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Red Hot Chili Peppers - Green Fest Inđija, Serbia 2007-06-26 Full Pro#1

Red Hot Chili Peppers - Green Fest Inđija, Serbia 2007-06-26 Full Pro#1 Setlist: Intro Jam Can't Stop Dani California Scar Tissue Charlie Readymade Throw ...

User Comments

Esse Anthony só errado a letra kkkkkkkkkkkkkk
Mais se ele não erra já não tem mais graça kkkkkkkkk mais aí ele não errou nao! falou a língua local kkkkkkkkkk
00:00 Intro Jam 05:37 Can't Stop 10:20 Dani California 15:32 Scar Tissue 20:02 Charlie 25:56 Readymade 30:38 S.O.S. (ABBA) 32:56 Higher Ground(Stevie Wonder) 36:35 She's Only 18 40:03 Right On Time/intro London Calling. 42:55 Californication 46:23 short jam John/Flea 46:36 wtf Anthony ? 49:24 By the Way 54:36 Give It Away Re - posted because need to much scrolling
+Filip Dmitrovic ty)
pretty short concert for a such a big band
+mfh015 Pepper John was sick, that`s is reason why the concert is short. It was planned to sign 1:45,but they cut it because of John
bands have 2 types of concerts, the short and the full, it depends of what the organisers pay. . It is not the band decision,.
ужасан концерт, ужасна организација.
+Вода са Марса Veze ti nemas...
Za sve koji nisu bili na koncertu mogu da kažem da ne znaju šta su propustili, a za vas koji kukate i pljujete po pepersima da ćutite i shvatite da ste bili na festivalu a ne koncertu jedne grupe, zajebao vas je organizator koji je festival u medijima predstavio kao koncert. Što se tiče njihovog odnosa sa publikom, takav je kakav je. Bolje da se ne obraćaju publici nego da mašu zastavama zemalja u kojima nastupaju pozdravljaju gradove i države čije ime ne znaju da izgovore i pričaju otrcane fore i fazone. Do mogu da vratim vreme znajući za kišu, dnevnih 40c, večernjih 15c, išao bih iznova i iznova na taj koncert. Bio sam u barama do kolena i opet bih jer je sve to zajedno imalo baš neviđen trip! Od 100 000 gledalaca dobrih 80% je došlo da pozira i kaže da su bili na pepersima! Jedini promašaj je sam organizator koji je u mestu sa 25 000 stanovnika napravio događaj sa 100 000 posetilaca pa je bio haos u samoj Inđiji ali to je bila neka teška muljačina jbga.
+Filip Dmitrovic hvala za ispravku ;)
+Marko Vezmar Moze mala ispravka. Treba: For all those who weren`t at the concert. Napisao si were at the concert,sto znaci bili,a gore si na srpskom napisao za sve one koji nisu bili.
+Teun Music ProductionsFor all those who were at the concert, I can say they do not know what they missed, and for you who were whining and spitting on Peppers remain silent and realize that you were at the festival not a concert of a group, the organizer of the festival in the media presented as a concert and screwed you up. As far as their relationship with the audience, that's how it is. Better not to talkt with audience but to wave with flags of countries where they performed, greet cities and states whose name they do not know that excuses and talking platitudes jokes and toilet humor.Do I go back in time knowing it would raining on daily 40c and 15c at evening, I would go again and again to this concert. I was in the ponds to the knee and again I would because it all together had not unprecedented trip!Of the 100 000 spectators over 80% came to pose and says that they were at Red Hot Chili Peppers concert!The only failure is the organizer, which is in the city with 25 000 inhabitants made a event with 100 000 visitors and was chaos in the Indjija (village in Serbia) but it was a difficult scum.Sorry for my bad grammar ;)
English please...
alguien mas se dio cuenta que en este concierto los 4 estan enojados entre ellos mismos ??
+renzo chero verdad q si? ni se voltean a ver. hasta el chad se ve serio
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