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Neurological disorders mimic ms Videos

Treating Lyme Disease Symptoms w/ Far IR Therapy - Cindy Brown - Full Episode

//farIRtherapy.com In this episode of the "Far IR Therapy Show", Dr. Todd Austin of Far IR Therapy covers how to Treat Lyme Disease, Spirochetes and it's ...

User Comments

You did a phenomenal job here, Cindy! TY so much. You are a wealth of information. You have a wonderful story to tell. I'm so glad that you are now feeling light years better.

Lyme Disease and MS update - July 30, 2013

An update on my current health. Developments and future plans as I move forward through this crazy thing called life. July 30th, 2013.

User Comments

The treatment is a two week treatment costing $21,200 not including lodging and food/entertainment. It is all outpatient. Inquire further at cellmedicine . com. I am planning on October for my visit. I will be blogging my experience like I did my treatments at SIMC in Reno, NV.
Thank you! I will be anxiously awaiting the results. Even though it is a huge chunk of money, the cost of treating this on a monthly basis can be a huge burden. Not to mention the possibility of actually arresting the progress of the disease. Wishing you the best!
Not a day goes by that I don't think about You, Terri, and the kids. Let me know if there is anything I can do to help. Know that I am sending much love and good mojo your way.
we love you Mr. Campbell (you *do* look like Bruce Campbell in clip).
Hope it all worked out for you. Let me know...I'm interested.
Can you tell us how much the stem cell treatment costs?

Restorelyf - AIM Global Product

About RestoreLyf RestorLyf is a food supplement specially formulated to prolong one's life! Regular intake can protect your heart, prevents inflammation and ...

User Comments

Wow! You what to age Gracefully? Restorelyf is here. Our health is our wealth..for orders and how to join aim global all over the world please contact me ....from kenya +254 721 628 681....get me on facebook. Jyn Gatwiri. God bless you.
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