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Portland wfr Videos

Red Lion Hotel Fire! - Portland, OR

//about.me/pdxguy The Red Lion hotel in Portland caught fire. I was close by. Follow me on Twitter! //www.twitter.com/chawmanchannel I'm on ...

User Comments

You reaction is priceless!!! Mine was very similar.
+Kate Knight It was indeed freaky
I remember that happening I thought my job was gone cuz the hotel was on fire...lol than i realized it was the empty one!!!
It was and at that time me and my co workers were so scared of one of the homeless kittens that some how got separated from mom might of got hurt from all the smoke 'lots of cats around the hotel' but we found her safe and sound, one of the managers adopted her! 
+Samantha Kirsten That would have been scary!

3/13/13 - Portland Or - SE Berkeley Place House Fire

Scotty the Body Portland Wrestling (Raven)

Scotty the Body "New Jersey Stud" in Portland Wrestling. You may know him as WWE/TNA Raven. This features a hair vs hair fight between Veronica and Ginger ...

5-08-13 Portland Or - 134th x SE Harold House Fire

Wednesday May 8, 2013, at approximately 6:30, Portland Fire and Rescue responded to the report of a house on fire in the 13400 block of SE Harold St.

User Comments

Nothing like having to fight your way through a jungle to get to the fire....

creekside 2015 (portland west)

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