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Wedding gift registry sydney Videos

Wedding Registry 101

Get Married's wedding experts give you the first course in wedding registry. From when to register to what to register for, we give you everything you need to ...

The Wedding Registry

Hilarious stand up comedian Tim Rabnett performs his wedding registry joke.

Kitchen Design Ideas - Popular Ideas For Food Storage Containers

Food storage containers snapware kitchen design ideas houzz . , . . . . Tip an extra pull out waste bin works great for dog food storage; The ones with lids are the ...

Bone Marrow: The Gift Of Life

Anonymous donors saved the life of a little boy born with a rare blood disease because they registered at the bone marrow donor registry, reports Dr. Debbye ...

User Comments

Our son just went through a bone marrow transplant 43 days ago and is doing o.k. We are just taking one day at a time. I understand how special donors can be. I can't wait to meet ours.
Oh my goodness, Matthew is adorable! I'm 19 and I just registered with Be The Match earlier today. I hope I get the chance to save someone's life one day as well.
Thank you for planning to register as a tissue donor. Every one of us can make a difference. You have an awesome user name.
Any one of us can be a match for someone in need. I am a past donor and believe me - it changes your life.
i registered today as a donor... i should have done that years ago i think
tears in my eyes. I am donating next month.. this is real

eMBER VISUAL ARTS - Wedding Cinematography - Wedding Trailer - Wedding Video - Wedding Highlights

eMBER VISUAL ARTS presents a wedding trailer for the Registry of Zaimeen and Riaz in Leicester. We would like to thank this amazing couple for allowing us ...

User Comments


Wedding registry!

Matthew and Whitney registering at Target.

Why use The Gift Register?

Sharing gift lists should not just be reserved for the occasion of a Wedding. It makes life so much easier for birthdays and Christmas as well! Sign up here: ...

User Comments

awesome, I literally had the same idea that someone should make a gift registry type app, so confusing trying to remember what everyone wants, so glad someone made an app. just make sure if its a shared list everyone can see if that gift has been bought by someone and ticked, just so there is no double ups. I'll definetly try this.
Cool, will definetly give it a go.
+GAME OVER "WE HAVE EVERY PIXEL COVERED" Thanks! :) ... yes, we have put a banner at the top of a list to remind a user to mark a gift as 'purchased' to ensure it comes off the list ;) ... I will also introduce a similar reminder in the iOS app. Enjoy!
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