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Buffalo bills gold collection Videos

Brad Smith Super collector/collection show off Mizzou/NY Jets/Buffalo Bills

Okay, I've been saying I was going to do this for months, my camera work is shaky, at best (pun intended), and I was working with glares from skylights.

User Comments

Brad is in San Diego right now...I am cutting his hair on Wednesday
that is an amazing collection !!!!

Patriots Football Train on Veteran's Day for Pats/Bills Game 11/11/12

On Veterans Day 2012, Matt (TNT314519) and I chased the Patriots Football Train. The train from Boston had 25 cars (12 double deckers = 2 cars in one) plus ...

User Comments

I couldn't tell you. To me, a train is a train.
Doesnt 1072 sound a bit like 1070?
Great vid!
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