This system enables the carving of a regulation size co2 dragster car for school competitions. The system comes complete with specialized carrier jig and ...
CO2 Science - What is the regulation of CO2 all about?
CO2 Science - What is the regulation of CO2 all about? (It is about the taking of power from the people and vesting it in the enlightened few). As representatives ...
Haha "it is proved beyond everything" Thats wonderful. Now go and read a
book, you dimwit. My friend Al Gore?? See your political slant is obvious
and evident. There is no refuting the overwhelming Empirical Scientific
evidence that shows a clear relationship between extraordinary co2 levels
and the warming of the climate and oceans. Dr. Bonner Cohen also did work
for the Tobacco industry. Now you are going to tell me the link between the
inhalation of tobacco smoke and cancer is bogus.
The National Center for Public Policy is a conservative think tank. Nothing
more. They are against Regulation of any kind. That is their starting
point. Therefore, anything they say is not objective science, but
politically slanted crap. That is all I have to say on the matter. I could
give you links to hundreds of credible scientific research being done on
this issue, but it would fall on deaf ears. ur argument holds no water. I
have 10+ years working on this very issue. ur a lackey
Any person this day in age who refutes the link between co2 and global
warming is either ignorant or worse, a liar of the worst kind. Dr. Bonner
Cohen is a hack, who has built a career attempting to discredit empirical
scientiific research. As for the National Center for Public Polcy research,
I find it hard to take a group serious when they recieve funding from Exxon
Mobile to "create" pseudo science that backs their lobbyist claims. Hacks.
Didn´t you know, that CO2 is an important live-giving eco-system component?
I don´t know what world you live in, but the global warming is a fraud, and
it is proved beyond everything. By the way, everybody get´s funding or is
involved in the oil industry, among them is your friend Al Gore.
Wait, it gets better. Go check out the NASA website and see what those guys
have to say about it. You know what a bunch of left wing nut jobs those
guys are.
What Bullshit. No scientists with peer reviewed journals, no show of
evidence , just this blowhard and his baseless conspiracy theories. Get an
education you worthless dumb fuck .