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College park dc Videos

Biking to DC from College Park

June 2012, Biking from College Park to sites in DC. Strait down Rt.1 (Rhode Island)

D.C. Blues Society Band plays the College Park Blues Festival 11/12/2011

D.C. Blues Society Band with Ayaba Bey sings "I Just Want to Make Love to You" at the College Park Blues Festival, November 12, 2011, in College Park, MD.

DC Metro Green Line - PG Plaza to College Park

A view out the door on WMATA's Green Line from Prince George's Plaza to College Park - U of Md.

Ron Paul FULL 3-28-12 College Park MD

User Comments

He never had to try to refer to, or degrade his competition... just speaks the truth and gives his honest opinions. He never changes the message to pander to specific audiences. How can you watch this and say that ANY of the subjects Congressman Paul speaks to are "crazy"? When the corporate media repeats a lie, over and over, enough times, some folks buy the BS. But the MSM and the old guard for the status quo are loosing the battle. Go Ron Paul for SANE domestic and foreign policies !!!
Can anyone actually point out anything Paul said in this speech that was anything less than common sense... that could be attacked as crazy? Or, is it just that our owners have taken us to such an insane place and people have become accustomed to it, that the insane are attacking the sane? In my 50 years, I have never seen this country so polarized, by our media. So propagandized to the point of absurdity... so over the top...not just with inaccuracies but outright traitorous lies.
Absolutely the best Ron Paul speech I've seen yet! Thank you VERY much for posting this. Congressman Paul is REALLY stepping it up a notch or two now. And it's going to be VERY difficult for anyone to watch these speeches and come away with anything other than the FULL understanding that IT"S THE OPPOSITION (republican and democrat) to Ron Paul who are the CRAZY ONES. GO RON PAUL 2012 !!!
I am uploading the intro, it has his speech from the beginning if you want to somehow add it to this? I noticed the very beginning is missing. I was sitting in the far back and the sound might be a little off, just wanted to put the offer up there.
Man, the longer he's in this the better he gets! prayers are being answered with this message and this man... God is good! whats that verse that says if God is for us who can then be against us? cuz seriously...lol =)
One of the best places to find reasonable people who think for themselves is the comment section of a Ron Paul video. Don't give up people!
Really wish I could have been there. Of course he picked the one day i was really busy lol. Oh well Ron Paul 2012
We love you outside of USA DR Paul. If they don't elect you please come to our country, pick one any one.
i was there and we all said that it was one of the best speeches we ever heard from him!
Thanks for crediting me, great idea to combine the two! Ron Paul is da man!
Such a breath of fresh air to listen to this guy! Ron Paul 2012!!!!
lol at 14:24 to 35
Ron Paul 2012
Thanks DFT

Sakura Matsuri 2014 - U of MD College Park Souran Bushi performance

Ron Paul 3-28-12 Wild Ideas local DC News

Published : Wednesday, 28 Mar 2012, 1:14 PM EDT COLLEGE PARK, Md. - Texas Rep. Ron Paul says the federal government must stop running up debt that ...

User Comments

Finally, a newscaster asks the obvious question...why don"t the other candidates drop out? After all, non of them, including Obama, are qualified. They all support the Patriot Act and NDAA , both of which are direct attacks on the document they are sworn to protect. A treasonous act if there ever was one.
It's funny how media acts as if he is the crazy uncle just visiting... he knows his stuff, and the rest have to fumble for words.... Dr. Paul is catching his breath because he has so much to say. All of which is true! The man has been spot ON everyone!!!
I really hope this openess towards Romney is a smokescreen. The man should run as an independent. Romney is too close to Obama for some conservative republican to accept so Ron Paul would even get some of their votes.
Watching from Iowa where it ain't over until June! Mainstream media really needs to learn more about the things they report! Ron Paul is a viable candidate. Get over it! lol Go Ron Paul! Keep doing what you're doing!
wow again?? every time some media whore asks him "When will you drop out??" i just wanna punch that jackass in the face and yell "HE ISN'T DROPPING OUT HE WILL NEVER BACK DOWN AND YOU CAN SUCK COCK!!"
The reason he has no chance of getting into the white house is that the majority of Americans need a translator to understand the majority of what he is saying. Colonize the moon 2012
I would say he puts it more pragmatically then that, but yes I am tired of that as well.
Help Ron Paul out during the week!! phone(dot)ronpaul2012(dot)com
lol forgot about that comment XD
Ron Paul...2O12
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