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Wedding cakes ppt Videos

Envelope and Letter - Animated PowerPoint Slide

A letter rises up out of its envelope. A very simple but attention grabbing animation. Download this video as an animated PowerPoint slide for just $0.59 from ...

Cake Decorating - How to decorate a Chocolate Accordion Cake (2of2)

This is a powerpoint presentation with my Dad's favorite type of music in the background (not from his accordion but still good). I converted the ppt file to a movie ...

User Comments

i would like to make a cake like that for a friend that plays accordeon in a music group named AlpenFever. thanks for the insperation amber -xxx-
Thanks for the compliment. I'll post more of my other cakes when/if I can get pics scanned and put into some sort of presentation.
No I present it on a ouija board. Baking on the board would make a heck of a mess in the oven. :o)
Yum! Best sort of Accordion ever! :o)
you bake on an ouija board?

The Making of Baby Cake 2.0 (Video 3 of 3)

The third and final video of me making Baby Cake 2.0. Thanks for watching everyone. More videos coming soon.

User Comments

The human brain is prone to trying to make sense of things which are really a random collection of objects, like this cake. We are hard-wired to look for familiar patterns in things, like human faces etc - which is why it's so easy to see an image in a cloud or a face in tree bark. That instinct paired with remarkable skill on the part of this artist means that it's impossible NOT to feel slightly uneasy when looking at this cake - but you'd forget about that as soon as you tasted it :) Science!
I want to learn how to make cakes like this! Not just of babies but anything! But i have no idea where to start or the tools I would need or anything like that. If I cut a cake like that and tried layering it, it would all fall apart and be really messy!!! If you can help me get started that would be awesome! Btw, I am not going to go to school for this because I dont plan on making a buisness out of it. I just want to be able to make my friends and familyawesome looking cakes!
gosh stop making a big shit over a cake! geez! many of you who talk all this bullshit about a cake shaped like a baby, end up being the same people who beat their own kids or never say a word if you know your neighbor is mistreating theirs! such hypocrites !! its a CAKE for goodness sakes! get over it!!!
Although, I know what you're talking about and I know it's not a baby, this is not a random collection of objects that the brain makes sense of as with pareidolia. It is make to look like a baby.
i could do better how you are you gunna paint the babies head with chalk dust when you could do it with modeling chocolate no one wants to eat a cake with chalk dust non toxic or not
Not gonna lie, the filming was awful and gave me a headache. Still, I'm going to try to make a baby cake for a baby shower and you have a lot of skill I'd like to someday have!
@liz5642010 itls a art it's a talent and you talk let you have been in a bad situation don't blame others of thier talents he has a great talent .... what is yours ?
this is sooo freaking amazing that i cudnt find a better word than amazing to say that you are amazing... Gosh that is Talent... now i want a baby............cake!!!
This artist used a non-toxic, flavourless chalk powder and water to decorate this cake so you wouldn't be able to taste it and it would do you no harm to digest
Amazing job. Absolutely stunning but personally, I wouldn't be able to eat a baby cake - especially a red velvet baby cake.
How are you not a professional! This looks amazing! But I wouldn't be able to eat something that looks like a baby ^^
It is sick because the cut the baby cake before in a party or something .. Societies need to line up their priorities
this is amazing! Even though my little sister freaked out when she first saw it...lol! Thanks for posting!
yeah, me too... I think he shouldve kept the painting to a minimaum- hair and rosy cheeks maybe? :)
Can't fault the artistry, but this looks like a still born baby and the cake made me feel very sad.
I use food coloring and an artist brush for my color. Do you use something special for your paint?
lol my mom just walked in and said "oh my god!!! why is that man painting that baby's head!!!!!"
Which is why I said "this instinct ALONG WITH THE REMARKABLE SKILL on the part of this artist".
@TheNeonBull umm....plenty of babies are born with lots of hair. Not all babies are born bald.
Such tender music for something that will shortly have its head sliced open and devoured.
@avrilrocks55 Considering whats in food today - chalk is the least threatening, lol.
@TheNeonBull NO shit sherlock, of course it aint - its a fucking cake, you numpty.
This is a nice piece of art until you have to cut it. Anyways, great job man.
I found the making of this cake to be much freakier than the actual cutting...
i'd be scared to eat it or even cut it. it'll feel like I'm murdering a baby..
@asianxgee that is what i'm saying...too cute to cut or eat maybe a display..
Dude watching you do that is so hot. You are so hot and have so much talent.
cook buy isnt it damented to cut and eat a cake that looks so like a baby?
hahaha now you can actually say "he is so cute I wanna eat him up"!!! lmbo
I'd be scared to eat it because of the ingredients... it's all sugar O.o
@imafastcar1 so did i i even named him joshua!...cause he looks so real

How To Write A Business Proposal Using A Powerpoint Presentation

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