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New oxford car accident 5 killed Videos

News 8 Reports Live From New Oxford High School

On Monday afternoon, sophomore Chelsea McFalls, juniors Diego Aguilar, Anthony Campos and Casey Sheridan and senior Oscar Banda were killed in a ...

Tragic accident woman in her 20s was killed Oxford Street in central London

woman in her 20s was killed this morning when a window frame crashed onto her after being blown over in high winds in front of horrified pedestrians. A heavy ...

User Comments

I am concerned for her family. As for your dyslexia-I think you're taking the piss pal
If you really had dyslexia, you would know to use a spellchecker when typing.
Are you serious is that how bad your spelling really is???

Crash Kills 5 High School Students

Crash Kills 5 High School Students.

10 People Who Died While Taking Selfie

Watch 10 people who died while taking selfie, Selfies taken by people just moments before they died. Selfie craze- The phenomenon of the selfie is relatively ...

User Comments

Just goes to show that arrogant people are stupid.
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