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Haulin' Comic Books (9/16/12)

User Comments

You're right about superman. I was talking to someone about how batman has continuity. Hs stories are set we know what to expect in a book. Superman writers have been jumping all over the place. Batman used to be a detective that killed people, then he was in outer space dealing with aliens, but now we have him with his villains :)
Nice books. Used to have the Riddler cover. Like the Brave and the Bolds. I happen to be a Wonder Woman collector but always refrained from picking up Brave and Bold 78 because I always thought it was a lousy WW cover. But now that I know its the 1st Copperhead app. I might have to look for it this time. Thanks.
Great Batman books Poet..I think I have the 292 and 315 in my collection and the 2 B&B books have been on my want list for years, dont know why I havent picked them up yet..lol You just gave me another reason to go comic hunting ( as if i needed one ) Enjoying your vids my friend..
Superman is a douche! Haha. I wish i had a comic shop near by like yours. That have 59 cent bins. My comic shop just drains my money. Maybe its because i love comics and dont know how not to buy the entire store but yeah haha
nice books I like those brave and the bold titles ,good haul , I have an all batman haul on my channel too,check it out ... sorry about the shameless plug ,but hey .... NICE BOOKS
realy dig your vids man i was wondering if you knew a few sellers on ebay that you use that are reliable cuz ive never used ebay b4 if you can recommend realy appreciate it
Hey, poet skinny. Luv your vids. I just started collecting comics and just wondering if you'd like to check out my vids.
great books! the riddler cover with the tattered bat cowl was awesome, also thanks for the amazing shout out!
good stuff.. I have a few worlds finest books.. You are right.. they are cheaper than regular batman books.
Poor Superman, always in Batman's shadow. Not that I mind, Superman bores me to tears.
the Batman covers are nice, buddy...cool Brave and the Bold, and W.F... :)
Shakey videos are in! I know....Batman #292, too sweet!
Very nice pick up's ! I love some of those covers.
where do you find these comics other than online?
Nice Batman haul! I really like the Riddler cover.
Great haul you got their...like always! cool vid
Cool update Batman old comics are the best
Batman Black and White is good stuff!
Andrew Osburn is the freakin man!!

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User Comments

awesome!!!!!!! the spokesman sounds like the one from NFS Pro Street
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