Terrible video but an incredibly valid point. Paranoid delusions are the
biggest indicator of paranoid schizophrenia. The most common manifestation
of this is belief in conspiracy theories. These beliefs are grandiose and
vast and require the believer to make connections between unrelated events
and chance occurences. Some paranoid schizophrenics attach undue
significance to numbers, or see symbols everywhere.
@sega31098 Because in order to be christian you must beleive in god, devil,
heaven and hell, and in that same instant you become paranoic of going to
hell for not follow all the commanments or for sining in any way. Only
think to do a good thing in order to save your soul from hell its PURE
PARANOIA. And Schizophrenic because you have an invisible friend wich do
you talk to. So basically youre insane.