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Subaru club puerto rico Videos

STP - Subaru GT de Enrique Fonseca 9.97 en Puerto Rico

fonseca 9.97 panama subaru gt puerto rico.

yoel subaru asiendo donitas en meca puerto rico

esto fue en las eleciones del 2008.

Primer Rally El Potrillo Puerto Rico Mustang Club

Primer Rally El Potrillo Puerto Rico Mustang Club.

User Comments

Al ver este video me trajo gratos recuerdos , cual yo participé como oficial de los 'check point' maxime Otaegui me envió puesto bastante lejano metido en el Yunque . Yo participé en el cuarto de milla categoria 4 cilindros con un Ford Tempo blanco del año 1986 cual gané la tercera posicion , me acuerdo que Otaegui ganó la primera posicion y no recuerdo ganó la segunda posicion . Quince dias despues tuve un accidente con el Tempo que al volcarme de lado la bateria hizo contacto con el bonete y quemó la cableria de auto. Gracias por poner este video y Dios los Bendiga.

Puerto Rico Forte Club

Yesterday The Puerto Rico Forte Club had their annual run through the island over 45 fortes were in the street, very fun day.


2015 IRONMAN 70.3 Puerto Rico

The 2015 IRONMAN 70.3 Puerto Rico is underway. Join us, as we take a look at one of the most challenging and beautiful race courses in the IRONMAN circuit.

User Comments

13:14 of the video, We embraced American Culture and have a Rich Spanish European Culture? We were forced and Conquered and later colonized which is slavery by the Europeans. Rich Porticans (Translation of so called Puerto Ricans) come from the Black Family Tree. Therefor they are Black! The first people on the Island were the Native Indians (Taino) who were Brown people, then came the European Spaniards who brought with them the Negro Slaves which are the DOMINANT Gene for the Spanish are the RECESSIVE Gene. The Black n Brown Genes will and will always be Dominant over White with the exception of a birth law called Grafting which would take 600 years which will NEVER happen. Lets get it right as the world of White Supremacy is over!
Yowza bossman
That is over take it or let alone!
You but we're the masters and you're the serfs
No can do, we have plenty of money.  Sadly in 2013-2014 we spent $1.3 billion in Tobacco. 1.5 billion on Alcohol and was the leading consumers in Sneakers, clothes, ect,  This year the majority of us will not spend any $ money for good Friday nor Christmas and we will see White Folks crawling to there goodness and practically beg for forgiveness and admit their faults for white supremacy is OVER!  
Whatever you say since you own the planet how about a loan dude?
Man get a hobby
Whites makeup 69% of the US population an all time low. 
Kep dreaming boy
The time is here White Supremacy is OVER!  
Not in this country whooukidding the od wasp establhment controls the moneyand big coportions hence the miltarty and police. While you are correct onbirth ate most in poverty in jail or not educated and no money. If there aaa race war you'd either be killed or permanentyincarcerated . Can't happen look t jews in geman and they were smarteducated peple. How wold you deal with drones and military weapons getreal.Look at mid east Israelis out numbered 1000 to 1 but have thr brainsand weapons and kik ass. Is not Te numbers it's h intlligence and militarypowe sorry
+Larry Jackson Wrong we own the Planet, White Folks are the Minority on this planet, you're dying off.  In the US the White Man is in  a down low 69% of the US population and in Europe the Death Rate exceeds the Birth rate.  Something is wrong,
Don't like Africa will take you back

La Bestia Azul of Puerto Rico

STI_MAN Subaru STI is back in action. Uploaded by: www.boricua-racing.com.

Subaru RS 9sec [at] Salinas, PR

ALL BOOST! 9.78 [at] 141 & 9.77 [at] 140. Titon & Tommy Performance.
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