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Wedding announcements arkansas democrat gazette Videos

Arkansas Democrat-Gazette Bridal show 2014 Little Rock

Little Rock Bridal Fair

Just a couple of minutes of clips from the 01/14/07 Arkansas Democrat Gazette Bridal Fair at the Statehouse Convention Center in Little Rock, Arkansas.


Arkansas Democrat Gazette Bridal Fair Fashion Show.

2013 Pops on the River presented by the Arkansas Democrat-Gazette

Josh Duggar Investigation Record Destroyed by Arkansas Police Read more: //www.usmagazine.com/

Arkansas police have destroyed any and all copies of records pertaining to the investigation of Josh Duggar allegedly molesting five girls -- some reportedly his ...

PLUS Instructional Video

DRAMATIC RESCUE in State Park VIDEO Reporter Cathy Frye Left With Little Water, Food in Texas

DRAMATIC RESCUE in State Park VIDEO Reporter Cathy Frye Left With Little Water, Food in Texas DRAMATIC RESCUE in State Park VIDEO Reporter Cathy ...

User Comments

Complete idiots. You don't go hiking in unfamiliar DESERT without adequate water. Too bad they survived, what a waste of Oxygen. Maybe they'll do it again with "few supplies", and rid the world of two idiotic Democrats.


The Scott Family Amazeum in Bentonville opened to the public on Wednesday, July 15, 2015.
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