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Honda cbr parts australia Videos

Motorbike Crash in Tasmania

Thanks for watching My Postie Bike chronicles. I'm currently riding my Honda CT 110 Postie Bike around Australia seeing what I can see.

User Comments

Haha! That's my story and I'm sticking to it. :-)
+sam smith lol
Damn it RD take bloody care. Glad you're ok . Remember you have a lot more riding to do. RSM8
+02bigkev thanks mate
Does your front brake even work? It looks like it has almost no travel.
+TheJoePepper Yeah it works eventually
:( :( fucks sake RD. don't do that to me. fuckin hell.
+OldManTriple sorry! :-(
Well someone was pushing too hard weren't they!! Glad you are all ok and the bike is ok mate.
+JoeJoe Moto thanks man
how's the bike? Any actual damage?
+Merlin Zener No damage cracked to the mirrors and broke the rocket launch on the side
Almost exactly what I did with my postie a few months ago, except it fell 10 feet down a cliff and landed upside down with me on it, it only broke the mirror and I only got poison oak, hope your bike was ok.
+itsRDtime Weird as it may sound it was a lot of fun, the next day dealing with a tweaked knee and a rash not so much
+Danthefordfixer oh shit man That didn't sound fun
definitely on the pies..
+zerskier yep hahaha
Glad you were alright mate. Good to see barely any damage to the bike tho. They are tough as frick!!
+Titan From Hell thanks
Damn... I'm clad you are OK. Thatswhy I "like" the video. And you kept your cool :)
+iSlander Cheers, yeah I've been this in a spot of bother before I think that's why I appeared so cool

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MXTV Bike Review - 2014 Yamaha TTR 110

Looking for a great junior bike? The Yamaha TTR 110 is just the bike! Visit //www.insuremyride.com.au for insurance on your motorcycle, scooter or off-road ...

User Comments

I might be getting a Yamaha mini 4 stroke dirt bike but this one has 3 gears what cc is it
+Fastbuddy777 gears
+TeaCup Fort thats has 4bgears
110 CC
I have the ttr 110 and I'm 13 and tall for my age, should I be getting the 125cc or should I get a bigger on than that?
+Internet Frogs I am in the same situation and I am getting a Kawasaki kx85 or KTM 85MX
Got 1 yesterday 3000 dollars it's worth every penny
Omg i got a pencil for 20 cents
holly cow i got a tt-r 230 for 2000
Internet frogs is going to cry. Haha stop shut up stop it ur hurting my feelings. Fucking baby get a life fag
Says the guy who comes out of nowhere into a comment he has no business being in? And i need to get a life u sir are retarded and need to get a life in fact get a job instead being on utube saying worthless shit. I do this after work to see how many idiots are in this world an u just added to the list. So shut the fuck up and get a life u piece of shit cum dumpster scum bag.
+Cody Price shut the hell up and get a life
Ya bro totally dude fuck the world bro i mean ttr230 why the fuck not bro. You kno wat im fucking saying dude. Bro yamaha bro

Vollgeschissene Klos | Yamaha MT-07 | Motovlog

User Comments

Und Klopapier nachfüllen wäre auch schön. Immer wieder herrlich blöd die letzten drei Blättchen abzuspulen.
+Kenji Motoyama oh jaaa :D
Hahaha....heikles stinkendes Thema aber so hab Ich es schon mehrmals erlebt gemühltlich hinein und fluchtartig wieder raus! Hihihi
Joah, geht gar nicht!
Solche Themen liebe ich. Alle denken das gleiche, aber keiner redet darüber :D //www.motorrad-vlogger.de/heute-im-video-scheisse.html
Feine Sache!Irgendwer muss es ja mal aussprechen!

Holiday 2011 Disc three, part seven

125cc PitPro Outlaw in Quarry

User Comments

WRF250 06, although I fail to see the relevance in the question as the video is all about you. Helmetlessman wasn't with you? Could have sworn I saw him at the beginning of the vid. Anyway..
yeah alright man cracked the engine mounts but got that welded and dont really ride it much i brought a kx125 you got any good places to ride???
Remember kids. Riding without a helmet is COOL! Make sure you ditch that lid cause you've got nothing to protect. Nice monkey bikes...
The White Stripes - Offend in every way Creedance Clearwater - Fortunate son Leon Willet - Kian's theme (from dreamfall soundtrack)
I always wear my helmet, the guy that wasn't wearing his was not with us, oh and I have a Suzuki RM250 in my shed what about you
Good to see some 50 rides around Melbourne.. Hallam is like 20-25 mins from me.. You got msn ?
yo dude, yeah thats me! Hows the bike going anyway? I bought my RM250 in the end.
im pretty sure i brought that pitpro off you are you pockethead off miniriders
r u allowed to ride there i may go to hallam 1 day to check tha place out
yo how do you get to the track? is it the one you can see from the train?
he was a random, I'm not gona preach to strangers
any copers get down ther i have a rmx 250
the most shit camera qaulity ever..!¬!
cool video adz :D
whats that music
cool vid :D
yeah mate

kawasaki gpx250r

Honda crf50 & Ktm

Sync The Planet 2015 ~ World Peace

User Comments

Nice bit of Christopher Hitchens there Maffoo. However, you need to rethink your concept about Buddhists. The Rohingya in Arakan in NW Burma may just disagree. They're a bunch of wankers too, mind you, if you look into the history. Courtesy of our own glorious Colonial past fuckups. It all comes back to us. And territory. And power. And revenge. If you want to find out a bit more about the role of religion in conflict, there's a very good MOOC run by University of Groningen. But it is heavy duty for 6 weeks and requires commitment. But it will open your eyes if you're willing to delve deeper. What it won't do is change your world view. Thank the Lord. lol
+O8 ride Hahaha I know bits and pieces and I would like to say I have a rough idea of stuff but I am by no means an expert at anything I talk about. Infact most of it could be considered a load of old tosh. I would like to think I am somewhat educated and have formed my opinions on the little that I do know. I just do not like religions 'In the name of {insert a godly name here}' Is no excuse to go to war, but then again, greed too is no reason to either but as humans, it is in our nature to take what is not ours to better our own immediate environment. Be it money, power or something else. We as humans are to blame for everything wrong with this world.
Haha, we all Riding for Peace, but Your Stuck in Traffic...Bwahahaha :D Yeah, the 'Attainment pf Peace'. Like children in a Play-Pen, 'I want what you have, just coz you have it'... Human nature at its finest. On the religion side....Until the Greed/Want is Gone from Us, how can we Not Want what others have? Some great POV you had, I reckon MORE people should Stop for a day and Really have a Think about 'Themself' and their part in a 'Bigger Picture'. Thanks for Riding with Me & the World. RS MotoMaff &Cheers from Oz (Aus) >:)
Can't wait :-)
+MotoMaffoo Was on my mind too.You wait till Next Year...BIGGER Than Ben Hur!!See you there then. >:)
+MrFalloffalot Thanks man, It was an absolute pleasure riding with you and can't wait to do it again. There was just something special about this particular ride that was different to normal ride arounds. I think because I knew that people all over the globe were doing EXACTLY the same thing I was doing at EXACTLY the same time. I think this was an amazing idea!
We are but animals mate. It will be difficult to achieve that is for sure. But we can only keep hoping. I actually don't think Buddhists claim that Buddhism is a religion. I think they see it as more of a philosophy. I must be part Buddhist because my Sync The Planet video was very similar to the Buddhist saying that you posted up. Thanks for joining us this year mate. Peace!
+MrAusAdventure I thoroughly enjoyed it, Thanks for telling me about it (in your video) A great idea and well done by all who took part.
Religions one of the many reasons there's so much conflict which is kinda hypocritical. RSM8
+wyvernbiker Yep I can't agree more, one of the main reasons I hate religion. Like i said to 02bigkev, until everyone has the same ideologies and beliefs (which will never happen), there will never be peace.
some wise words there. RSM8
+MotoMaffoo so true. 
+02bigkev I would like to think I am a bit of a realist. Fundamentally we are all just slightly more evolved animals and are hard wired to protect what is ours and what we believe in. unfortunately the idea of world peace is a good one but realistically it will never work until everyone has the same ideology and beliefs.
Where would we be without roadworks, where nobody is working on the road? Further up it lol Ta-ra abit ; P
+sharky09000 Those phantom road workers spring up everywhere. that set of road works over the motorway bridge has been like it for weeks and not once have I seen people working on it. and going past there at roughly noon you would think there would be workers.at some point in all my videos I always reach out to my brummy roots. Ta ra a bit! haha
Great video!! Thank you for sharing and riding with us bro!! :)
Awesome, glad you had fun. :)
+docmanrides1 It was an amazing opportunity and I for one can not wait for the next one. I got a lot of videos to go and watch now lol I eagerly await some from certain motovloggers who I know has taken part. I can't wait to hear everyones thoughts and opinions on this. Alas I have to go to work but will defo be checking back later on when I get home.
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