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Auburn university oceanography Videos

USF-Oil Spill Research Part 1 UNIVERSITY BEAT on WUSF-TV/DT 7/5/10

University Beat on WUSF-TV brings you the first in a series of reports where producer Mark Schreiner joins a team of oceanographers from USF's College of ...

SARDI Aquatic Sciences Open Day 'Healthy Waters Heathy Fish'

Photographic overview of the research undertaken at SARDI's Aquatic Sciences Division covering field and lab work for aquaculture, wild fisheries, inland ...

UW Insight: Ray Hilborn

Ray Hilborn, Professor in the School of Aquatic and Fishery Sciences at the University of Washington, shares his insight on the effects of the Exxon Valdez and ...

Limnology Sampling

How to use different equipment with the Limnology students of Auburn...War Eagle!

Aquatic Science - My Course, My career

Aquatic science offers a range of employment options in both the public and private sectors, in areas such as marine conservation, marine biology and ecology, ...

Hartwig Kremer Shares a Vision for Global Change Research

Dr. Hartwig Kremer shares his perspective on the ICSU Visioning Process, a global initiative to assess and restructure the global environmental change scientific ...

Design and Construction of Erosion Prevention and Sediment Control Onsite Research Lab

The design and construction of the erosion prevention and sediment control onsite research lab will be an essential part of the research being conducted on the ...

Using Shellfish Aquaculture for Nitrogen Remediation (4 presentations)

Nitrogen Uptake in Shellfish: Local Research Findings & Potential Applications Josh Reitsma, Cape Cod Cooperative Extension and Woods Hole Sea Grant ...

User Comments

Nitrogen Uptake in Shellfish: Local Research Findings & Potential Applications Josh Reitsma, Cape Cod Cooperative Extension and Woods Hole Sea Grant (Minute 1:00-19:00) Impact of Ocean Acidification on Shellfish Dr. Dan McCorkle, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution Water Quality Results from a Two-Acre Oyster Restoration Pilot Project, Wellfleet, MA Curt Felix, Town of Wellfleet Regulations & Permitting of Aquaculture Kathryn Ford, MA Department of Marine Fisheries
Did anybody from Marine Fisheries attend?
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