Can't get all your brews in your cooler? Let The Deaner show you how to properly fill a cooler so you don't look like a tool. Chortle over here: // ...
yeah but if the ice turns into liquid the more ice needs balance and it will pour off some ice or liquid and it will may not taste good so well if u drink it
I think you mean condensation? And that's not possible because condensation only forms when a cold beverage is in contact with warm air, and the solo cup is in a liquid
4 Time-Saving Holiday Party Hacks
Hosting a dinner party doesn't have to be so stressful. Here are four tips that will save you time and frustration while you prepare your holiday meal for friends ...
Warm beer is the enemy of a powerful thirst. That's why The Deaner has the ultimate party hack for you that will ensure your brew is cold within 5 seconds.
Holiday Hints - Cocktail Party Hacks
No shaker? No problem. From using a mason jar in place of a cocktail shaker to labelling your wineglass withe a dry erase marker, we've got a clever bunch of ...