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User Comments

God and Satan are both equally good and bad. There one and the same. Except only one gets all the blame...
+Rich joker rich From what I am reading, and from the comments you have left, I'm just flabbergasted that you're telling another human being to kill themself, and that they're a mentally handicapped adolescent. How is this being a follower of God? 
+Rich joker rich I guarantee i know more about your little book than you do. So that means your for slavery, child abuse, etc. That means you worship a god that sends plagues and diseases across his "beloved" creation just to prove a point. That means you worship a god that kills a man for picking up sticks. That means you worship an "all knowing" being thats "perfect and good" that creates and allows satan to tempt and ruin his creation. That means your just as evil as the one you denounce. Your logic is heavily flawed and your point is irrelevant and non-existant.
+RustyFiReWorKs lol ya thanks for proving my point you know nothing you probably haven't even read the table of contents on the Bible poor cunt
+Rich joker rich Yeah im not sure what god your following but he definitely raised you to be a complete moronic hypocrite. Either that, or your a really shitty follower and you might want to revamp your logic. Its sad that people like you exist to give religion/god a bad name. Congrats. Btw you dont know anymore about god and satan than i do. Do you have their autographs? No didnt think so. But since you come off as a 5 year old desperately trying to communicate, ill let you do some growing up to do so you can realize how fucking stupid and backwards you sound. 
+RustyFiReWorKs lol nah your the only one who's going to get deep fried and why are you seeing these videos because obviously you know nothing about God and Satan and your comment is just wow what a fucking moron lmfao I laughed so hard their not fucking equal you dumb piece of shit your the stupidest person iv came across with hahahahahaha
+Rich joker rich Your another prime example of why followers of god are shallow hypocrites. I hope god, if he does indeed exist, burns you at the stake you unholy piece of shit.
+RustyFiReWorKs your either a fat ass or a skinny bitch plus your level of stupidity damn I'll pray for you...
+Laura Ann lol yeah its hard for them to handle anything. And when they cant disprove you, they'll tell you to kill yourself and your going to hell. God is good right? Poor guys...
+Rich joker rich lol apparently god forgot to give you a brain with the amount of hyprocrisies and inconsistencies your showing between you and your religion. Honestly you might want to reread your bible because like many others, your giving god and your religion a shitty reputation.
+RustyFiReWorKs your comment made me laugh I couldn't tell if it was a troll or if you were that stupid god gives you a brain and look what you do with it get out of here with that none sense
+RustyFiReWorKs im not the one who decides where u go but from what it looks like your not a follower of god so down you go
+Rich joker rich LOL this is great. Your a prime example of how NOT to be a follower of god. Your a fucking moron. "Oh yeah im going to heaven by telling people to kill themselves and spreading hate!!" HAHA you are beyond pitiful and if their is a god, hopefully he burns your at the stake for being such a hypocrite. and by the way you sound, i'm wayy more smarter now than you'll EVER be. Just remember that. Hypocrite.
+RustyFiReWorKs .
Kill yourself even satanists don't agree with your lack of knowledge gtfo you dumb piece of shit at least I won't have to deal with retards like you in heaven
+RustyFiReWorKs  Is that a fact, hippie? LOL. Go smoke another bowl, druggie.
+Kyle Waynick Whatever you say man.
No... God has a reason behind everything. He created us for a reason to fail. Think, God has been here a LONG time. So from the beginning he saw us created and knew we'd mess up. HE said if everyone was to follow him there wouldn't be nothing bad. As it was when Enoch ruled over us. The only time in history there was no war or sin. Satan envied God because God has what he doesn't and that's power over everything.
+Rev55you know who else is proud and vain? God.
+RustyFiReWorKs Thank you
+RubiMercuri Exactly people don't understand, God is the perfect father that everyone needs.  He gives us peace, and understanding when we follow him read his word and try to be more like him.  People that won't open their hearts to our savior (Jesus Christ) have been blinded by hate, if they would just open the bible and start reading and studying the New testament instead of listening to someone next to them cherry pick old testament verses I know they would be hungry for more knowledge of the words of Christ, no one should allow their eternity to be decided for them because of what someone next to them said or what they've supposedly proven through science, scientists constantly are disproving supposed "facts" that they had come up with before. There is no greater feeling than knowing Jesus Christ as your savior, for no one can ever give that kind of love, the love our heavenly father has for us is impossible to put into words, but once you know him you know there is no greater love than that. Please if you don't know Christ read the words of Christ, study the New testament and accept him for their is no greater gift than the free gift of eternal life with the most perfect father ever. God Bless you for trying to witness to others, for that is our main reason for being, to witness to as many as possible through love and kindness.    
You sound like a 5 year old with mental retardation.
Theres alot of shit God, the supposed "divine perfect entity", has done that is completely fucked up and inhumane/just. If you dont think that, than your just as fucked up and blind as anyone else. God has good parts to him, and undeniably fucked up parts to him as well. As with Satan. There one and the same. As above, so below. 
You got to be kidding me. The only time when someone would say god is bad is when you don't agree with his laws of righteousness and you prefer the worldly things. God represents ALL that is good. God IS love. There is no such thing as bad in God!!
The only reason mankind worships god is because he created us and gave us life. Satan has done nothing but be filled with jealousy and hate on god, Jesus, and mankind. That is why satan is evil
Dude Yaweh God is Perfect, the creator, and INFINITE. Satan or Lucifer is FINITE. Choose a side.
+Warbanditfire you have a point but it are you willing to burn
+DeadenEsteem so Satan used to engage in self worship huh and Yahweh used to engage in create alotta guys to worship him lol hmm well at least Satan didn't crest life and said worshipped me or burn
Satan is not equal with his creator, that's why he was cast down from heaven due to his self-worship.
Actually that is the old testament interpretation because satan was an agent of God, he was a testor of man.Then as we read later into the same old testament from the prophets lucifer rebeled and rejected his role, he was proud, he was vain, and he wanted everything God had.

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