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Bell canada bond yields Videos

Don’t Fear the Fed Rate Hike or Junk Bonds Says Wells Fargo Strategist

The process of raising the Federal Funds rate will be so gradual that investors should not expect a serious spike in bond yields, said James Kochan, chief fixed ...

Gold Shines Again As U.S. Dollar Slumps

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thanks, Nick

US Market BUBBLE POPS: DOW JONES Plunge 353 pts 6.20.13 / 560 in 2 days; World PANIC

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God help us through this...I only liked to share on reccomended, these are dark days for the USA, but the Light of the World shall soon remove His children!! help me to be ready Lord!!
I was Just Saying that today and I could just Visualize this bubble over the U.S .And a needle coming down from the sky
America and the godless nations will reap what they have sown. ONLY THE REMNANT IN CHRIST JESUS will be spared.
June 20 it droped 580 points I wonder if it is done?
that's not good. I'll b praying.

World Stocks Threaten Global Stability.

World Update June 23.2013. The Bank for International Settlements (BIS) has warned spiking bond yields across the world threaten trillions of dollars in losses ...

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Even on indoor apt. bldg mailboxes? I live in a friendly town of about 10,000 that increases in pop. during the summer due to tourism. I watch the skies here. I swear I don't see any chemtrails. I'm intuitive & I feel safe in this area & in my old main street stone/concrete apt. bldg. It's so difficult for me to picture Martial Law coming here. But I'm fairly well prepped just in case. I just wish I had a pellet gun in case the food situation gets desperate. Hopefully I have time left to buy one
lol...yeah and it's silly shit like reducing views, sending trolls to your channel to flag/thumb down vids, cutting off subscription buttons, removing mass (like 50 or more) subs at a time, deleting comments...I've seen it all. It's a little easier to at least retain rights to your channel if you have an older channel like I do--the ones who predated google's takeover since google is obligated to honor youtube's original terms of agreement although they have messed several times with my channel.
People who wish to completely erase others information/opinions in order to control them are nothing but little children who are too lacking in intellect to argue their opinions against a critical thinker. They realize they do not have credibility without propaganda and they have no control without force. They live in fear that this realization will be made. Power is created through illusory attention whore manipulation by immature nicely dressed children who like to think they actually matter.
William, Pink put out a video a few hours before she shut her channel down. She sounded depressed . I think all the "bad news" finally got to her. She stated that it was time for her to move on to other endeavors along with her moving from the coast. She had other things she needed to focus on. She gave us all her love and warned us she was closing her channel later in the day. I for one am going to miss her reports.
YT shut down 2 of my channels. I made a 2nd one but they shut me down over Israel videos,, calling it hate speech. How can someone filming actual facts "truth" and posting it be called hate speech? Its just a witness to the fact. How can that be hate? So now i just forward videos and yt cant do a damn thing about it. Im subbed to over 900 of the best truther uploaders on yt from all over the world. lol
Thank you for the report. I was listening to an interview with James Wesley Rawles about a potential collapse. On Survivalblog site, there's a link on the left named "List of Lists" that contains items that will be of value if a collapse was to occur. I'm still researching other items of value. I bought a survival kit and books too. Non-GMO herbs and veg seeds will be of value too.~peace
By the way people, there is food everywhere. It's not about how much you store...it's like the old cliche about feeding a man a fish or teach him to fish. It might not be what you PREFER to eat, but there's literally food all around us. Don't get killed over a ready made loaf of bread when nature and a little intuitive creativity will help you provide for yourself.
oh i understood...yt has been being well "you know" on a lot of channels. i was answering in case you were a newbie thinking they was missing something. i have noticed more of the channels doing the no audio just messages in the vids. i think that is so the auto-scanners dont flag them as often. but i might be real wrong on that.
The Bank for International Settlements (BIS) has warned spiking bond yields across the world threaten trillions of dollars in losses for investors and a fresh crisis for banks unless they are braced for the shock. Swiss-based BIS said losses on US treasuries will reach $1trn if average yields rise by 300 basis points
When do you think it will all come crashing down? It doesn't look good. Time to stock up on food, water, medicine, batteries. Thanks for all you do, Mr.C I have enjoyed your videos and your friendship, for a Long Time. Surely We will meet in our Lords Kingdom and Rejoice Forever, Together! Peace and Love, brother Nick
Sounds like you have done about all you can do and thats about all you can do ,,, Didn't mean to scare anyone just wanted you to be aware if you see the dots ,, you can goooogle it and see what people thinks it means ,, I say have fun and enjoy while we still can .
Pistol also..get a good can of oil..a few extra seals for them. Air power will do anything you need done around the home for basics..wise thinking..stock up on 177 or 22 while it is still cheap..those are the real meat providers.. ;o)
There's a great channel on here you might like if you haven't seen it called "EatTheWeeds." The guy on there has some great information and ideas for doing things just like that.
China Shares Tank Over 5% on Liquidity Fears,, HSI 19813.98 -449.33 -2.22% NIKKEI 13062.78 -167.35 -1.26% STI 3074.31 -50.14 -1.60%
Warps and Hornet Spray Cans 6 . Car , Bed , Both Doors . Sprays 22 feet Blind crowd FAST . OH Need Treatment at Doctors for it Quick .
large shipping vessel carrying arms for Syrian Rebels splits in 2 as it made way from China to North Europe. 4500 container lost!
:) Just letting the uploader know. You know how YT has been messing with people thats been uploading videos about truth...
Look at this news from Presstv. I think they are trying to tell us whats to come. presstv. com /us detail/310769. html
BP..do you know what happened to Pink? her channel is down now..could you check also? God bless...
I can't believe we're still afloat. QE - the destruction of the dollar really is a slow process.
I like yard salad that's what ive been practicing I love lambs quater
Monday Morning Update 8am....Stock futures down -111 points...
well I always said it. this planet is going straight to hell.
Did I just see the word GO flash up during that presentation
who cares, if we grow our own food, and have no bank loans.
Hello Nick, It will be a good day when we meet. God Bless
Check for dots on your mail box they are marking people
Monday Morning 10am ET.... Stocks ARE down 232 point
There is no sound to this video,,, just saying :)
Your smart..Get a good pellet gun..with scope.

Midnight Trader Financial Sector Report: Feb 12, 2010 JPM WFC BAC C GS

Dow Jones U.S. Financials Index: 257.97 Thursday regular session close Top Financial Stocks JPM: -0.49% WFC: -0.44% BAC: -0.55% C: -0.93% GS: -0.80% ...

Gary Gentile on the Bell Island Wrecks

Expert wreck diver, Gary Gentile, on the Bell Island Wrecks. www.oceanquestcharters.com.

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I'm G. J. Gentile... LOOK AT ME!

US STOCK Market BUBBLE POPS: DOW JONES down 353 pts 6.20.13 / 560 in 2 dys PANIC

//www.harvestarmy.org - - SUBSCRIBE FOR PREDICTIONS THAT MAY AFFECT YOU - - [predicting being fulfilled] Officials have announced that the ...

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FOR ANYONE WHO IS INTERESTED IN BEING A PRAYER WARRIOR: i am staring a 24 hour prayer chain for those who are lost and any reuqests of course. Each warrior will be required to pray with the Lord Jesus for 1 hour a day and call off to the next in line. Time slots will go fast. First come first serve. If interested please send me a personal message. God bless and Jesus please save all who read this message in Jesus name Amen.
well it lasted for two days the stock market will rally again :( the real bubble is long away talking about a 2,000 plus point drop thats a real bubble POP.better luck next time the feds and world banks can crash and rally this stock market anytime it wants.
Do the math, the economy can not sustain it self at his level.
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