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Wedding poems dad Videos

Prentice Powell "Good Father" on Arsenio Hall Show

I just kept telling myself "make it through the poem P"

User Comments

this is what it's like to be a single father. his pain, everything about it, is real. the color of your skin doesn't matter, single fathers are all the same..well the ones who will do anything for their child. I know the feeling..its tough. o don't see my son often enough. but I'll never miss the moments I'm with him. this poem is beautiful
+PrenticePowell1906 That one you did about niggas, saying we're hollering at his girl at the gas station, that is the truth. I totally respect you for your words and your bravery to say them. I am proud of you. I also write poetry but have never let anyone read them. Too scared.I takes, for lack of a better term balls, to speak the truth like you do and even more so to get people to listen.
But not every 'man' because most of them aren't men. Not very man pushing in babies is a father. Not all of them are fathers.
thank you Jon .
thank you Jon .
thank you Jon .
too bad this guy has to make it a black thing. it leaves all the rest of us dads out. and we get screwed just like everyone else. family court is set in favor of women and against men period! stop making everything a "black thing". it is a diservice to the rest of the good, honest dads who are getting fucked over every goddamn day!
+Brian Solly It is a common black stereotype and is a black problem and he is a black male. He made this as a reflection of what he's going through you could still easily relate to this because he still never secluded you. You agreed when you said no anyways so that just proved my point. Thank you.
No, but he specifically mentions black guys and no other races. His implications is that this is a Black problem.
He made this about his own situation so clearly he's going to talk about what he goes through with his race also. He talks about a common problem within the black community so it's not a "black thing". Many people can relate to this and just because he brought that up doesn't mean you should feel uncomfortable. Also he doesn't say ONLY black men go through it so why you would feel secluded is puzzling to me. People kill me with the "black thing" term.
As much as people clap and praise him, they have no understanding of what is like. Until you have to deal with this, you have no idea.
+Canadian MGTOW you're a moron in a multitude of levels. Besides the fact that the nonsense you speak has absolutely nothing to do with this video or my comment. But to address your ignorance bring black does not constitute being a thug. Nor does an assumption of a crime make you a criminal. It's also not a police officers right to exact judgement for a supposed crime. Lastly, unless your life is in jeopardy you do not have a right to shoot and kill someone. Take your ignorant trolling ass somewhere.
+Canadian MGTOW try making sense with your next comment.
+Roy Harrigan We can only show empathy. Noone knows until it happens to them and as much as I know it will I wish it upon no man.
man, that brought tears to my eyes. 
me too. I am a woman who watches, watched and have seen what it does to a man who loves his children, biological or not go thru those emotions. Now his kids are grown and don't understand how it hurts him that they don't call him. If they needed him he dropped everything to step up to plate and get them what they need. But never did they say thank you for being there. It hurts women too when your kids prefer to be with the other parent because "he/she let's me do whatever I want" until she/he cannot afford to buy your love anymore. These words are real. These accounts are true. So yeah I know it from both sides of the isle. My kids biological or not, know I am here even when they are not.

In loving memory poems dads - I Remember Dad

//PoemVidz.com In loving memory poems dads: This beautiful video poem is wonderful for those mourning the loss of their father. Fathers can never be ...

User Comments

My father passed about a year ago, and this poem set to music is a wonderful way for me to remember and honor my father.
I miss you so much dad . I know that you are in a better place without any more pain. Love you forever.

Poems from daughter to dad: I Am My Fathers Daughter

Poems from daughter to dad: I Am My Fathers Daughter.

User Comments

that was beautiful we girls all love are dads. good job
My real dad left me and my step father left me :c
what a beautiful relationship it is...
I'm glad you liked it, thank you! :)
My dad is the best in the world
Great work,absolutly beautiful.
Thank you for your comment :)
so so sad I barely cryed!
i love my dad

Father's Love - Relationship of a poem and haiku

Dedicated to Madhan Karky and Haiku Karky with hearty wishes on Father's Day :)

User Comments

dis video dedicate 2 all fathers... nice editing work kavi priya akka... and cute ma fav karky anna and his son... superb..
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