KJV Bible 100% MASONIC - James Initiated Into "Scoon & Perth Lodge #3" Perthshire Scotland Year 1601
At the "Scoon and Perth Masonic Lodge # 3" in Perthshire, Scotland can clearly be seen a huge mural painting depicting the MASONIC INITIATION of King ...
What is particularly Masonic about the KJV? I'm aware that it was altered
to remove references to tyranny in a few dozen places, but that's all I
+johnmacrae2006 - The man behind the translation, the images within the picture version, altered verses, very Francis Bacon like crypto statements, etc.... It is a very Masonic publication. I have more videos up about this that show the images and Masonic logos within the original printings. That does not mean other translations are much better, because the "Canon" was created and given to the public by church officials and not by God almighty. Enoch being taken out of the "Canon" is just the beginning of that story.
+imsuckingwind Correction: Lord Francis Bacon, the bastard son of Queen Elizabeth the First, and the true and rightful heir to the thrown of England was the GRAND MASTER of the Rosicrucian Order of England!! This meant he worshipped Lucifer as his lord and savior not Yashua. Ironically he was also a practicing Homosexual. The title page of the 1611 First Edition is rife with Rosicrucian, Masonic, Egyptian symbolism which in essence are all Luciferian!!!Lord Bacon was also a master cryptologist. His fingerprints are all over the KJV, but so subtle few are able to discern where.
I just notice all of the carefully placed subliminals and seem to be on a quantum level...most of these kind are...I was hoping you knew how the painter makes the optical illusions...Some folks who believe in universal knowledge would call this a 4th dimensional freeze scene...
+Athena Hensley Cobb - Someone looks to have just video taped the wall in the lodge where the huge mural painting is, or they recorded video of a large picture of the painting. The original literally covers an entire wall of the lodge it is so big, that may be why the camera is shaky here.
Pastor Anderson rebukes western culture (KJV, Independent baptist)
Pastor Steven L Anderson rebuking the sodomite western culture in the end of the sermon "Hinduism in Light of the Bible". Preached at Faithful Word Baptist ...
The Holy Bible (KJV) _ Numbers 34
Numbers Chapter 34 (Numbers 34:1 KJV) - And the LORD spake unto Moses, saying, (Numbers 34:2 KJV) - Command the children of Israel, and say unto them, ...
KJV Bible | The KJV Bible Advocate!
//thekjvbibleadvocate.com/ https://www.facebook.com/thekjvbibleadvocate --Like us on FB!-- KJV Bible | The KJV Bible Advocate! The KJV Bible is the only ...
Thank you very much Shawn! I look forward to putting up more content. I appreciate the positive feedback and sub. It really motivates me to upload more videos and publish more content. God bless.
Thank you very much Vector, Your positive comments motivate me to publish more content online for exalting God's true word, the KJV bible.I saw some of your video reviews. Great stuff, keep it up as well! :)
Secret of the MATRIX Decoded & KJV MASONIC Bible keys of Tehuti by Rasiadonis Tafari_NEW.mp4
Live Online Streaming, Downloadable & more Viewable at: //lojsociety.org We are the "Black Hebrews" In The West Are FALASHAS And Falashim! This Is ...
@kdcruz75 the woman is actually part of the feudal partnerSHIP with the
house_bonded (husband) peasant of the land_LORD (the church or secular
state) ..she is part of the familii (blacks law : servants) and her job is
to provide the womb for the partnership.. in birth registration acts : live
birth is defined as PRODUCT of conception ..not the child .. the creation
of the birth trust name : the legal marriage is owned by the church/state
husband is just the manager wikpeadia : manus marriage
the public register is the secular upgrade of the baptism ceremony .. in
the baptism the minister makes an OFFER to the womb man ..offering her
child NEW LIFE ..this is the birth name , the creation of the PERSON ..new
life for the corporation.. new life in CHRIST ..to be saved in christ ..ie.
saved in the blood covenant of christ ..where all sins/debts are FORE
_GIVEN or GIVEN beFORE ie a prepaid trust account is set up ..in CHRIST..
the mother accepts and is then made the trustee/guardian
Tehuti a talebearer wounding/bruising the head w/ words/teachings that go
down to the innermost parts of the belly? Genesis 3 14And the LORD God said
unto the serpent, Because thou hast done this, thou art cursed above all
cattle, and above every beast of the field; upon thy belly shalt thou go,
and dust shalt thou eat all the days of thy life: 15And I will put enmity
between thee and the woman, and between thy seed and her seed; it shall
bruise thy head, and thou shalt bruise his heel.
Proverbs 26:22 (King James Version) 22The words of a talebearer are as
wounds, and they go down into the INNERMOST parts of the belly. Belly
relates to womb/matrix hence Akhenaten, behind the belly is the solar
plexus the network or hard wiring of the nervous system. So it is the belly
is the Shrine of the Spirit, what spirit u are pregnant w/ determines ur
actions. Budda Proverbs 20:27 (KJV) 27The spirit of man is the candle of
the LORD, searching all the inward parts of the belly.
Job 31:15 (King James Version) 15Did not he that made me in the womb make
him? and did not one fashion us in the womb? A Womb is where something is
fashioned, as in trained in a particular truth allowing one to
birth/conci(eve) distinct form out of that particular truth of that womb. A
womb full of Grace can concieve God; Ras marry the Mother of God???
i see u building ... now pull all the scripture that mention "womb" Luke
2:23 (King James Version) 23(As it is written in the law of the LORD, Every
male that openeth the womb shall be called holy to the Lord;) Rasta Anpu
I go for Kings James Bible published 1611. If I'm unsure of publish date I
go to the Book "Song of Solomon" 1:5 If that scripture does not start off
with "I am Black" then I know I'm reading a (per)version
Mike Hoggard, Which Bible Should I Believe? 2011 Edition
Mike Hoggard provides a verse by verse comparison of the King James Bible with other Bibles. You won't believe what is changed or missing. This video also ...
In Matthew 21:16, Jesus quotes from Psalm 8:2. If you read Psalm 8:2, you
find it does not match the KJV, and many modern translations. Why? Jesus
was not quoting from the text the KJV used; He quoted from one of the Greek
versions. Only possible conclusion: Jesus Christ demonstrated that KJV
Onlyism was incorrect almost 2,000 years ago.
Are your serious? Who told you that? Someone came along and planted that lie in you and you simply bought it, how sad. This mystery Greek text you claim Jesus quoted from came after the our Lord went into Heaven. So how could Jesus quote from it? What our Lord did and so did the Apostles when quoting the OT was given their spirit led interpretation which was recorded in Greek in the NT. What you are trying to claim is that the Jews used a Greek OT Text instead of the Hebrew Text and that in itself is ridiculous on its face. There is no evidence at all for an early LXX before Christ, none at all. The earliest they have arrives in around the 4th century the same tome the Vaticanus shows up. ... that's historical facts.
Babylone being drunk has nothing to do with physical Alcohol, Wine means
here "BLOOD". So be careful how you people interprete the Bible. Further,
God is not against wine - Jesus Himself made WINE out of water and it was
not a "Juice-fruit"!
+Alexander BeatusYou are not being led by the Holy Spirit when you say that Jesus made alcohol for that wedding. You are going by your own preference. You have zero biblical proof that Jesus made alcohol. Jesus made new wine (which is grape juice). He did not make a bunch of mocking and rage. Study the scriptures more closely on this.
+Jeremiah17seven RE: I believe you like to take verses out of context. I am lead by the Holy Spirit and it is shown to me how to interprete things. Your quotation: "Everything is allowed, but not everything is healthy". It has nothing to do with the drunkness of Babylone and what I said. And to be SOBER is mention in general form – it is about your state of mind, no matter what. SOBER MEANS LEVEL-HEADED. Further, for example IS is in a drunk existence and I do not believe that these Muslims drink alcohol. They do not know what they do before God. Further, you probably do not understand what Blasphemy against the Holy Spirit is, since you are accusimg me of that. And the Wine was true wine, not some non alcoholic Juice. Please do not argue again about this, because I am convinced that Jesus made true wine which was not non-alcoholic. Bye.
+Alexander BeatusYou like to take Bible verses out of context a lot don't you? You should know better than that dude. The verse that says "everything is allowed, but not everything is healthy" is being taken out of context by you for sure. The Bible clearly states that Blasphemy against the Holy Spirit is a sin that will never get forgiveness. Are you trying to tell us that someone can blaspheme the Holy Spirit and be forgiven? You openly contradict the Bible in so many places it's not funny. Jesus made wine. New wine is wine dude. It just doesn't have alcohol. Jesus did not make fermented wine. You are just looking for excuses to do what you want instead of what the Bible teaches. Wine is a mocker and strong drink is raging. Those deceived by these are not wise. You need to consider this more seriously dude.
+Jeremiah17seven Defending the truth and consuming wine has nothing to do with me if I enjoy much alcohol or not much. But I do enjoy wine and cold beer. Tastes heavenly,because it is from heaven. All good things are from God. Anyway, you sound stubborn for you are still wrong regarding "Juicy-fruit" for Children. Are you in a sect or something, because they like to hear from preachers what they want to hear. Again, the wine that Jesus made was real wine!!! Period.Throughout the passage, the Greek word translated "wine" is oinos, which was the common Greek word for normal wine, wine that was fermented/alcoholic. The Greek word for the wine Jesus created is the same word for the wine the wedding feast ran out of. The Greek word for the wine Jesus created is also the same word that is used in Ephesians 5:18, "...do not get drunk on wine..." Obviously, getting drunk from drinking wine requires the presence of alcohol. Everything, from the context of a wedding feast, to the usage of oinos in 1st century Greek literature (in the New Testament and outside the New Testament), argues for the wine that Jesus created to be normal, ordinary wine, containing alcohol. There is simply no solid historical, cultural, exegetical, contextual, or lexical reason to understand it to have been “grape juice”.Those who oppose the drinking of alcohol, in any quantity, argue that Jesus would not have turned the water into wine, as He would have been promoting the consumption of a substance that is tainted by sin. In this understanding, alcohol itself is inherently sinful, and consumption of alcohol in any quantity is sin. That is not a biblical understanding, however. Some Scriptures discuss alcohol in positive terms. Ecclesiastes 9:7 instructs, “Drink your wine with a merry heart.” Psalm 104:14-15 states that God gives wine “that makes glad the heart of men.” Amos 9:14 discusses drinking wine from your own vineyard as a sign of God’s blessing. Isaiah 55:1 encourages, “Ho, every one that thirsteth, come ye to the waters, and he that hath no money; come ye, buy, and eat; yea, come, buy wine and milk without money and without price. From these and other Scriptures, it is clear that alcohol itself is not inherently sinful. Rather, it is the abuse of alcohol, drunkenness and/or addiction, that is sinful (Ephesians 5:18; Proverbs 23:29-35; 1 Corinthians 6:12; 2 Peter 2:19). Therefore, it would not have been a sin for Jesus to create a drink that contained alcohol.Additional comment:The Bible (NT) states that “EVERYTHING IS ALLOWED BUT NOT EVERYTHING IS HEALTHY”. This is among others, abusing your body by overconsumption like overeating or eating too much of wrong food. To drink too much Juice or Coca-Cola is not healthy either. Nevertheless, to have too much of a good life like sitting on the sofa and not exercising is not healthy either. Alcohol in itself is not a SIN, but a SIN is what you do after you have been drinking. For the Bible (NT) also states that a SIN is not what comes into the body, but what comes out from the body, i.e. from inside you. The same goes for people who do not drink. The keyword: “After”.Jesus Himself never said that the wine is a mocker. A mocker is what you do after you have been drinking. Most people use to do stupid things after they have been drinking too much. They do not only mock, but are also lusting for bodies, etc. It is in that Context that the Bible calls the wine a “mocker”. Wine is one of the sources for sinning but the wine itself is not a “mocker”. Food is a source for sinning and is called “gluttony” but the food itself is not a sin. So let´s not judge those who can cope with alcohol. A second, related argument is that by creating alcoholic wine, Jesus would have been promoting drunkenness, which the Bible clearly identifies as sinful. This is not a valid argument. Was Jesus promoting gluttony when He multiplied the fishes and loaves far beyond what the people needed? Of course not. Creating a substance that can be abused does not make one responsible when another person foolishly chooses to abuse it. Jesus creating alcoholic wine was in no sense encouraging drunkenness.Colossians 2:16 (KJV): “Let no man therefore judge you in meat, or in drink, or in respect of an holyday, or of the new moon, or of the sabbath days:Comment: If the drink was only a Juicy-fruit, or unfermented drink, then the text would not say not to judge in drink. 1 Timothy 3:1-7 (KJV): “This is a true saying, if a man desire the office of a bishop, he desireth a good work. A bishop then must be blameless, the husband of one wife, vigilant, sober, of good behavior, given to hospitality, apt to teach; Not given to wine, no striker, not greedy of filthy lucre; but patient, not a brawler, not covetous;Comment: “Not given to wine” means “not to misuse wine” – this regards primary leaders. It does not say never to drink. This text gives a hint that the wine in those times was fermented and not only a juice-fruit called pseudo “wine”. It also applies to those who want to work as leaders of the congregation or helpers of the leaders. It does not say that the rest who like to drink cannot be Christians or that they are condemned to hell, because otherwise they would not be mentioned at all as members. Watering down drinks or serving a lower quality alcohol product is not a new idea to modern day bar owners or drinking establishments. This is something we even see back in Jesus/Yeshua’s day. This is also proof that the wine contained alcohol. Nobody had a refrigerator in those days and so pasteurized grape juice would not have even been something people would be familiar with at all.According to Jews themselves, the Scripture orders the Jews to get DRUNK! on Purim festivals. They also drink on weddings, and a married couple may also drink wine after a wedding during a week – not necessarily every day. ETC......................................
+Alexander BeatusIt's the prophet's opinion? Are you serious dude? Get a King James Bible and read it before you throw nonsense out there. "All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness:" 2 Timothy 3:16 The Bible is God's word to man (no matter who wrote them down). "For the prophecy came not in old time by the will of man: but holy men of God spake as they were moved by the Holy Ghost." 2 Peter 1:21 Wine is a mocker and strong drink is raging. I know because I used to be a heavy drinker. Thankfully, God saved me from that mess! He can save you from it too.
+Alexander BeatusYou must be enjoying way too much alcohol dude! I didn't say that the Babylon wine had anything to do with alcohol. And just because the wine Jesus made tasted better, does not mean it had alcohol in it (that is your wild assumption). Any wine Jesus made would taste better than any other wine available (zero need for alcohol). New wine tastes far better than fermented wine anyway. The Bible clearly teaches that wine is a mocker and strong drink is raging. Obviously you take an extremely liberal spin on all scriptures (maybe to drum up support for your habits)? That's your choice, but I'm not falling for it. Those who heed the Proverbs are wise. Those who ignore them are not.
+Jeremiah17seven By the way, people who do not drink are mockers too. So what? And Jesus did not say that, that the wine is mocker. That´s the prophets opinion.
+Jeremiah17seven Come down to Earth, dude. The Babylon wine has nothing to do with alcoholic normal wine. It has to do with sins. I pity you that you so naive and that you are deceived by fanatism and literal interpretations. Jesus did not make any pseudo Juice but real alcoholic wine. The Bible clearly says that the host during the weding spared the best wine for last. That is because when ppl get drunk, the host/restauranst use to cheat by adding WATER, but Jesus gave the real thing. If it was just Juice there would not be this verse in the Bible. Try to read the Bible more properly, that is in between the lines and according to whole Context and historic context. No Words are superflous in the Bible. Further, no normal society in history drunk only Juice on weddings. Anyway, Jews themselves consumed alcohol. Nevertheless, Jesus is the wine. Aha, the New Testament says that Everything is allowed but not Everything is healthy. Also, do not allow others to judge you for what you DRINK and eat. That woud be sufficient.
Alexander, you've had too much of this world's wine and have been deceived by it. Jesus did not make alcohol. He made grape juice (new wine, which is found in the cluster). Isaiah 65:8 says: "Thus saith the LORD, As the new wine is found in the cluster, and one saith, Destroy it not; for a blessing is in it: so will I do for my servants' sakes, that I may not destroy them all.And Jesus did not go against his own word which says: "Wine is a mocker, strong drink is raging: and whosoever is deceived thereby is not wise. Proverbs 20:1 Notice it doesn't say a little wine is a mocker. It says specifically "wine". There are two kinds of wine spoken of in the Bible. One is new wine (grape juice), and the other is alcohol (fermented). Jesus did not make pots full of mockery.
If Im living in Sweden and have a swedish Bible - am I lost or can I not
find the truth because its not King James? NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO....We have bad
version here in Sweden also but you have to study and be eager no matter
what version you read - God is able to lead us to the truth thru His Holy
Spirit...sure - the NIV seems to be crap, its not a coincidence that the
same publisher company printed the Satan Bible...
+Sky Avila KJV is the better version on English. In swedish it exist Bible, Gods Word versions that also are equally or if not more good, that is what God true of Bible, Gods Word, shown me personally. Exist many good Bible Gods Word versions in many diffrent languages, but on English KJV is one of the better, but some things is bad translated in KJV also as Jehova... Gods name is the Lord or Yahweh, not Jehova. God bless. God has many Biblically name in Bible however. God bless all. Gods spirit guides us into all truth and all truth in Bible and its diffrent versions. Swedish Bible some of them is much more accurate then KJV no doubt. Also been confirmed by a sister in Christ from US to me personally.Be blessed. God has confirmed this several time to me also in spirit and by Gods will true of Bible. However KJV is one of the better ones for those who speak English. Be blessed all.
My suggestion is to maybe go to biblegateway.com - I can post for hours comments on this and I will come off sounding like a crazed person - friend me and we can talk :)
I don't know why I keep coming your way, I guess it is because of your first comment. I felt from it a strong desire to know truth and stop living and believing the lies that have been thrust upon us by deceit. Very strong spirit.I don't know what you believe about the world you live in, emphases on (in) But if you read the Creation account and believe it, then check this out. //www.sacred texts.com/earth/za/index.htmand tell me what you think.
+Sky Avila Hey Sky, I'm late to the party lol, but I see you have some wisdom, which is more than I can say for most posters. I love your strong stance against the reprobates and for God's Holy Pure Word even though you don't have the 1611 Authorized Version Pure Cambridge Edition in Swedish, but those who truly seek God, see the truth, very easily in fact. God Bless and Keep you.