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Honda cbr petcock Videos

Motorcycle starting procedure

STARTING Procedure for my 1993 Honda CBR 900rr Tips on what new riders easily forget when riding an unfamiliar bike. I rode mine to a destination 45 miles ...

Honda CBR Project pt.2

a follow up from part 1 of my motorbike rebuild project.

User Comments

bikes arent the same as cars, (obviously) but when you look at a car its all wires and i say fuck that,, with bikes everything you need to see you see as its all exposed, changing a starter motor etc is piss. one bolt and most of the stuff is off. i was the same when i first got my bike as it had so many probs with it but it took me two weeks to turn something i bought for 400 quid into a very desirable £2500 machine for a little over £350 woth of work by myself. try it and youll see its simple.
I might be doing something similar with my dads old bandit 600, i was gonna fix it up and sell it on to a new owner rather than it getting scrapped or whatever if his insurance won't pay for it and take it away. (he didn't write it off, it was stolen and the later recovered in a bit of a state)
@TheRedline65 fix it up dude, it'll be well worth the effort just take it slow, if you have trouble trying to remember where everything goes...take photos of whatever it is before you take it off :)
@chasein3d cheers mate, don't be affraid to try fixing up motorbikes yourself dude, you'll learn alot and make a little bit of money at the end of it. ride safe.
wow , props to you man. thats a massive undertaking (at least it would be for me) to completely fix a bike up like that. Good luck with everything!
@BikerManSam i can't wait till she's done either, shouldn't be too much longer...just wish the postal service would hurry up lol
@Millionz27 you can get it at any upholstery supplier, just ask for scrap pieces..shouldn't cost more than a couple bucks
awesome series man! really hope your continue fixing up bikes. good luck and ride safe.
your problem was that it wasn't 4,500 screws... it's 4,501 =P Looking good so far mate
"made love to it" hahaahahahahahaha... next time be gentle guys :P likey the vid!!
@OoxTruExoO lol i knew it! 1 screw, screwed me! hahaha
Looks good man. Looking forward to seeing more.
where did you find the seat fabric from ???
@Crackn81 good idea haha.

Ethanol and petcock filter (via YouTube Capture.)

Blackbird petcock problem

This video was uploaded from an Android phone.

Honda cbr 125 fuel taps test

Honda cbr 125 vákumos benzincsap tesztelése.

User Comments

Nekem a robogon már két vákuumos benzincsapot cseréltem le és mindig átfolyik ,ha ál a motor és főleg ha több benzin van a tankba ,ha kevesseb akkor nem folyik át. Szerinted hol lehet a probléma ?

Evapo-Rust Soak Time Lapse - 1987 CBR250R (MC17) Fuel Petcock

This time lapse video was taken during a 20-hour soak in Evapo-Rust. The petcock is from a 1987 CBR250R (MC17).

User Comments

That's pretty cool dude! Gotta get me a GoPro! Good luck with the overhaul!

Dirty petcock

This video was uploaded from an Android phone.

User Comments

Yeah, quad sat for 1-2yrs. The owner couldnt get it started and I was fixing it. After cleaning the tank, new one-way, new clutch and carb rebuild, I found the dirty petcock....ran like new after all that. Just sitting for so long killed the clutch and old gas clogged up the carb and petcock.
serious horror! I got to clean mine & carbs too.
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