i will try to ck it out i hate buying videos too....i had a c section
because the baby's heartrate was dropping to 60 and my b/p was through the
roof 200's over 100's ...but i do believe if i had had a better midwife
(better pushing technique) could have went better (baby was face up so
there was difficulty getting him out, i pushed 2 1/2 hrs but i dont think
they knew he was face up til the end)...oh my goodness if i was tied down
and no epidural i would have literally passed out.
i go to a practice so i didnt have a choice which midwife its whoever is on
call that day (big mistake) my midwife was barely paying attention did not
tell me the most effective way to push til it was too late, kept leaving
the room to call people and kept checking her pager or text messages the
whole time i was pushing (didnt hardly see her til pushing
time).....urgh....so make sure yours is a good one!
i didnt really like this movie i am gonna have to have a c-section will all
my future kids and this movie mad it seem like it was the worst thing ever
yeah it has really good facts but its a remiinder of what i can never do
Dla mnie to straszne ze kliniki nie są przygotowane a lekarze odmawiają
prowadzenia ciąży. Wiem doskonale jaki to rodzaj ciąży jednak w Polsce bez
najmniejszego problemu znajdzie się dobrego lekarza a tym bardziej żaden
szpital nie odmawia pomocy. Ja mam sporo komplikacji i co dwa tygodnie
muszę jeździć do szpitala ale nigdy nikt nie powiedział mi że mnie nie
przyjmie. Całe szczęście że taki piękny poród się udał, tego bardzo
zazdroszczę i powodzenia w codzienności :)