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Neurological disorders rabbits Videos

Desi Video

Pepper, Jude and Desi Playing

Who's Monty?

User Comments

Hi Monty you are Bunderful, I adore you :)
So cute!

Couscous - the rabbit who never sleeps Pt.1

User Comments

Rabbits don't sleep with their eyes open, they're just so alert that you won't catch them sleeping. Plus if you care to notice, it's not normal for a rabbit to violently spasm while sleeping.
You know most rabbits sleep with their eyes open and they are nocturnal animals so if its nice than thatsvtotally normal my rabbit does that too!

Bo and Sparky Go Home

In Vivo Demonstration of Addressable Microstimulators Powered by Rectification of Epidermically...

In Vivo Demonstration of Addressable Microstimulators Powered by Rectification of Epidermically Applied Currents for Miniaturized Neuroprostheses.

Angel "Walking"

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