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Dog walks on hind legs: trained poodle in China looks like schoolgirl

Four legs good, two legs better? This strange video of a poodle dressed like a schoolgirl and walking on its hind legs has emerged from Sichuan Province in ...

User Comments

Atheist/evolutionism logic: SEE WE EVOLVED FROM DOGS THEY WALK UPRIGHT!!!!!
+JesusforLife2 You clearly don't know anything about evolution...
Normally Chinese have dogs for dinner literally.
To be honest I think this is animal abuse. It's not natural for a dog to constantly walk on it's hind legs, not to mention having to wear that stupid costume.
that poop pup is probably exhausted walking around like that on his hind legs
Humans have enough back problems as it is.  That dog will be in serious pain soon enough.
+Rumsby Music LOL
Using this video alone as evidence, doesn't prove or disprove there was abuse. Sadly, this took place in China, so we can almost assume there was some abuse. China has NO animal abuse laws. NONE!! A young woman posted a video on their version of FB. It showed her mutilating, torturing, decapitating… the list goes on, the details too grossly horrific to write. All this abuse done to a young kitten. The reason she did it? She was "upset at her father for cheating on her mother & this was her way of getting back at him",she said. So what happened to her? You'd think…no you'd pray…that she was arrested & put in jail for a very long time, right? Wrong! NOTHING was done by police. No charges filed, because no laws were broken! But her story doesn't end there. There's A LOT of animal lovers in China! People obtained her information from the very account where she posted the disgusting video! She had to call police daily to help her because crowds of people began to gather outside her apartment building & her work, yelling insults & calling her an animal muderer! Many people were arrested & jailed! China you need to protect not only your people, but your animals as well!!
+Debbie Smith The only animal abuse I can think of is how aggressively or fiercely they were trained to do that, like through intimidation. But I mean, wearing the costume or standing on two feet isn't abuse. I don't think the dog cares.
+Debbie Smith, are you serious??? Can you show me, which part in that video, did the man abuse his dog? If you can, point it out. If not, STOP THE NEGATIVE COMMENTS, PLEASE!
Are you stupid? This is not animal abuse, it's a trick. People can train their dogs how to walk on two their feet (paw). I have a dog and she can walk on her two feet, but only for a few seconds since she has weak legs.
They showed this on the morning news the other day. I thought it was cute.
The horrible truth is that this is not a dog but a very real, very ugly, human child.
Animals in China are doing what they have to do to avoid getting eaten. 
+L EdwardDog meat just taste like beef to me...BUT!!!the meat is... so tender :333333
Your right they try not to get eating
I was just thinking the same thing
+vengefulbeauty "once you get only one bite to dog meat, you will never forget that taste which is so delicious", a friend told me that .
that's exactly what I was going to say.. poor poodle is trying hard to act human so that Ching wont eat her
You would eat it too if you were hungry.
Lol either that or he his dog is like a child to him, literally.
Haha the struggles

Super tiny teacup poodle 943 - Pocket poodle Super tiny teacup poodle Teacup poodle Toy poodle

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Youlong teacup poodle teddy bear

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Macau Super Tiny Teacup Poodle #141 Potty Train Home Video Mini Teetassenpudel

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