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Wedding dresses spearfish sd Videos

Countryside Church Easter Service 4/8/12

Chalk drawing done live during a worship song at Countryside Church Easter Service, Spearfish, SD 4/8/12.

Dez and Colin wedding

Comedy funny motorcycle wedding red dress.

Motorcycle Tour Day 4 Spearfish vlog 2009

User Comments

still waiting for the new one! i'll do some when i get back...and need another one!

Miss South Dakota - Funniest Moment

Rate this video at: //www.tlc.com/MissAmerica Miss South Dakota (Alexandra Hoffman) tells us about her funniest pageant experience so far! Tune-in ...

User Comments

@jeremyserwer Yes, actually, Syphilis. What you fail to understand (lecturing a historian on history are you?) is that European immune systems were significantly more adapted to a wide array of pathogens due to the ease of movement among European communities. They had already been subjected to widespread epidemics for millennia, which originated from the reopening of international ease of travel in Europe. This didn't exist in the Americas, where roads and water-based shipping were nearly unkown
@17thknight As far as Dominant culture making contact, I guess we need to put you into the equation as I'm sure to you White makes right. So a Fictional group of settlers comes to your country. You think it's going to be a mutually reciprocating relationship. But wait you're attacked cause you have what they want, forced into reservations that are many times not your birth place, the reservations are cut up further as there are more resources that the dominant culture needs. Wear those shoes Pig
@17thknight Biological warfare predates the concept of the gene, if you read your history you will find instances of europeans(The Tartars in the 1346) catapulting victims of Bubonic Plague over the city walls of Kaffa. 1754 in North America during the French and Indian War blankets not bombs infected with Small pox. It was a plan to Reduce Native American Tribes by Sir Jeffery Amherst commander of British Forces. Can you name any pathogens that were passed from the Native Americans to Whites?
dont sell yourself short....it ISNT only the whites in SD that are racist...its both sides.Neither one wants to educate the other.Its easier to throw rocks and call names.I had moved away the second I could and tried to return with my husband, but when he was asked why he would marry a white woman, we left shortly after.I wont bring my kids up surrounded by such stupidity.Wierd thing is, you dont see the ignorance and intolerance on the east coast...I see more trying to educate than to blame.
@17thknight You're a college student, not a historian. Have you read the Peoples History of the United States? Dont be a historical revisionist like Fox news. I mentioned nothing of syphilis. I think the main argument here is a dominant culture invaded and went to war by any means necessary against a native culture that is far more in tune with nature. The dominant culture dominates nature and is not interested in co existence. If you're a student please read "The World Without Us" period.
@17thknight Are you just upset because you wont be getting into the FBI with your faulty logic? You're reading pop history. I'm sorry you believe everything you read, where is your PHD from pops do it yourself college for imbeciles? You obviously are some sort of racist as you cant stay far from your right wing playbook. Puffing your chest with what you've studied but not able to deliver. So you've read "the World Without Us"? Where are you finding the pop Science silliness proof?
@jeremyserwer Wrong, child. I am a HISTORIAN. A dominant culture didn't invade, it made contact. That was all that was necessary for the systemic destruction of native peoples. And yes, you said "What disease did natives spread to Europeans." The answer, my historically illiterate friend, is SYPHILIS. That was the most significant pathological exchange, though others are likely but unprovable as recognition of pathogens was still in its infancy in the 15th century.
@17thknight BTW The FBI and US Marshals don't accept Racists. You're clearly racist. And for your next trick how can you explain away slavery? You obviously are being taught from the wrong books and are not capable of formulating your own thoughts. Other authors you should read, Derrick Jensen, Daniel Quinn and John Zerzan. Do yourself a favor and walk off the bible college campus and into the real world. We are living in the 6th extinction, thanks to your culture.
@jeremyserwer Furthermore, the simple fact that you presuppose this was "biological warfare" shows how significantly biased you are. Yes, "biological warfare" (as you ineptly put it) existed at those times, but people had only the faintest inkling of the communicability of disease, as someone who has studied the history of the Knights of St. John/Hospitallers (like me) can tell you. It certainly was still barely known in the 15th century.
omg... I live in Rapid so we get a LOT of retarded tourists here! This one tourist 'lady' was like "Oh gosh! I thought our plane was going to crash! I was so scared because I didn't want to get scalped by the Indians!" ummmmmm wow... really? I wish her plane HAD landed on the res... what a tard! OH and I've had ppl SERIOUSLY ask what we do with Mt. Rushmore in the winter and rain! uhhh its a rock!
@kerblez You do realize that this happens with first contact between any two isolated peoples, right? There wasn't intentional genocide. 99% of all Indian deaths from 1500 on were due to disease that was purely incidental, impossible to predict, or control. You're talking about a time 200 years prior to the concept of the "germ" and "antibiotics". You obviously know excatly nothing about history.
@jeremyserwer The only "historical revision" is the childish "genocide" nonsensical argument that the historically illiterate bandy about because it's somehow politically correct to do so. It's a MYTH. One that you, seemingly, perpetuate based on no knowledge whatsoever. The World Without Us is pop-science silliness, and has nothing to do with history.
@jeremyserwer This wasn't "biological warfare". It was simply incidental deaths as a restul of first contact. The "blankets with small pox" is a MYTH, you numbnut. One officer SUGGESTED it one time. It did not actually happen, though. If you seriously doubt my numbers, then you literally know nothing about history. Nothing.
I really hate to start racial debates, but Rapid City is filled with racists. We were standing in line at Subway in the mall when some blue eyed, snotty ass bitch cut in front of us. We made a point of it to let her know that cutting wasn't appreciated. She reciprocated by shouting in our faces. But we didn't mind.
@jeremyserwer The closest thing you could find, anywhere, to a "planned" or "genocidal" view towards natives was the Spanish Conquistadors, most particularly Pizarro and Cortes. In the end, the primary use of the natives by the Spanish, however, was slave labor on large plantations.
You obviously have the most boring life imaginable!!!!!!!!!!! Stairs?! BS!!!! Tell em about that time you chit your pants in the 3rd grade. Now THAT was funny!!!!!!!!
Fellow South Dakotans, Lieve & Needy understand and sympathize with funny moments on stage!! Visit our channel: MillervilleSD or search MILLERVILLE, SD

Black Forest Inn Bed and Breakfast, Black Hills South Dakota

Russian Roulette

my first video shot on HD, although this is the SD version to fit on YouTube. Whether or not you like the message, hopefully you like the shot selection, editing, ...

User Comments

If sex with a condom is like playing with a loaded gun, is sex without like playing with af loaded bazooka???? What a crapy video and what a crapy message? I can't see the point of this video?
It means that, if you keep have sex or playing with a loaded gun...the condom is soon to fail...like the gun is soon to be shot
Although I do not agree with your message, I have to admit it was a very well made film.
thank you! hopefully you didn't think that was me, although we look similar.
dude that is sweet i like the end with the close-ups of u guys sweating.
nice underoath music, fit the movie extremely well
wtf ur kiddin me right? thats not u? haha crazy

Sturgis 2011 Faith Rider, Seed Sower Extraordinaire, part 2

A message of Hope and Love.

User Comments

Sorry for your loss. But what a way to go, helping bring people to God. I hope people see your Video and it causes more people to give their lives to God. I don't know your family but you seemed to have been blessed with a good husband and father. Keep on with your great works, I can tell you are a strong woman! Allen
praying for you and your family - right now - you know he has gone ahead of you but that does not mean you will not be reunited - he has just gone ahead.
God Bless you and your family. The Lord takes his children in His time not ours. Keep the faith and He will provide.
You are one amazing woman. God will surely bless your faithfulness.
My sincerest sympathy to you and your family. God Bless You

Aaron Woods Band - Just Walk Away

The 5-Pack (myself, Emily J, J-Melt & Tylar n Aaron from the Aaron Woods Band in Feb 2013 had ourselves alil road trip down to Colorado where we ventured ...

Shot of TP-66 in the first MST3K season title sequence

This is from the first (KTMA) season of Mystery Science Theater 3000. It is a brief shot of a running RCA TP-66, a telecine projector dear to my heart.
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