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Arcadia university emergency Videos

Everyday Superheroes- Episode One

User Comments

now jamie u no u my cuzin but this show is so not funny that he laughter that i had was at how the show wuz not funny dont get me wrong i checked out the website and everything the wbsite is hot but the show is just not one bit funny to me ecept for the one skit about inside the atm machine now that was funny i see your omments nd alot of people like it just not me ps. dont delete this negative comment untill my cuz jamie reads it and finds out wut i think thynks
Dom, We actually got a tripod right after we finished shooting episode one, but thanks for the advice anyway =] P.S. for some of the scenes (like Man vs College) we wanted to get the feel that it was actually Jamie's personal cameraman running around with him, hence the unsteadiness at some points haha.
BAHAHAHAHA "Thanks Google Life!" Jacob, you guys are too funny. The workout bit was a little out-of-focus, but outside of that it was genius. Can't wait to see the next episode! ~Jackie
way to start guys !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! fan numero 1 of esuperheroescomedy
Very funny, but invest in a tripod, or at least a cheap steadicam.
Arcadia University. And thank you, we think you're sexy too =]
Good shit Jaime... beat out LTC with this man
yay snuff that much cocane n urll be died
That was totally great guys.
pretty funny not gonna lie.
"good workout" hahahahahaha
Google Life.....BRILLIANT
This is awesome haha
FIR.... Damn it!!!!


Dance Team at Homecoming Weekend 2015. Emergency by Icona Pop. Choreographed by Lauren Campson '16.

Choreography: Lauren Kirchmyer Dancers: Buffalo Bandettes 2016.

Lady Gaga Dance - Mr. Beaver 2011

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