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Arcadia university electrical engineering Videos

2016 GREEN4SEA Forum - Konstantinos Kanellakis

Konstantinos Kanellakis, Marine & Shore Connection Business Development, Schneider Electric gave a presentation entitled ''Smart panels and energy audits: ...

2016 GREEN4SEA Forum - Katie Weaver

Katie Weaver, Technical Sales Manager, Ecochlor gave a presentation entitled ''Towards USCG Type Approval'' during the 2016 GREEN4SEA Conference ...

2016 GREEN4SEA Forum - Sotiris Raptis

Sotiris Raptis, Policy Officer, Transport & Environment gave a presentation regarding ''EU & IMO post-MRV developments'' during the 2016 GREEN4SEA ...

2016 GREEN4SEA Forum - Stamatis Fradelos

Stamatis Fradelos, Principal Engineer, ABS gave a presentation on ''EU MRV Future Challenges'' during the 2016 GREEN4SEA Conference & Awards.

2016 GREEN4SEA Forum - Andrea Carli

Andrea Carli, Sales and Marketing Manager, Air life SRL gave a presentation on ''Using Selective Catalytic Reduction to comply with NOX Tier III'' during the ...

2016 GREEN4SEA Forum - Serafeim Katsikas

Serafeim Katsikas, CTO, LAROS gave a presentation regarding ''The key role of Information Intelligence towards Greener Vessels Operation'' during the 2016 ...

2016 GREEN4SEA Forum - Apostolos Belokas

Apostolos Belokas, Founder & Managing Editor, GREEN4SEA gave a presentation providing an ''Overview of Environmental Challenges'' during the 2016 ...
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