i find solemn judgement to be a waste of time nowadays, they just have to
much to reuse the cards that they want anyways and most of the cards people
like are semi-limited, i found it to be a game killer that killed me, and i
give props to this deck, i dislike geargia and everybody acts like they're
the best thing in the world right now, and i have tried various builds of
this deck i just don't like it.
I really hate that this deck won. I don't like Karakuri's at all, they're
just too reliant on the otk, and that doesn't sit well with me. I would
have rather something like Agents, Glad Beasts or even Frogs to have won.
That said, congrats to the winner, winning a YCS isn't easy and I'd never
take that much away from anyone, but I don't see this deck winning anything
like this again.
The play styles between Machina Geargia and Karakuri Geargia are totally
different. Machina Geargia is muuuuuch more control based with you running
a lot of traps to stop your opponent from making plays. Karakuri Geargia is
more OTK based. It all depends on your own play style. Saying one is better
than the other is like saying apples are better than oranges.
tbh, I dont think so because Judgement is like a mini tking that negates,
and as for fiendish chain, if the monster is not destroyed, the card stays
on the field, so it eats a backr ow spot, but still decent choices,
personally I think its more Player pref.
I might try this but I've tried to play karakuri geargia before and it was
not very effective against the metta. But I guess I'll just keep having to
test because recently my machina geargia deck failed me for the most part
at my last regionals.
Lol slim, machina version is 10 times better then the karakuri one, no
useless tuners, more turn 1 plays, almost no dead hands because of so much
turn 1 plays and fortress>burei/bureido/scrap/stardust
T King wrecks many of the top decks. So he summons it, sits on it amassing
hand advantage while his opponents have to work around it. Then when its
gone he goes off with his own stuff.
what was his technique with the tking because despite its versitility, it
recks your own deck as well. also this build can potientially be
inconsistant so be careful netdeckers.
EVERYBODY GO TO MEGACAPITALG JK JK.........Slim do you think that 2
Fiendish Chain and 2 Veiler and not maining solemn judgment will be
standard for decks for the format
Has the guy with the Wind-Ups in this match (Chris W i think) made a deck
profile for his deck? or does anyone know where i can find a really good up
to date Mind-Up deck profile?
Yea...I wanted a phrase but the line behind me was long as hell, I was the
first one in line but the security guys were rushing me...It was suppose to
be only 2 items they would sign to save time, but once I got up there he
was kind enough to sign like 8 cards and my custom Toon playmat...I got 2
pictures with him and this short video...
it's a misplay...we're human...we make mistakes...not to mention playing
and watching a game are totally different experiences...nervousness can
creep in when you're playing and misplays happen. take a chill pill
no it was the other way around, he flips armor with its own effect and
burei flips him over again, they both play geargia so when he said that he
is gonna burei, it was kind of obvious what he was doing
That Chris kid is soooo fucking bad! He dickrides the fuck out of Jarel
too. He sacked Avarice, I can't believe a little dick riding lucksack won a
YCS, I was at the YCS, kid should go fucking die.
people make mistakes man, chill... youre saying the entire game of yugioh
takes no skill because one player made one misplay. plus it was just a non
competitive fun game. c'mon son
WTF..... fiendish chain on geargiarsenal?????, that's it i quite yugioh
just kidding but still skill is no longer needed in yugioh that's all i can
tell from watching this video
Did I miss something how come in game 2 when chris went burei he didnt flip
the armor back down before going burei then go strategist and flip armor
back up for another search?
so in game 2 the kid goes flips armor and synchs for burei, uses burei's
eff to flip the armor back down and the kid flips armor again? the fuck is
going on.....