudichi da ignorante quale sei sono studiosi inglesi e tedeschi che per anni anno studiato le connessioni tra gli antichi illiri e gli attuali albanesi, sotto tutti i punti di vista, linguistico in primis, ed invece secondo te noi si dovrebbe a quattro mentecatti pseudonazionalisti che blaterano di quanto sono europei i serbi , gli altimi arrivati in europa?
@mistertamarro Quelli fuori zona nei balcani sono proprio i serbi, arrivati solo nel 700d.C.dal Mar Caspio, i "sarboi" dello storico latino Plinio il Vecchio. Ma tu cosa ne devi sapere...il tuo nick dice tutto. Intanto preparati un altro account perchè hai chiuso anche con questo. il tempo è una cosa che non va sprecata con elementi come te. Bye Bye
@IllyriPower Yes, surely Albanian realized too late that the worst danger didn't come from inside the Turks occupation, but from the expansionist goals of the neighbors. Unfortunately these hostile neighbors were strongly supported by Powers as France, Russia and England and if it wasn't for Austria-Hungary and Italy maybe Albania didn't exis today.t
@mistertamarro No, non ho paura della verità, non tollero imbecilli ed ignoranti. Infatti non ho visto un solo commento degli antialbanesi che abbia un minimo di attinenza con il video in questione, ma solo la solita riproposizione della stanìa solfa della propaganda serba, ancora più stupida se portata avanti da italiani.
@0502ez Dopo aver letto la megastr*nzata che ribalta ogni logica storica, che sarebbero gli albanesi ad essere arrivati nel 700 dopo Cristo nei Balcani ( sì, con la bacchetta magica LOL!!!) non ho potuto fare a meno di fare un pò di pulizia nei commenti. Il loro fetore mentale è ammorbante ed intollerabile.
The Creator of this video is an excellent in expressions.But he lack of reason and rationality and cuz of it he make it sound like theory of conspiracy against the Albanians and all Muslims.We have no such thing as secret society that sacrifice "innocent"Albanians.Grow up.
@0502ez L'imbecille si leggesse un qualsiasi libro non di parte sulle guerre balcaniche nel 1913 così saprebbe chi abitava nel Kosovo in quel periodo. Ma lui ovviamente ne sa di più del giornalista italiano che nel 1934 ha scritto il libro di cui parlo nel video...
@BjornFSN 4- If you don't know "Black hand" you don't know even the history of your nation. 5- Put apart the word "muslims", here religion has nothing to do. 6- Of course, no one is innocent, expecially you. 7- Goodbye.
....while Serbia and Greece fought the Ottoman garrisons in Kosovo and in Epirus. So Bulgaria wanted a greater recognition of the territorial gains for the sustained effort.
@0502ez LOL! Oltre che imbecille e propagandista ignorante è pure paranoico!
@0502ez Esatto! E' proprio tempo perso.

Operation Gladio NATO State Sponsored Terrorism 9/11 False Flag

False Flag America Operation Gladio reveals Gladio, The secret state-sponsored terror network operating in U.S. This secret army, operated by the CIA and MI6 ...

Newspapers, voxpops as administrator warns deal needed or airline will fold

SHOTLIST AP Television FILE: Rome - September 12, 2008 1. Alitalia logo on plane moving on runway 2. Alitalia plane tail Alitalia VNR FILE: location and date ...

Syria condemns Turkey's 'act of aggression' after approval of raids against ISIL fighters

Syria has condemned Turkey's decision to approve cross-border raids against the Islamic State militant group as an 'act of aggression'. The foreign ministry ...

User Comments

Turkey should stay out of Syria. Syria has warned that any incursion of Turkey on its territory will be considered as an act of aggression and be dealt with as such. The Western press presents a false situation by failing to mention the mutual defense treaty of September 2013 that binds Syria, Iran and Russia. If any one of these 3 states is attacked, both others will join in to defend it. With Turkey as a NATO member state protected by its article 5, it would be a very foolish thing to invade Syria that would very certainly create an international incident that no nation could any longer control . examiner com/article/the-russia-iran-syria-mutual-defense-treaties-the-western-media-missed With Turkey renown and self admittedly hosting, training, supporting and recruiting ISIS militants, its pretended turn around to fight ISIS is justifiadly highly suspicious.
And what about israel? When they walking into Palestine by screwing up their nose, why no one says that the same rules has to be valid for israel as nato member too? Come on gtfo.
Turkey allowed most Isis fighters through to Syria, of these many were armed and funded by Turks. How peasant of them to fight Assad.... I mean Isis..... Yeah right.
syria has? syria cant even speak as one, it consist of many different groups. and fuck isis.
lol thats nice.

Catholic pilgrims gather where Virgin Mary said to have appeared, children hunt for eggs

SHOTLIST Medjugorje, Bosnia 1. Wide shot of St James' Church, in Medjugorje, statue of Virgin Mary in front, pilgrims gathered 2. Mid shot of statue of Virgin ...

Arrivals, reaction as court hears former premier's challenge to fraud conviction

SHOTLIST AP TELEVISION 1. Police patrol in front of former prime minister Silvio Berlusconi's residence, Grazioli palace 2. Italian flag on balcony 3. Police in ...
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