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Switzerland national anthem facts Videos

The Swiss search for new national anthem | Journal

Voters in Switzerland currently have the opportunity to choose a new national anthem in an online poll. Six songs are on the ballot. The competition's been ...

User Comments

Its easy. In the mountains we are livin, and in denial we are believin. You don't need the G because you believe in Global warming.
maybe the Swiss should include "opening our Bank accounts for the world's scrutiny."?

Swiss set to choose new national anthem

Switzerland has a habit of regularly going to the polls to decide the big questions affecting the country, so it is no surprise that "people are being asked to pick its ...

User Comments

Weird country indeed.
@Clifford S When you were 4 years old? They should have roasted you on a spit, that would have fed several families.PS. I didn't believe you for even a nanosecond.
+Vierotchka Actualy i was kidnaped by Gypsies at a Carnival in Northern California when i was 4, luckily the police found me in time. I will never forget what they told me
+Clifford S Pity they didn't eat you when you were a baby...
+Vierotchka They just Steal and eat Babbies
+GoyliathZiofister Gypsies neither eat nor sell cat meat.
+ajgelgal adeghmus It is a great country.
+Clifford S That is absolute bullshit.
+Lex Parsimoniae Not anymore, unfortunately.
+MeliorIlle Bored, perhaps? Y'know the Europeans don't take their national identities too seriously.
Why are they changing it?
None of you have heard witchery? Which originated from Europe. That's a possibility.
+GoyliathZiofister That could be, that very well could be.
+Clifford S Maybe that "open market" was actually a gypsy-run market
thats fucking disgusting. its indeed a disgusting nation
most people dont know the half of it hahaMy sister visited there when she was stationed in Germany andshe said at the open market they had drawn, quartered and marbleized cats, (Yes Kitties) hanging withother meats at the butcher shop. Never heard of anyone eating cat much less Europeans odd as heck

Nationalhymne Schweiz / National Anthem Switzerland

Nationalhymne Schweiz National anthem switzerland Schweiz Suisse Switzerland Swiss Svizzera CONFOEDERATIO HELVETICA.

User Comments

@NazisRaus2343 Wieso hast du etwas gegen die Schweizer?! Wir waren keine Nazis, nein, das wart ihr Deutschen! Jedoch ist das alles Vergangenheit und ich nehme es den Deutschen gar nicht übel, denn sie konnten nichts dafür! Doch ich finde es einfach unverschämt ein ganzes Land, das durch und durch neutral ist, so zu beschimpfen. Wie sollte denn die Schweiz aus Europa?! Genau wie Deutschland liegt es in zentraleuropa und kann nicht einfach "raus" und es ist noch nicht einmal ein Mitglied der EU.
Ich hans ja teils au ned ganz ernscht gemeint (au wenn de das dem kommentar gar nöd amerkt), ich finds ja au schön und füehl mich wohl dihei i de schwiiz. Ich han au nüt degäge an sich wenn öpper uf sini heimat stolz isch, ich finds nur schad dass sich das zu oft mit usländerhass vermischt, und de anderi comment isch ja es schöns bischpil devo gsi. De Nationalismus hets au nöd scho immer geh und het für mich nüme so e grossi bedütig wie sie's wohl in früechere generatione gha het.
I am Indian and have heard alot of good things from relatives in suisse but also have heard superlative remarks from my relatives in Australia.So I decided to do my own research some time ago.I was pleasently surprised at how much a country as small in size as Switzerland has invented.Swiss militia was created so the country won't invade others!It never colonised others.Only white country(non-micro)with a clean history.Switzerland is the true"Land of the free and Home of the brave" GO SUISSE!
@oOSaki2185Oo Schweizerdeutsch=Alemannisch (Wir Badener sprechen nämlich Niederalemannisch und die Deutschschweizer sprechen Hoch- oder Höchstalemannisch). Und alemannisch ist ein deutscher Dialekt wie hessisch, sächsisch, bayerisch, .... Jeder Dialekt hat seine Eigenheiten (andere Wörter, Betonungen etc.). Ein Österreicher wird richtiges Platt nicht verstehen, ein Pfälzer hat Probleme mit richtigem Sächsisch, und ein Hamburger wird mit richtigem Schweizerdeutsch Probleme haben.
Hello Switzerland - Ciao Svizzera - Salut Suisse und Grüzi in die Schwiz! One of the most beautiful national anthem I have ever heard. Your country is an idel for all and I love it. You are doing a perfect job. No war and no fights in the past - perfect. For the future Europe should become a neutral continent. All the best my friends from Austria. Jeder, der einmal in der Schweiz war, weiss, dass dort unglaublich nette Menschen leben. Alles liebe und schöne Grüsse aus Österreich.
Lol, wie da wider es SVP schäfli abgaht. ich bin übrigens in de schwiiz gebore und ufgwachse, ich lueg halt nur no über min tellerrand use. Fuul würd ich mich au nöd grad nenne, ich bin im moment an de ETH. Aber solang du mit em Müll wo du dich selber glaube lasch fröhlich bisch isch ja alles guet, oder? Hauptsach die wo nöd um de böög umerenned oder nach de jodel session mit de kuehglocke im dorf go spaziere gönd sind alli scheisse ünd sötted am beschte 'hei gah'.
@NazisRaus2343 Ach komm! Ich bin nur eingebügerte Schweizerin, denn zur Hälfte bin ich Deutsch und Chinesisch und Japanisch! Lass doch die Länder in Ruhe leben, dann werde sie dich auch in Ruhe lassen! Ja, die Schweizer mögen die Ausländer nicht sehr, da sie hier einen wirklich, wirklich schlchten Ruf haben. Ich will nicht mit dir streiten, so lass das und hör bitte auf, Länder zu beleidigen, die ihren Stolz haben, ja?
jo.. ausländer raus, das boot is voll ihr seid doch alle hirnverbrannt, solche ideologien aus der mottenkiste zu holn! fragt euch mal selbst wieso es in 60 jahren keine *schweizer* mehr gibt- sind nichtmal fähig nachwuchs für unser schönes land zu produzieren. die schweiz braucht nen haufen zuwanderer pro jahr um die einwohnerzahl überhaupt zu halten. denken bevor man schreibt
★ QURANIMALS never built a decent civilization ★★ QURANIMALS only destroy them and bring misery and mayhem ★★★ A muslim is a follower of a totalitarian ideology that disguises itself as religion, to enjoy tolerance and freedom in societies islam has seeked to destroy for centuries. An Austrian politician is fed up with Islam /watch?v=XRmgI_WXff0
Saludos a suiza, la tierra de mis ancestros. hermoso himno, hermosas imagenes , hermoso pais. Grüße in die Schweiz, das Land meiner Vorfahren. schöne Hymne, schöne Bilder, schönes Land. Salutations suisse, la terre de mes ancêtres. belle hymne, belles images, beau pays. Saluti svizzera, la terra dei miei antenati. inno bella, bella foto, bel paese.
Schön! Biin da unne in Nicaragua grad amene Rieseholzhuffe ufschichte, en Hinderschinke im Solarofe vorzbereite, Spiess für d´Würscht zuezschniede und natürlii das Lied uf de Läpptopp zspeichere - in 12 Stund isch es dänn da auch zabig am Achti - Ziit de 1.August mit e paar Schiizer Früünde zfierä!! Hanspeter us Somoto Nicaragua
Leute, darf ich mal sagen das ihr die beste Hymne habt in der Schweiz, eine Kampfeshymne für unser christliches Abendland. Seid doch stolz auf diese Hymne, ich als Deutscher in der Schweiz, singe mit Inbrunst: Tritts im Morgenrot dar, seh ich dich im Strahlen mehr... Marc - Ein Deutscher in der Schweiz
@ All Ich kack auf die Dialekte und durfte das Alpenglühen erleben , es war Geil ! :-) Aso und anbei : Gadhaffi hat euch den Krieg erklärt (Minarettverbot) , ich stehe an eurer Seite ! Warum glaubt eigentlich jeder , der nicht unseren Kulturkreis angehört ,das er uns gleich hauen darf ? *stutz* ;-)
----Zweite Strophe Kommst im Abendglühn daher, Find'ich dich im Sternenheer, Dich, du Menschenfreundlicher, Liebender! In des Himmels lichten Räumen Kann ich froh und selig träumen! Denn die fromme Seele ahnt Gott im hehren Vaterland, Gott, den Herrn, im hehren Vaterland
Vierte Strophe Fährst im wilden Sturm daher, Bist du selbst uns Hort und Wehr, Du, allmächtig Waltender, Rettender! In Gewitternacht und Grauen Lasst uns kindlich ihm vertrauen! Ja, die fromme Seele ahnt, Gott im hehren Vaterland, Gott, den Herrn, im hehren Vaterland.
Erste Strophe Trittst im Morgenrot daher, Seh'ich dich im Strahlenmeer, Dich, du Hocherhabener, Herrlicher! Wenn der Alpenfirn sich rötet, Betet, freie Schweizer, betet! Eure fromme Seele ahnt Gott im hehren Vaterland, Gott, den Herrn, im hehren Vaterland
Dritte Strophe Ziehst im Nebelflor daher, Such'ich dich im Wolkenmeer, Dich, du Unergründlicher, Ewiger! Aus dem grauen Luftgebilde Tritt die Sonne klar und milde, Und die fromme Seele ahnt Gott im hehren Vaterland, Gott, den Herrn, im hehren Vaterland.
Mer Schwiizer wönd üse Stolz ond üsi Ehr bhalte. mer wönd üs gege die usländer wehre schösch heisst schwiiz ergend wenn Türkbanie!! Ich hatee einen Traum eine Ausländer hing am Baum. Ich hatte viele Träume doch zu wenig BäUME!
Schweizerdeutsch ist natürlich keine eigene Sprache. Es ist alemannisch und damit ein deutscher Dialekt. Ihr sprecht in der Deutschschweiz eben einen Hochalemannischen Dialekt und wir in Südbaden einen Niederalemannischen Dialekt.
Das esch doch genaus s Problem met üch! Ehr chömid do ie, wärdit ufgno und was möchit die meischte? Fuul omehocke Soziauamt bschisse odr eifach öbert schwiiz abeläschtere! Wenn üch d Schwiiz ned passt wiso sendr do äne cho?
wir haben Habsburg richtig den Arsch versohlt während ganz Europa Angst vor ihnen hatte :) ich will nicht angeben ich bin nur stolz :) ha nur wele standarddütsch schribe damit unseri dütsche öschtericher au öpis verstöhn
I am a European and I was treated like a honoured guest in Switzerland. I have seen some of the best hospitality that a hotel has to offer there- a shame that I was en route to Italy but next time I will stay.
Homage à la Suisse pays que j'ai appris à aimer depuis vingt ans bientôt, homage d'un frontalier français , merci pour tout ce qu'elle m'a donnée et me donne encore, merci à sa grande tolérance.
@MizumiHyuuga Ach ja? Was laberst du selbsgefälliger SCHWEIZER VERBRECHER da für Müll? Schau dir mal das hier an wie Schweizer ausländer rassistisch behandeln du Affe: watch?v=EX1ixthqbeI
@mercedespower1291 öppis dümmers is dir au net eingefallen! natürlich ist schweizerdeutsch eine eigene sprache mit ihren eigenen dialekten wie zB Bayrisch ! Verdreh das bitte nicht
@mercedespower1291 Sag mal gehts noch? xD Unser Schwiizerdütsch mit deutsch zu vereinbaren... Na toll. :-P Ja es hat vielleicht ähnlichkeiten, wir haben aber unsere eigene Sprache.
Vielen lieben Dank!!! Kann die netten Worte nur zurück nach Österreich geben! Österreich ist zusammen mit der Schweiz sicherlich das schönste und sympathischte Land der Welt..
@kantonerei Schweizerdeutsch IST ne eigene Sprache. Das ist genauso bescheuert, wenn du sagen würdest: "Taiwanisch ist keine eigene Sprache, das ist Chinesisch".
@Szentelira Ja, aber die Merheit spricht Taiwanisch. ;D Genauso in der Schweiz; die Hauptsprache ist Deutsch, aber die Merheit spricht Schweizerdeutsch :]
@NazisRaus2343 hahahahahaha alpennazis hhahahahahahahaha das worf gfallt mer hehehe aber es zeigt au wie beschränkt du bisch hehehe
@mercedespower1291 sicher ischs n sprach du voll tubl, suscht gäbts ja nöd verschiedenie dialekt vom schwizerdütsch holzchopf

Oben am jungen Rhein - Liechtenstein National Anthem Vocal

Oben am jungen Rhein (Up above the young Rhine), sung to the same tune as God Save the Queen, has been the national anthem of Liechtenstein since 1963, ...

User Comments

+CyanCookie Agario&More ?
Beautiful anthem. Hello from America!
+Eva Waswo It's God save the queen with different lyrics just like 'Tis Of Thee
My Country, 'Tis of Thee for the Americans
+09shadowjet Fuck off its God Save Our Gracious Queen
I remember when England played Liechtenstein in a qualifier a few years ago and when their anthem started all the English fans just started singing God Save The Queen again.
+kody miller are you talking about heil dir im Siegerkranz
+Tugg Speedman Well they could hardly boo it.
+Assoluta I'm pretty sure there are football stadiums which can't even be filled halfway by the entire 37.000 population of Liechtenstein. In stadiums like these, they'd be fighting singing a losing battle.
+Tugg SpeedmanHaha that must be awkward :D Thanks for the info btw.
+09shadowjet They played it twice because the lyrics are still different for both teams. 
I'm curious did they played the same tune twice, once for England and once for Liechtenstein or only once for both countries?
+kody miller Other way around, actually
+kody miller That's not true at all.
+kody miller vice versa
+kody miller As someone else said, God save the King was sung in England going back before the 1750's it was then adopted by Denmark and a number of German states
+Tugg Speedman It'd be funny if both sides sung the anthem at the same time, half of them in English, half in German, and battle to see who can sing the loudest!
+kody miller Other way round. The Kaisereich Anthem ripped off God Save The Queen, which was a big reason why the anthem wasn't officially recognised.
+kody miller Where are you getting that from?
+Tugg Speedman Well, technically the UK's anthem is a rip off of Germany's old anthem.

Top 10 Best National Anthem!

Here Are Some Nice National Anthem!

User Comments

Kannst du die auch ein Ranking der Nationalhymnen nach Textbedeutung machen?
+Phantom Lord ah ok :) ich werde es versuchen :)
Sortiert nach den schönsten Texten (also z.B. Einigkeit und Recht und Freiheit) vom Inhalt also welche Texte der Nationalhymnen du am besten findest.
+Phantom Lord wie meinst du das genau?
Bangladesh anthem in top 3.
At least she included Bangladesh but she forgot India.
Sounds like a funeral songs, but I have question: where I can find your erotic pictures, please!
Well if you think she`s beautiful then we be rude to her? Or do you not have normal social antennas that help you guide in your verbal interaction with the opposite sex? 
Thanks for the tip , but you did not understand me , this girl is exceptionally beautiful... It is also sufficient
+spec beau There`s plenty of online pages for people like you...just google porn and I`m sure you`ll find something you can wank off to.
brazilian one is the best.
Brazilian anthem have incredible beautiful tradution, I love it!
woooooow.my lovely country is in top ten.Bangladesh :)
I HOPE YOU WILL UPLOAD THIS MUSIC TO YOUR CHANNEL I AM GIVING A LINKhttps://www.facebook.com/1031847683511657/videos/1108372082525883/
+Ripon Ahammed :)))

Australian National Anthem - Germein Sisters

Official audio of us performing an acoustic version of the "AUSTRALIAN NATIONAL ANTHEM". WEBSITE: //www.germeinsisters.com YOUTUBE: ...

Beyonce Sings Nigeria National Anthem

Beyonce moves the crowd to tears by singing the Nigerian National Anthem. Thisday Concert: Saturday 7th October 06 Lagos Polo Club, Ikoyi.

User Comments

Such a great thing from Beyoncé to sing the anthems of countries she got concerts!And besides this,the anthem itself is a great one!
+Funke Seun you're welcome
thank you . you are a darling. like ur comment.
yes its true she's not a Nigeria but you know anyone can sing any thing music BUT when it comes to the national anthem NIGERIANS should not sit and JUST watch a FOREIGNER who is holding no allegiance to your country and whose country is far developed(i did not say better) than yours;it is like rubbing our mostly-disdained-pledge' to our face only it was made very presentable that the Nigerians who clapped who liked did not see any lesson to learn from a "seemly mockery" or let me say "flattery" So Nigerians WAKE UP the national anthem can be for anyone to sing but We(Nigerians) ours is the anthem the pledge the commitment and the allegiance ARISE NIGERIA CALL OBEY! SO we should not just sit and clap we should do something to move ourselves(we -the 'Nigeria') FORWARD. Thank you.
+Alabi Omo Nigeria is a geographical experession of colonized Africans as Beyoncé is a colonized African so its makes no differecnce.
Why the fuck is this slut in Nigeria
+Alabi Omo She's not a Nigerian
where is the allegiance! NIGERIANS WAKE UP never you sing this anthem for fun ARISE OH COMPATRIOTS sing and keep to THE PLEDGE. And I pray that God will deliver this country and take us up (even more than the heart-beat of the patriotic Nigeria who wrote this anthem) in JESUS NAME. AMEN. ANY TIME YOU SING THIS ANTHEM Please think and know that without You and I there would be no "Nigeria"
she is Creole...so her ancestors are from west Africa, but not Nigeria. they only speak English there, she must be from either guinea, ivory coast or Senegal.
It's her ancestors on her mother's side, it's in her video, "Formation."
+cauzin diem that's such a close-minded thing to say. She's only half creole first off, and secondly why bring such negativity?
oh sweet heart why are we wasting up saliva on goat in form of humans...she came and she like the country therefore there is nothing any chicken can say about it...we are scammers yes but you!! ...hmm sorry to say you are as foolish as your useless country that has no morals and dignity... a country with no shame and respect were every body is wayward... I am a proud Nigerian so haters go fuck yourself
+ann apu Do nigerian only speak english or any other language?
What's bad about scamming, .... that's the only way we can get back our stolen dignity and resources. I'm a Nigerian, i lve in Europe ..... i dont give a fuck, i'm a scammer. i love what i'm doing and to be frank , i have no regrets whats so ever being a scammer. Those motherfuckers came to my fatherland without VISA or any kind of entry permit( Oral, Written or otherwise) They looted my fatherland and took my ancestors .... Men, Women and children away as Slaves.They have refused to pay any form of compensation to my fatherland( morally or financially) And they acuse us of drug trafficking and IT SCAMS. Well lets look at this way ... the drugs for the slavery and IT SCAM for the looting.
You do realize that the Europeans simply bought the slaves from African merchants, right? You should really be mad at Dahomey and the Oyo Empire for selling slaves. And if you're a Nigerian then that means you're ancestors weren't taken away as slaves; otherwise you would be an American or a Carribean.
It's weird hearing the Nigerian national anthem in an American accent...
Omg I thought the same thing

El Salvador National Anthem Vocal

User Comments

Im from holland
+jpee penate you're the one that started you cry like a bitch you should have been born a girl
+esepitbull Yeah Yeah Sure Faggit Now Shu Up And Stop Talking To Me I Dont Talk To Faggits
+jpee penate typical salvawhorean quitter vete ala verga
+esepitbull Shut Up And Leave Me Alone
+jpee penate nah is your mom's stinky chocha tell her to clean it
+esepitbull Yor Pussy
+jpee penate I smell pussy
+esepitbull U Mad Bro? :)
+jpee penate fuck you dirty guanaca
Nice How Is It There Ive Been Wanting O Visit That Place
There's no such thing as a "Salvadorean" ethnicity. Of almost all the American countries, you have the ethnicity of another continent.
+Eddie T. yep it was Alverado he I am a direct decent of his and I live in what would be his house now but Salvadoran is an ethnicity and don't question it
True. I believe the Spaniards conquered what we call El Salvador today.
Sometimes I hate Mexico just because they think they just talk trash on us.I mean really Mexico is bad enough with the guns and dry land or whatever. So Mexico go hate on other people and leave us alone. IM A PROUD SALVADORIAN and American
+esepitbull I'm the pussy your the faggot on YouTube attacking people's home lands you can't see people up front your just on yo grandmas computer commenting on videos being a little bitch
+esepitbull and you were a mistake your parents condom split then you were born and thrown away in the dumpster and found by some random people who raised you and used you as a sex slave
+Burnt Chicken What The F*ck
+esepitbull and you woke up with a taco in your tight ass pussy
+jpee penate and you should go to the brothel where your whore mom shitted you out of
+esepitbull You Should Go To School
+jpee penate are you getting mad pussy go fuck a meth head Ms 13 tweaker fuckin faggot
+esepitbull Shut The F*ck Up Little B*tch Go F*ck Yourself
+jpee penate and you woke up with a pupusa shoved up your ass
+Burnt Chicken I'm from somewhere better than your piece of shit flea country and you can go back to your guanaco mierda ass village and fuck pigs and suck donkey dick!
+esepitbull And Then You Woke Up From Your Damn Dream
+esepitbull were you from fucker is bitch your vocabulary dear lord stay in school and stop doing drugs there are more words than just bitch if you don't like us then go back to sucking horse dick for a living and fuck out of here.
+jpee penate your mom dont mind when i talk to her like that
+esepitbull You Shouldnt Talk To Your Self Like That You Will Look Like A Retard
This comment is giving me a strong sense of nationalism... Because of this guy over here
+jpee penate fuck off u piece of shit
+esepitbull What Are You Even Doing Her Arent You A Mexican Or Whatever?
+jpee penate win? the only thing u win is a dick in ur mouth fuckin guanaco faggot
+esepitbull Shut Up Salvador For The Win XD
+Rosa Benitez ok i wont use bitch how about puta 
+Rosa Benitez what the fuck are you talking about? what a stupid bitch
+esepitbull oh wait you only have fire and death.you don't even have day
+esepitbull well you must be Satan's son.Have a nice day in HELL.
+esepitbull really "bitch" is the only word you can up with? Wow. I've heard better. No matter what you call me its no going to make me sad.boohoo
+Rosa Benitez i have figured it out your probably a fat saggy ass el salvawhore who prostitutes herself in cantinas
+Rosa Benitez Ok? why do u want to see my face? stupid bitch
+esepitbull at least I don't have to see your face
+esepitbull well thank you I'm pretty sure your worse though.Figure it out yourself.
+Rosa Benitez Who gives a shit what u are bitch
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