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Layer cake screencaps Videos

Sailor Moon Screencap Redraw

I decided to do a screencap redraw (I love the trend) and record it. I experimented with some stuff too, so all in all it took me somewhere between 7 and 10 hours.

User Comments

This was fun to watch. It'd be great if there was a link to see the finished product somewhere
Thanks so much! I'll go add a link in the description!!
woow is so so so pretty!!!, and sorry for my bad english
+Me dicen Nata Thank you so much!!!!

"What The Fondant"

Gigi is upset to find an employee turning down cake orders because a store is understaffed. #WhatTheFondant ---------------- Gigi's Cupcakes Facebook: ...

James Bond 007 Fan Film: The Shadow of Revenge Production Photos Preview

Due to YouTube Copyright notifications The Shadow of Revenge has been taken down for the time being. When the film is back up on the internet I will post a ...

User Comments

Wow, I hadn't even noticed. Thanks for pointing that out. "James Bond Is Back: Summer 2009!" LOL, well at the rate we were filming at that time it seemed likely that August 2009 was going to be the release date. But not too long after the first teaser trailer we began having delays. 0:06-0:15, 0:41-0:45, show a scene which was later re-filmed because we had to get a new actor to play Felix Leiter. But the scene with Bryan Mooney(Mark Tyler from TPOL) as Felix will be shown in the deleted scenes.
Well, actually used the same room we used for M's office and Mark Tyler's office again but Chris had painted his room and it looked quite different so the door is really the only way to tell it's the same room. We also used the same house (that Bond meets Peter Grant for the first time) again but it's shot from different angles. The basement you guys use is awesome at least so it's not that bad that you keep using it.
I'm already impressed! I love the slide show and can't wait to see the final film. I especially like the woods scenes in the fall, but the whole thing looks like it is going to be great!
Awesome. you got a shoot of me in my Halo3 shirt. Just wait untill you guys see the gunbarrel I'm working on for this film, It actually looks like the barrel of a gun.
Yeah, we knew for this film we could not get away with using the same location over and over again so we have definately expanded our locations for this film.
Nice photos. I really am looking forward to this film dude! :) It will be amazing. Love the music too. TLD had some of the best compostions from John Barry.
very nice suit on 0:10. I´m looking forward to the movie, how much of it have you done?
Thanks. I used a lot of music from TLD in the movie so you should like that.
I like the pictures; I can't wait to see them in motion in the final film!
Don't know yet. But I will get my friend to finish the visual effects.
Hehe, the opposite from us. "The basement is a greatest invention"
We are about 40% through filming currently.
Welcome, and awesome!!
nice :)

Enduring Love Trailer (Enduring Love.)

User Comments

i'm reading this for year 9 work, the movie looks better than the book


User Comments

I love how this turned out and I think you are doing a marvelous job creating videos!!!! Gosh!! I need to get my butt moving and improve too!! Love the voice over too super A+!!!
+Juicy Ink Psh girl, you are my video inspiration <333 Thank you so much ^u^
I love making art as a hobby but I find it so hard to stay positive and not overcritisizing myself. I guess that's a thing I really like about you: you always try to find a positive thing to say about your work (especially in your sketchbook shares) :) Stay awesome and talented! You inspire us :D
+Geneviève B.L. (Animal-Courtois) Thank you kindly! You all inspire me to be positive because I only want the same for you <333 must practice what I preach! :)
Your art is amazing and I love watching your videos but could you film them from a straight direction? Not from side because at some parts while you're drawing it's a bit uncomfortable to watch, it'd be awesome if you could work on that if it's possible ☺ but anyway thanks for all effort you put in making them
+gweakles I'm aware that it's hard I'm just saying if it's possible to try :)
+Timea Rychvalská Hey there! I appreciate the critique. I've been filming from the side because that's the best way I can show you details without the camera hitting me. I'll definitely try to find a way to film from straight up!
I love your videos because you're not afraid to say how you feel, I admire that :) btw cute cute!
+AngelaVanArt So thrilled you think so, thank you!! ♥
Have you ever posted the other year's unicorns? I'd love to see them!
+Poette Russell I don't think so, but that definitely would be something to try. Thank you!
Do you ever do any super realistic art pieces of animals? I'm an artist myself and iv'e never been able to change around my style to be more realisitic!
+Emma Ford Not really, I prefer illustrative ;D

hotstreak tribute

This is a Static Shock music video, about of my favorite static shock character: HOTSTREAK! The song is Take me as i am by Tonic. Please comment! Copyright ...

User Comments

on the show, i cant remeber what ep. but theres a song it comes on 4 a few minutes, what i remeber is (fight fight im not afriad of u!) n its when hot streak is at skool time is 0:07 itz that ep. anyone know what that song is called and wat band?
youtube is mutin videos is because they dont want to get sued because of people makin videos with certain songs, even with all credit going the the artist who made the song, which i personaly think is retarted. oh and nice video.
ya i dont know why youtubes doing it but its making it harder to put videos on i even give credit to the artists and all the other type of people but they still mute them im starting to want to find a diffent site then youtube.
hey awsomeness u got the sound by on now! i loved this hotstreak vid but when they took the song i was so sad but now its back sssoooo YAY!!!! i love hotstreak
because this villian totally rules. it's not wrong so long as he's a fictional character.
hey if you find one can you tell me cause i want to see it please
Hotstreak is awesome. But youtube took out the sound :(
why are you making a tribute of a villain?
he showed up in a Green Lantern comic once


Sienna Millers fight against tabloids

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Is WMG owned by Rupert Murdoch?

Special Unit 2 (TV-series 2001-2002) - leather compilation

Alexondra Lee in leather outfits.

User Comments

M'kay, COME ON PEOPLE, NO body here commented on the "reservations" segment?? "SEE, IT'S RIGHT HERE!" (As she slams his melon). Sexy and funny...My crotch would've burst into flames except that the "liquid explosion" put it out.
damn alexondra lee is such a sexy girl she looked so sexy in that sexy skin tight leather outfit at the 3:02 mark hubba hubba sexy girl sexiest girl i ever seen i so want to fuck her
damn alexontra lee is such a sexy girl she looked so sexy in that skin tight leather outfit the 3:02 mark hubba hubba sexy girl sexiest girl i ever seen i so wanna fuck her
8:09 What is this brand jackets ?
is this a movie or tv show
8:00 where buy this jacket ?
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