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Paris tn social security Videos

Paris Social Security Disability Lawyer & Attorney - Tennessee

David Baker on Ron Paul, Social Security, and the future of Government

User Comments

Good interview. Ron Paul is a guiding light.
thanks for watching


$32 Million Dollar Test?!!! 2 Missiles Launched For Our "Safety" & "Security"

Listen/watch full show here: Episode #1098 - BREAKING: Another Missile Launched Over California! https://youtu.be/BM6Ce_PUwz8 The U.S. Navy said it ...

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why do they do this?!
because they're itching to blow stuff up, but clearly dont understand the devastation of thermonuclear missiles, one of those puppies will send a continent into a full nuclear fallout/holocaust

Social Engineering in Cyber Security: Description and case studies

Social engineering attacks are important. Social engineering is one of the ways that hackers are using to enter IT infrastructures. It is good to be aware of them ...

We Must End the Welfare State

Blog: //GalneGunnarsBlogg.wordpress.com/ Twitter: //twitter.com/GGTweetz Dailymotion: //www.dailymotion.com/GalneGunnarTV We must end the ...

User Comments

You can thank feminism for all of this shot....... Either we rectify this problem immediately or we kiss our assets goodbye...... Apathy is not an option it is a death sentence
Thank socialism*
Time to cull the boomers.
No, cull the religious freaks that ban abortion and condoms.
Medicare costs can be reduced by half by educating the older on how to use the health care system, having top notch providers, that educate patients before they are subjected to so many unnecessary procedures, knee placements, heart bypass surgery (which for the most part are useless), back surgeries and so on. We must immediately reduce the price we pay for hospital-based procedures. The medical model of "trust your doctor" has not worked, specially if the doctor is an invasive one. We must have penalties for doctors that recommend or provide useless care.
Um hold on a second.  Let's back up a bit.  There are several factors involved.  First of all, the life expectancy has dramatically increased.  Humans, by and large, were not expected to live as long as they do now.  Modern medicine has helped to create that.  So you have people living longer BUT not necessarily with a great quality of life.  And now they have to be treated.  You have to understand: no matter how healthy someone is, there comes a  time when you are actually out living your body parts.  And that takes money to treat.  Lots of money.  Then there are the lawyers.  Ooohhh yes the lawyers.  Who encourage people to sue doctors when shit doesn't go right.  Then there are so called "ethics" and religion dictating that letting someone die is playing god when they can be treated.  Soooooo now we have people living longer, still with other ailments of the older person who now has depression on top of all that because they are not allowed to die.  I see this, all of this on a daily basis.  I am a healthcare professional.  Yes, I believe everyone has a responsibility to themselves to take care of themselves and that the medical professionals have a responsibility to educate, but bottom line is this: 1.) some ailments and diseases simply cannot be controlled or avoided, and 2.) we need to face the fact that we will not live forever.  In my practice, number 2 is the most difficult for people.
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