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Allergic reaction niacin symptoms Videos

Niacin: More Effective and Safer than Statins?

//naturalhealthsherpa.com/niacin-flush-side-effects-benefits-cholesterol/521356--For most of us cholesterol is a bad word. Everyone from doctors and ...

User Comments

as far as i know niacin is a coenzime of vitamin b3 :-) vit b3 is not the same as niacin => that's how i have learned it 20 years ago :-) and it is true that there is flushing but it goes away and after a few days you will not feel that nomore because youre body has been refilled :-) it's a thermogenic and makes youre body work beter :-) very good for athletes too :-) the only downfall is that there is not much good quality on the market :-( but you notice that imediatly when the flush stays out
what is the difference between Niaspan and the vitamin niacin my husband takes the prescribed Niaspan to keep his ldl higher and I assume regulate all of the cholesterol levels, Does niacin do the same thing?
What is the best form of niacin to take ? Extended or immediate release forms ???

Niacin Side Effects: Are They a Serious Health Risk?

//www.GetRidofHighCholesterol.com/niacin-side-effects Are niacin side effects a nuisance or a danger? Hold off on taking niacin for cholesterol until you ...

User Comments

After looking at your website I have this comment. Everything is toxic if not taken in moderation, even things like water or oxygen concentration. Moderation is key with all substances. I am not a researcher, and have not done tests personally, so I can not say definitively that 1-3 grams is needed to have effects on lowering cholesterol, but niacin is KNOWN to reduce LDL's, and increase HDL's naturally in the body. So I can't see niacin as a bad substance for lowering cholesterol if taken right
@WickWolfTiger In general, I agree with your comments about moderation & toxicity. The problem is this: Using niacin in low-to-moderate amounts has never been shown to reduce (or help balance) cholesterol levels. Also, I have personal knowledge that niacin dosages as low as 500mg/day has caused anaphylactic shock. So yes, niacin CAN do the things you said. No question. But only in high dosages ... which come with a risk. Just know that going in.

Cognitive Impairment

Dr. Tom Roselle, DC discusses cognitive impairment from mild to severe including Alzheimer's disease and signs/symptoms of dementia. Also included in this ...



User Comments

I understand you anger. Im mad as hell i got the shit frm where the hell ever an I have 6 children an we all are going on our 2nd week of treatment. if I knew who i got this shit frm i would punch em in the fuckin face. It really drives you crazy an really pisses me off. I jus cant wait to heal from this shit. you are not alone im just as pissed off as you. Imagine having to wash 7 entire wore drobes rewashing every day, electric & gas bill will be thru the roof. It's the worst. Im sorry we all had to go thru this.
+Adrean Ferguson glad to help!!
Wow James thank u so much for taking out the time to give me all the information ive been looking for all this time. It really helps an i feel so crazy for all the time an energy i used to wash all of our things. But thanks a lot! 
+Adrean Ferguson here is some more information about killing the bugs in the dryer. //www.greendept.com/maximpulse/permethrin/treatinglaundry.html ***""Here is the key thing to know: dry, high heat kills the mites and their eggs. But make sure the laundry is completely dry, because you are literally drying out the mites and their eggs to kill them.In a study, dry heat over 122 degrees F (50 degrees C) for over 10 minutes killed the mites and their eggs2. Dryers get to 150 degrees on high heat. The last 10 minutes of a drying cycle is usually a cool down period, so I don't count that as high heat. That's why I say "at least 30 minutes" on high heat. That will mean 20 minutes on high heat and 10 minutes of cool down. You can even remove laundry after the first 20 minutes.You can test your dryer using a meat thermometer. Run some dry laundry on high heat and then put the temperature probe in to see if it gets over 122 degrees F (40 degrees C). One guy I corresponded with discovered his dryer wasn't getting hot enough. He probabaly could have just opened the back and cleaned out the lint to get it running better, but chose to buy a new dryer. Regardless, it's good to know if your dryer is killing the mites and eggs.Don't wash your laundry first. If you do you will have to completely dry your laundry and then run it on high heat for another 30 minutes. It's best to put dry (dirty) laundry in the dryer first. After that you can wash it if you want to, but you don't have to.''''***
+Adrean Ferguson CLICK ON 'Read more' BELOW FOR FULL COMMENT........... let me know if you have questions. you can leave a message here, or better on my Facebook message box 'James Eartheart' https://www.facebook.com/sanfranciscojim1 you don't have to wash every day. just put the clothes in a hot dryer for ten minutes. be careful as DRY clothes could possibly overheat in the dryer and start a fire. they get hot very quickly. check them periodically. also, you can put things aside, in a box or bag for 72 hours, the bugs cannot survive longer than that. you can also do this with the clothes you've dried, just to be safe. i've gotten into a habit now where i don't ever wear the same clothes two days in a row. i stash them for 5 days before wearing again. i stopped using the dryer after a while. so you can use 5 sets of clothes and rotate them. i put dates on the clothes piles to be sure. also very IMPORTANT to understand...the continued itching does not mean the treatment didn't work. i am still itching after a year. my feet, particularly. benadryl works great to reduce the itching. this is probably what the Doctor prescribed. but be careful with that as it can make you feel very weird if you take too much. 25 mg. pill was too much for me. i got the liquid for children and you can dose smaller amounts easily. take it at night to help you sleep. also, plain niacin, Vitamin B3, ...(not niacinamide or nicotinamide, which are other forms of Vitamin B3, but do not cause a flush) helped. i believe it dilates the blood vessels in the skin and flushes out the poison. be aware that niacin can cause a 'flush', which can be a bit scary at first, feeling like you got sunburned from the inside....it takes a while to come on. 10 minutes....but that subsides very quickly..another 10 minutes....and helps relieve the itch. start with a low dose, 10mg of pure niacin. take more every 10 minutes until you feel the 'flush'. you should probably test it on yourself before you give it to the kids, and probably a much lower dose. Benadryl is probably more effective, (especially at night) but the Niacin is probably better for you. not sure. i did both. copious quantities of Niacin (one night i took 300 mg.) and a little of the Benadryl. i'm pretty sure you cannot overdose on Niacin very easily. but the flush can be intense. CLICK ON THE 'SHOW MORE' BELOW video box ABOVE for links and more info.

Sleep Disorders: The Formula To A Perfect Night's Rest

Want a perfect night of sleep to perform optimally? Doctor T's Deep Sleep Medicine is a herbal means to get proper sleep every night. To sleep quickly, for ...

You must watch!! --- niacin treatment for depression

visit //tov1.net/depression niacin treatment for depression -- "Ex-Chronic Sufferer Reveals How To Conquer Stress, Depression And Anxiety, Quickly, ...

AIM-HIGH Stopped: No Benefit of Niacin

Dr. Christopher Cannon provides his perspective on the news today that the NIH is stopping a clinical trial on combination cholesterol treatment. Christopher P.
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