With a privatized Fed, The money printed distributed or registered in bank
computer transfers covers only the capital, so interest is impossible to
reimburse as the money to do so do not exist *___reason for taxes debts and
deficit accumulation _* With a Public central bank, interest is annulating
itself as coming back to the central bank when the transaction is completed
*___* ( webofdebt.com/articles )
so, impossible for a country with a privatized central bank not to have a
debt and annual deficits accumulation, so charging taxes.
We don't need a central bank at all -- public or private. We need an accountable congress that produces the money as designated in the Constitution. The problem however is that today the Congress is populated with traitorous politicians that put the interest of International Jewry first over that of U.S. citizens.
Austrian Economics for Managers with Peter Klein, Lecture 5