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Cincinnati airport ufo Videos

Revisiting 9 UFO's Downtown Cincinnati Daytime 1/28/12

In watching the footage many times and comparing the night video footage to this daytime footage (from the exact same vantage point), my girlfriend noticed that ...

UFO OVNI apercu a Cincinnati USA le 27 Mai 2013

UFO a Cincinnati

User Comments

not airplane try four skydivers wearing bright lights jumped out of the plane together, split into two pairs, and then descended individually. for the UC VS UCONN game UC always has skydivers every home game this game just so happened to be at night
i saw it from almost directly beneath it. either a secret experimental vehicle or a the real deal. i know it wasnt a conventional vehicle we often see. it was something different. this video is bad quality, there is better videos of it
Yeah skydivers dissapearing and then re appearing.Stopping in mid air dead still then moving around ,give us a break ya weirdo.
I just watched this from another youtube video post..at a different angle.. SOOoo.. it was filmed by more than one person..
thats not an airplane dork! It is stationary and triangular. Good capture!
nice catch indeed

UFO Flying Over My House In Maineville, *Cincinnati 2014

User Comments

Get ready for the anal Probing Tonight.!!! :D
Looks like the I.S.S. to me

UFO Cincinnati 9 20 07

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