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Wedding announcements with funny names Videos

VERY FUNNY Naughty Wedding Names

Naughty Wedding Matches from everywhere, as seen on Tonight Show with Jay Leno. More funny stuff at: //www.the-scuttle.com.

User Comments

I always loved Leno's headlines. With all the tragic things you see in the newspapers these days, it's nice to have something to laugh at now and again. Even if the humor is unintentional
In my city a few years ago there was a Thicke-Dick wedding in the paper. I'm not making it up, it really said that. LMAO i think I laughed for 10 min. nonstop at that.
this is the one time that i have done that wrong. if you knew me, you would know that i'm extremely picky about things like that.. i just screwed up here
I wonder if Wang-Holder chose that order as being the lesser of two evils. I mean it would have been worse as Holder-Wang...Right?
any one else notice that these were all from one of Leno's shows and there is a youtube vid with all of these from his show?
lol. The "Crapp-Beer" reminded me of a woman at my mom's work. Her last name is Crapsey. It's spelled just like it sounds.
Someones last name is actually beer? Lol, I needed that now I can go to bed. Anyone with the last name cocaine out there?
@katelync0 Wang Holder. Someone is a "Wang Holder!" Someone holds a Wang, whatever that is. Funny!
no, they're real. just odd that the people met and had last names that were funny together.
i'm not gonna take my sweet time on a little internet comment to make my sentence perfect.
"Were you there when they Crucified my Lord"? didn't see that coming...good vid though.
good video but way too short. Maybe compile more into a video to make it 3-4 minutes?
.... of course. because calling someone an idiot makes me say "i'm better than you"
Surely the last name Crapp was bad in itself, but Crapp Beer just takes the cake!
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