A short clip from HBO's Silicon Valley about S.W.O.T. Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities & Threats.
Jared Dunn vs. Automated Car
'Who's going to drive you home?' with Iwan Parry at #ilcmotor
Iwan Parry, of the Transport Research Laboratory, tells delegates at #ilcmotor about the future of autonomous and driverless technologies.
The Lempert Report | 22 June 2010
Phil Lempert's 5-minute Marketing Analysis, Issues & Trends and the impact on the food and retail environments.
Silicon Valley S02E05 - Jared Sleep Talking
Here is what Jared was saying in his sleep (thanks to reddit/r/SiliconValleyHBO). First scene: "Nein, das ist was sie wollen. Aber wie können sie alle tot sein?
:D :D :D
Sentence 1:''Aber wie können sie alle tot sein? Hahahaha...Ich würde mich
an sie ranschleichen und ihnen die Kehle aufschlitzen'' (How can they all
be dead? Muhahaha...i would sneak up on them and cut their throats)
+Stay Isie i didn't study German so much but i think he says "Nein, das ist was sie wollen" at the beginning. Also he says "Nicht widerstehen!" which means "Don't resist!".
+Stay Isie Sentence 2: ''Nicht wiederstehen! (but i gues he wanted to say: Nicht wiedersprechen!)...Ich würde mich an sie ranschleichen und ihnen die Kehle aufschlitzen'' (Do not contradict!...i would sneak up on them and cut their throats)