Hello chrom78628 I have to admit I am very impressed with the quality of
your videos here on youtube. They are certainly a pleasure to watch as I do
enjoy them. I am sure there is many others who also feel the same about
your videos. Mark McCulloch
I'm off to purchase your second book, just finished the first one. You are
so right, I remember having a gym teacher in high school who was over
weight and never ran with its. It was much more effective the next semester
when he retired and we had the football coach teach PE. It's so much
different to learn from someone who's experiencing or experienced first
hand what you're trying to accomplish. Thanks spark!
I love how you took something that could have been negative and turn it
into a video to motivate and inspire. Thank you and keep doing what you're
I think sometimes we can want alot of things, but just because we want them
doesn't mean its the path God will have for our lives. I've had a few close
friends who had dreams of living longer lives with dreams of being married,
etc. but their lives were cut short. I still have hope and pray that it
will happen one day and I am specific in trusting its Gods will to bring me
the person I "need" in my life. Sometimes our wants are not the best
choices, so I say God bring me the person I need. lol
Marriage has is such a beautiful thing when we fully allow ourselves to
experience the journey of it. We have the freedom to grown, learn and
achieve great things within our unions once we let go of the egos, open our
hearts, minds, and spirit and speak honestly with each other about
anything. I have been married over two years and it has been hard but the
same time God has blessed me with a man to cover, protect, love and aid in
my healing...It's a beautiful thing. Go Marriage!!! :)
Marriage can be an awesome thing when you give a 100% and your spouse give
a 100% there is no 50/50 in marriage, you give your all to make a marriage
work. My husband and me just celebrated our 20th year anniversary this pass
Tuesday and let me tell you it's work! I mean Hard work, we married young
and we learned alot of things through trials and eras. One thing I know for
sure is if your giving your all and he's doing the same marriage can be a
wonderful thing. Blessings! xoxo
Good Topic. I have been with my hubby for 13yrs and married 6yrs. I am
always trying to work on my self b/c I can be a little 'one-sided' at
times--especially early in our union. However, I (we) just try to make an
effort to respect & listen to each other. Of course we have arguments and
get pissed w/each other but we try to give one another some space till we
can talk about it more calmly. Chile being married is an ongoing learning
AND growing process.
These books helped me before marrying: Men are from mars, women are from
venus; The five languages of love and A return to love. During my marriage:
The proper care and feeding of husbands, The Landmark Education Forum
Seminars. And we have a couple we go to who have been married 40 years and
are still content and growing together. I continue to work on my own issues
via prayer, counseling sometimes and being honest about my wants and needs.
It must be the trick of the enemy...In the last 24-28 hours I have heard of
at least 2 break-ups (marriages of 17 years +)...I am hearing reasons like
"we have outgrown each other, have nothing in common, etc. The enemy knows
if he gets rid of the family, then he can easily deceive the rest of us
from respecting the institution of marriage. Marriage is of God and God is
@msfullroller I agree, BE WHO YOU ARE before you get married. I also agree
that we have to see the "real" and not be blinded by potential. Great
LOL! +clohue You're SO right! I jumped with my eyes closed and I could hardly breathe! I was actually getting a little nervous. Once I opened my eyes and saw my videographer I was much more relaxed.
I teared up watching this video... you inspire me in a lot of ways and
you've come so far! Thx for sharing your life experience, courage, and
motivation! You Are Magnificently, Awesome!!!
Teresa you have access to me anytime you want in our group coaching. You are and have always been an amazing support her and I'm so glad you came "all in" from the very beginning.