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Apartment hunters Videos


Here is some of the stuff I did on my recent LA trip! I didn't film everything but I hope you enjoy :) Check out my NEW Main Channel Video!➜ //bit.ly/1VPGCm7 ...

User Comments

Hi I'm new I was wondering where she's from?
I think she's from Washington
isn't that girl from are we there yet
+Victoria Broadnax oh
+Brianna Smith Yep (:
You guys need to put your seat belts on!
I sound like a mom I'm sorry
What is Teala's channel please??
Not trying to hate but most of this video is her getting food. Am I right?!?! 
She eats a lot
So… everyone needs food
Does rachel have a channel
Life in germany :( sooo Bad !want to Meer you :(
can someone tell me the name of her friend, shes an actress right?
thank you!! i figured it out, i had to go her instagram to fins out because it was bugging me all night. She was the daughter on Are We Done Yet.
Teala Dunn
what is her friend channel name?, she seems cool and would love to watch some of her videos
which friend? the first girl is teala her username is tealaxx2 and the other girl at the school is chloe her username is chloecouture


The search for CASA DE POLANDYTASTIC! Main channel - //www.youtube.com/katytastic Christine's channel ...

User Comments

Could she talk normally? I don't understand anything she says!
Which one I understand everything
Which country do you live in 
+Tasos L. I haven't watched the video in a while or recognized exactly where. probably Hollywood but I'm not sure exactly what city  part of LA..
+Brianna Anette do you know where they live exactly??for example L.A California, Inglewood.
They're in Los Angeles, California :)
Can I ask what y'all do? Career wise.
youtube videos
How old are you and Christine? 
Christine's 24 and Kat's 26 years old.
christine just turned 24 on august 4th but idk about kat :(
YESSSSSSSS. My two favorite booktubers moving into together! :) I would have never thought this would happen!! I'm so excited for you guys! Congrats! :))
This is just like when Camille and Cassidy moved in together!
Omg riiiiight? 
Ikr, I have never been this excited to someone I dont even know to move xD
"Casa de Polandytastic" is this Portuguese? (I'm brazillian though)
Casa it's in both spanish and portuguese. Everybody wins ^^
I'm mexican, casa it's in spanish
It's Spanish (I'm Argentinian) "Casa de Polandytastic" means "Polandytastic's house"You don't necessarily have to use the article "La" if you don't want to, and also if it had to use it, it would be before "Casa"
Not necessarily. When you use a proper noun, you don't have to use it.Sorry if I'm not explaining well.
To be spanish wouldn't need a "la/las" after "de"?
Spanish, I don't know if it's in portuguese as well cause I don't speak it, but it is spanish.
+Kathryn Elizabeth Yes, but in portuguese too :P
I believe it's Spanish, because CASA means home...

TECH BOOM! | Apartment Hunters

//www.TechBoom.TV The rent is too damn high! Here's a skit about the real estate boom in San Francisco that is tied to the tech boom. The median rental ...

User Comments

fucking awesome video & spot on. So sad its absolutely true but, when things up high too fast... they come crashing down real hard. 2007 is about to be repeated. housing & stock market will fail harder than Arnold Schwarzenegger trying to say California! (CALAPHONIYAH!)
This would be a lot funnier if it wasn't so true in the Bay Area, lol smfh. I don't understand where everyone else is getting so much money to pay an arm and a leg for crap living (monthly)!!!

Apartment Hunting is Not Like House Hunters

Tell me in the comments - what's your dream house like? You can get my interrobang necklace at: //dftba.com/karen DIY Magazine iPad Cover: ...

User Comments

I use to live in the Bay Area and SF? OMG I would never be able to live there, I don't see how some of my friends do it! But I mean there's always nearby cities, like Daly City? South City? I now live in Orlando, FL and people here complain that $800 is too much for a two bedroom. Seriously? I'm from NorCal guys, $800 for a two bedroom?! I'LL TAKE IT! WHERE DO I SIGN UP?! I miss home so much but no, there's no way I can afford living there! I heard SF also went up cause of the new bridge.
Once when I was in college I went apt hunting/house hunting, I saw this place listed on Craigslist and went to go view it. It was super cheap like 500 mth for a 2bd 2bth. Well after class, I went and saw and figured out why it was so cheap, there were holes all in the wall, the ceiling was falling about because of water damage. In the living there was a whole in the floor so you could see the ground beneath. The landlord called me after I saw and asked if I wanted to move in......
My dream house is a hobbit hole with a tower on top of it, but instead of a tower, it's a metal tree with a bathroom in it that has a claw-foot tub. There'd be a big living room - kitchen with wood beams, brick and tile. There'd be a big library as well as a huge crafting room. Plus 2-3 bedrooms. To get to the bathroom above, there'd be a lader that looks like tree roots and behind the ladder would be the 2nd bathroom on the ground floor. Lots of round windows and arches.
Having a washing machine is worth its weight in gold. If you can find a place with a stackable machine or other grab it. Having to pay...PAY for the repeated hassle of fighting other weirdos over washing machines in a communal laundromat is miserable.. even if it's on site. I mean you have to stay and tend to your cloths ..it's a waste of half a day. People don't realize how key a washing machine is over anything else.
My dream house would be a house that is in a good neighborhood. The house would have its own big library and one of those little window bench things to be able to sit and read on and a medium sized kitchen to be able to bake and two bedrooms and two bathrooms. It'd have a nice backyard and big porch with a great view of trees so when the sun sets it looks beautiful. Ya i dont think it'd be easy to find haha
well, in i live in mexico city, and apartment hunting is not this difficult i lived with friends a time ago and we find the right place in two days. But we usually live with our parents until we marry or get enough money to rent or buy. Yep, i know that kind of sounds lame, but our economic and cultural situation is different. My friends are between 24-31 and mostly all, still live with their parents.
I just moved out for grad school near DC and I know the struggle. It's a lot harder when you're moving further away too. Thankfully we were able to find some place relatively cheap that was willing to work with us from afar but it was touch and go for a while. My roommate ended up throwing up a few times from the stress before we finally signed our lease. Good Luck in your own searches!!
Oh god, one of the reasons I actually do sort of kind of like LA. I managed to get a place together in a week. It's in a bit of an odd neighborhood and there are bugs sometimes, but it's under 1000 and it's mine. Best wishes to you! I know SF is kind of a housing nightmare. When I moved there w/ my family we had a Realtor and we were still in temporary places for a year and a half.
I'm very grateful my grandparents let me live with them rent free while I go to school at sfsu. Otherwise HA apartments. I guess there's a little more choice out in my area since it's not downtown and people are moving all the time every school year, but yeah downtown. Yikes. I hope some great miracle happens & you get a place that's not someone else's bedroom in the tenderloin.
Any house/apartment close to school. I don't mind driving but gas adds up and I'll be driving everyday next semester so it'll be costing me $370 a month more or less. If I lived closer, I can easily cut the fuel cost by half easily or even take the bus. I'm actually looking at apartments too and working seasonal so maybe I can get one for the semester.
we once looked at a house that was doable until we saw the roofless kitchen and the water damage....also saw a cool house that used to be a store; had a cool store front room and huge pizza-type oven, dogwood trees, fenced in yard BUT no furnace. We live in Pittsburgh, PA. oh, yeah, saw a nice house you couldn't breath in...cat urine funk everywhere
If money were no object the house would have two or three libraries, a gaming room (including a pinball machine and pool table), a movie room (including an 84-Inch Cinema 3D 4K Ultra HD TV, Polk Audio Home Theater System, and mini drink and snack bar), an indoor heated pool, and enough bedrooms so friends could crash after a party and be safe.
I know how you feel. It's impossible to find an apartment in Calgary right now. We had devastating floods this summer that hit particularly hard in the areas where most rentals are located. Hopefully you don't have to deal with any of the complications that come with sudden natural disasters!
born and raised in SF...moved to east coast in 99 and back to SF in 03..was craaazy lookin for housing! took 7 weeks of hotel hopping and a million calls and emails jus to end up in a 1BR for 1350/mo in the richmond dist.! back on the east coast now in a 1BR for 719/mo ;( good luck hun!!
If you want to come on up to Vancouver we have TONS of stuff being built here, and apparently it is a lot like San Francisco (and from the 36 hours I spent in San Francisco, I can say I agree)... however, I have heard it is one of the most expensive places to live in North America... hmmm
I know this is a crazy thought, but as a YouTuber, and a freelance graphic designer, can't you pretty much live anywhere? So, that said, wouldn't it be more cost-effective, and easier, to find a place in another city/state. I realize SF is great, but is that enough reason to stay?
There's actually a new apartment complex opening near one of the Bart stops...I can't remember which one but my friend lives there and likes it. You might need apartment-mates but she only has one and its reasonable...for SF haha. Good luck on the one you are visiting!
I'm no stanger to moving both with family and doing it solo. I can tell you 90% of the time I have moved it has rained either light or heavy. Something has always broken or has gotten lost but the biggest thing was our pets. The change made them nerves and sick.

How To Apartment Hunt | Broad City

Abbi and Illana meet a realtor to search for a new apartment Watch Abbi and Ilana light up for 420: //bit.ly/broadcity420 Subscribe to Comedy Central UK: ...

Apartment Hunters Dallas - Downtown (Updated)

If you like House Hunters on HGTV. You will definitely like this. Watch as we follow Stefano and Stephen to pick an apartment in Downtown, Dallas.
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