Car shipping stuff in trunk Videos

My Car EDC - L2Survive with Thatnub

Recently I got a flat tire and had to pull everything out of my trunk to get to the jack. Since it was all out anyway, I thought I would show you my car's EDC (Every ...

User Comments
Dude, you are amazeballs! My EDC consists of... um... nothing. If I had a flat I'd have no idea how to change it. I'd probably have on sandals or heels, too. I'd have plenty of lip gloss, my cell phone, and the garage door opener, though. ;)
+Fizzy Pop Have someone show you how to use the jack in your car. Actually take a tire off and put the spare on. If you are not strong enough to break a lug nut loose, have a hollow bar that can extend your lug wrench further for more leverage. This is something you need to do BEFORE you have an emergency and possibly cannot call your insurance company for help.Another thing to do is make sure your spare is always inflated. Sometimes spares lose air over time. It's good to check them periodically.... Speaking of which, I have to check mine!
Cool little car. I tried to throw together a jack etc for my used truck because it didn't come with one. Haven't tried it out yet. The spare is underneath the bed and pretty rusty, so I sprayed it with some liquid wrench. I probably won't find out if it worked till it's too late, but at least I did something.
+fire7side Better make damn sure the jack will work on your vehicle or you will be SOL when you need it someday, and that could be extremely dangerous, depending on where you break down.

Volvo 264 GLE PRV 6 Cyl Interior Video Review

Classic Special Delivery Order Volvo 264 GLE in a Manual. It's loaded with all the options including Overdrive. Subscribe ...

User Comments
Would have been nice to hear it run, and do a test drive. is the clutch slave cylinder difficult to repair?
+Robert Hazen No and it only runs about $85 or so
Buzzer sounds like operation game lol
Sounds like Flooy disk
Have you done any videos on that jag, Nate?
+shaunegermain coming up this week..;-)
Cool car! different.. don't see them around!
+462ANIMAL No hardly ever it seems.. I see the more reliable 4 cyl all the time
got to love that PRV power
+Alex Fun little car to drive..;-)
Next owner be like "my car is part DeLorean"
+YouDontWannaFightMe yeah buddy..;-)
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