Getting one over CEX Ebay Reseller making money on the high street with Lego Batman 3
Made £150 quid in 15 minutes without listing a single item today. Found a little loop hole in the GAME and CEX pricing structure and exploited it. Sadly by the ...
Very well done mate. I did something awhile ago close to this (not as
fruitfull) where I wen't into a store called The Trade In who were doing a
15 DVD's for £10. I picked up 15 newer title ones and walked into CEX a day
later who were paying on average £2.50 - £3.00 per DVD and made just over
£40 back.
Thats a nice little deal, I just got £261 into PayPal this morning from CEX, with the 9 Xbox One Batman games I sent them on Tuesday, that is really efficient of them and great to know they do honor their 10 day price promise, because their buy in price had dropped to £17 a game by the time I got them to them, but they still paid out at £29 which is what it was when I set up the trade a week ago. Good to know for the future, set up a couple of trades as soon as a deal comes up, and get GAME online to send you the games, then just go into local GAME + CEX shops and keep trading the games until price drops, then post off the Games that GAME sent to CEX for the original trade price. I could see a few people getting hold of this in the future.
Did you say how you found out about the games being sold cheaply in the
first place? I keep my eyes and ears open and check hot uk deals but don't
seem to find these kind of deals. My best results almost always come from
car boots.
Just Got a regular sale email off GAME, get them from other companies like Play and Argos having brought off them also in the past,then just did the maths and took advantage.
Wow very well done mate! Just seen nics comment, and it seems that he had
the same idea wish I had this type of luck but you are going to make some
serious money here!
Joe found this one - I can't take any credit.... you have to create your own 'luck' keep an open mind and your eyes and ears open..
CEX -- Jingle Branding Campaign 2013
Long term client C.ex Group, wanted to incorporate a brand new jingle into a series of new branding TVC's. Everything about these branding commercials ...
GTA 5 ONLINE 1.25/1.26 - MOD MENU | SCRIPT BYPASS after Patch (CEX/DEX) |[GER / ENG]
READ DESCRIPTION ↓ DEUTSCH: ▻ Unterstütze meinen Kanal mit einem Abo und einem Like :D ▻ In diesem Video zeige ich euch ein Mod Menu für GTA 5!
hey ravix habe ein problem Bin auf 4.75 rebug dex mit nem spoof. Habe
diesen mod loader und Tesseract sprx aber wenn ich online gehe bin ich
immer alleine in der Lobby auf meiner 2ten Ps3 sind Leute da und wenn kein
mod Menu drinne ist sind auch leute in meiner sitzung bitte hilf mir !!!
Can i play with freinds and
Yo man i was in you lobby and i was to late and leave to you i was so angry
so can you please please add to PSN please my name is ricolaboy (nice
Great trade in values, awesome cube games for £9, and cool mario figures
too. I always liked Puzzle Quest. It's a puzzle game but has an rPG kind of
feel too it. Fun
Cheers Steven. I'm not going to add up what's its cost in total, but it could of been a whole lot more had I not had stuff to trade from 10 years of bootsales. I'm not going for two complete Cube sets :-). Have just seen another French exclusive , Rayman Anniversary, comes with a DVD, I might look into getting that sometime. Will it never end ???!!!!!!!
It wouldn't let me reply but Yh I agree it was quite boring but I quite
liked the early 90's but the late 90's was much better. I found the
Undertaker vs Deisel match boring tho so I stopped watching up to there but
I'm gonna watch again sometime