So a white reporter stumbles into a group of racist KneeGrows holding a
black only meeting on public property at a public funded university and is
ordered away. And then, to top it off, along comes racist Rosa Clemente,
flapping her fat pie-hole about being a V-P candidate for the Green Party
in '08. She neglected to mention that she and her black running mate pulled
in a whopping 0.12-percent of the vote. Good times...good times.
Immigrant Challenges
Student Immigrant Movement (SIM) member presents some of the personal challenges facing immigrant residents of the Commonwealth. Hosted by La ...
The truth is that Westfield has growing classes, decreasing parking
availability, average-at-best food, a faculty that tries to micromanage
your life, and all at a steadily increasing cost. Evan Dobelle wants it to
generate the same state funding as Umass, but it never will.
2:49 Galway, Ireland I was there last month. Awesome place to stop at a pub
for a pint!
Homecoming Pep Rally, Bonfire, Lighting of the A and Fireworks
This year's Homecoming celebration included a pep rally, bonfire, and fireworks. Take in the sights and sounds of Homecoming on the CSU campus! Check us ...