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Macquarie university earth and planetary sciences Videos

Earth and Planetary Science C20 - Lecture 26

Earth and Planetary Science C20, 001 - Fall 2013 Creative Commons 3.0: Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs.

Earth and Planetary Science C20 - Lecture 8

Earth and Planetary Science C20, 001 - Fall 2013 Creative Commons 3.0: Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs.

Mantle convection on Mars

Convection in a spherical shell, simulating convection in the mantle of Mars. The simulation corresponds to roughly the first 750 million years of Mars's history, ...

Black and Yellow(Science Parody)

Science project on No Copyrights.

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I like this rap

John Baez - The Mathematics of Planet Earth

Public lecture delivered via video at Stellenbosch on October 30, 2012, as part of the MPE 2013 themed year. In partnership with the South African Mathematical ...

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2 American scientists have been discovering awesome mathematical signs in the Quran ever since 1974. Now we have the purified scientifically proven Quran supported by mathematics mother of all sciences. Taking away one letter or a number to or from the Arabic text would easily be exposed! It is on the bases of #19 secret code of the Quran, and primes, composites, twin prim companion, quad prime, mersenne primes,,.This irrefutable mathematical discovery has no flaws in it. Generator of the Quran.

10 hour drive 1 Sydney ---- Port macquarie M1 ( poor sound )

The old camera was rattling real bad, Can i suggest turning the sound down and listening to some music And excuse my driving i wasnt familiar with these roads ...

Survey of Astronomy: Lecture 20 - Stellar Formation

What is science? Is the Moon made of green cheese? What is a star made of? How hot is the sun? What's the difference between a galactic cluster and a ...

What is a star?

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