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Apartment arrangements Videos

Impressive Modern Arrangements Within a Relatively Small Apartment

see more:small apartment design apartment design ideas studio apartment design apartment floor plans interior design ideas for apartments furnished ...

umalas residence apartment rentals Bali -Arrangements

Holiday apartment at Umalas Residence .uxury one bedroom apartment with 38 square meters living space on 2 th floor has your comfort needs and any ...

DIY - Three Affordable Apartment Flower Arrangement Ideas

It's March 12th, which means its National Plant a Flower Day! We live in a condo and can't plant flowers outside so we decided to come up with some crafty ideas ...

User Comments

March 12th was National Plant a Flower Day! Here's 3 cheap and easy crafts you can do to "plant" a flower inside your home! Plus they don't need water. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4yIiFmUvAHE 
This video is my favorite one so far! Mike you are so funny! mbaugh not Jmb 
Your teeth are like chicklets. I despise fake flowers....
I love watching you fight on camera!

Studio Apartment Decorating On a Budget

Of course, each of us wants a house according to the latest interior design trends and catalogs. Every time you browse the pages of the interior design catalogs, ...

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When I think "budget" I think modestly priced or inexpensive. Those rooms look like they have designer furniture. Or maybe your "budget" is just higher than mine! 
I agree xD

2015 Korean Apartment Tour (EPIK)

Considering a move to Korea to teach English? I'm sure you are wondering what type of living arrangements to expect in your new job. After living in Korea for a ...

User Comments

Hi! Just a few questions, sorry if you've already answered them! - Was it a hassle moving your computer from home to Korea? (I'm thinking of taking mine when I go...but I'm afraid it'll be a hassle moving it there, then to every new location after...for every new job!) - I heard you need some sort of ID number in order to even play computer games while there... I'm hoping that I can continue to play my computer games while I'm there like League of Legends and some Blizzard games during some my free time. Do you know anything about that? Please let me know about it if you do! - How is the internet connection there? Is it paid for when the school pays for your housing? (Related to my love of playing games haha) - What program did you go through to get the teaching job? Or, how did you get your teaching job? Did you apply for more than 1 at the same time? I have been thinking of going with EPIK, SMOE, or Oxford Seminars that provides a TESOL/TESL/TEFL cert with a job placement. That's all I can think of at the moment! Sorry for the trouble (:
+Pete Christie Thanks for the thorough reply! Will do. (: 
+brittany c Hey, thanks for getting in touch.- I actually purchased a new laptop for my trip to Korea, which I still have, rather than taking my desktop computer from back home. As far as I know, it can be a little expensive to ship a desktop computer to Korea, obviously depending on where you are coming from, but it can be done. - I think Koreans have to use their ID number when logging on to play, but as far as I know it is only for younger gamers. They cannot play after a certain time at night. I play games and have abolustely no problem playing and I don't have to use my ID number. - The internet here is by far the best in the world. Some school apartments will already have internet installed, others won't. Either way, your internet will be insanely good. - I went through EPIK, and eventually got accepted to SMOE. The options are basically EPIK, GEPIK and private institutions. I recommend going through a recruiter to help you out with the paperwork etc.Let me know if you have any other questions!
Seriously, how can you complain about your bathroom. The sink and shower aren't even attached...
+Ryan Handley I wasn't complaining at all haha!
It's more like a studio.
That's true, it kinda is like a studio!
American Gods on the bookshelf!! :D
+Megan C noticed that too! love that book
how much do you pay a month? awesome apartment though compared to others
+lee daniel The Seoul Metropolitan Office of Education actually pays the rent. ;)
+lyrics forever    The school pays the rent.

My Apartment in Gwangju, Korea

Video about my living arrangements in Gwangju, South Korea.

User Comments

Nice, it looks like you lived near Suwan-jigu/ Hanam-dong.
Yes, near that area. The Homeplus was about a 15 minute walk.

Apartment Adventure

For the family, friends and even future TaLK scholars who are interested, this is for you! This is my one room apartment in Jeonju, South Korea. Typical living ...

User Comments

Did you have to pay for housing or did the TaLK program pay your housing? I know the EPIK program pays for housing. I haven't finished my BA so I really want to do the TaLK program 

Home Staging Arranging Furniture

We recently staged a 1-bedroom apartment in the West Village. One of the home's major flaws that the Realtor and I both agreed on was the furniture in the living ...

User Comments

Hi, would you mind If I send you some pics as well. I am going crazy with my layout and trying to pic a living room that works. I will email you just in case you can. Thanks in advance :)
+Abreu Mom Hi there sure.
Thank you so much! I've sent you an email :-)
+Amalia Almasy great let me see what I come up with
In the process of decorating my Living room and would love some input :-)
+Amalia Almasy sure why not send me a picture of the entire room, email me [email protected] and I will put a video together of my ideas.
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