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Stephen and Grace cutting their wedding cake.

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The Kid From Brooklyn - Starbucks Stick it up Your @$$

The original Kid From Brooklyn video Starbucks. the Big Man tells Starbucks to stick it up their ass!

User Comments

Anybody who's 80 years old and still calls himself 'the kid' in third person isn't exactly a quality reference for anything.
+D.E.B. B   Oh yes he is ! u are sadly mistaken
unfunny garbage
+Samantha Drennan another youtuber? Stick it up your ass is just a saying so calm down little miss
+SikFuq86 rip off of Pittsburgh Dad.
+Samantha Drennan why should he be sued?
+takerdust pathetic rip-off should be sued if he wasn't dead.
+Samantha Drennan STICK it up your ASS!
+Samantha Drennan BUT ENOUGH ABOUT YOU!
anyone railing on "the big man" for dying, should bring the toaster into the bathtub with them next time. Homie is dead. He created some youtube gems, that 98% of the people bashing him couldnt put together in a lifetime. anything other than a laugh and a respectful R.I.P. is flat out shameful. To all the trolls, "stick it up your fuckin ass". The big man is always happy to see ya...
+kevrocksthespizzot 27 f bombs in 2 minutes.....hahhahah instant classic
+TheRealLordRama word.
+kevrocksthespizzot He died almost two years ago. I think you can calm down.
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